Anybody from RAPIDIGM INC.,(formerly computerpeople/RPM) got RFE?

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My recruiter is that 2% Oracle DBA Manish Mehta. He is now Director
of Portland Office and talks as if he is a Harvard or Stanford

Just like all recruiters and management ppl of Rapidigm, Manish I\'m
sure even u must be reading this chat forum.

Do not forget one thing that you are successful due to us consultants
and it is basic ettiquites and manners to return a consultants call.

I wonder if you do the same thing to clients also.

Would like to know your views.
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Wanted to get yr reaction/ideas on the discussion. Minimum requirements for the lawsuit are people (20+), resources (money, time, effort etc.), good lawyers and courage. If anybody knows better way to resolve this, pls put it forward.

Regarding recruiters, they are all alike. As they say, \'kaisa raja bhoj bana hai tera gangu taily….\'
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Rapidigm Internal Memo on after GC

Rapidigm has sent an internal memo to all the recruiters (The so called \'Technical Managers\') about how to deal with consultants who are getting their I485 approved. If you think you are so smart that you can quit this AH company after your green card is approved, beware there is a set of instructions given to these \'TM\'s to threaten U that they can revoke your GC quoting some bullshit INS rules(Which states that U have to stay with the company for atleast an year). Seems there is no escape from this place in the near future.
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Yes, My I485 got approved 3 weeks back, I did get a verbal warnning from my recruiter.
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MSN Community: How about creating Rapidigm discussion forum on MSN community.

This will help for future victims (emp. consultants)
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Hello Rapidigm Guys

I am also, like one of you.

We have lot of problems with recruiters, immigration and etc. Now Jackie is saying she has opened a discussion forum. Let us put our grivences over there and get the attention of Wheeler and other big shots. If we are writing all the problems over here, the recruiters and other big shots may not know about this. Let\'s go to Rapidigm site and flood them with our problems.

And we will see any action. I know there won\'t be any action or remedy by Rapidigm. Anyway if we are writing over here nobody going to know. Atleast over there some good person (if any) may think of take action.

What do you guys say about this.
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Hey Rapindian,

Who\'s your recruiter? My guess is he must be Anshu(Purple people eater) ! He\'s quite infamous for this kind of .....

If they do that then they must be in real problem. May be not many new people are joining them so they want to such as much as they can from the people. If they do that they would also earn a bad name in eye of INS.
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Do I smell some sour grapes here? Did you want to be a recruiter and could not be one.

Why don\'t you go crying to your mommy about it?
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For what? so that a bunch of people can cry about their predicament?

Yeah right!! Do not waste any more space on this board. Take it somewhere else.
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Have you seen any improvement in RIS or other departments?
Jackie is still not returning phone-mails/emails? Has any body experienced otherwise?

Pls. Post your experiences here.
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Any questions, NO proper REPLY!!
As someone stated early in this forum, they are just ANSWERING Machines.

Looks like RIS is an another immigration.
For each stages - LABOR,140, 485 - you got to wait to clear from RIS and then US Immigration (US Immigration clears fast, but ....).
We want attorneys like RAJIV Khanna in RIS.