Anybody from RAPIDIGM INC.,(formerly computerpeople/RPM) got RFE?

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Ask Ravi/Paul do they know Ashok Gupta.
I am one of the RPM victim who got screwed up by these guys. I am sure there are bunch of other people like me.
I was been terminated with out any notice or even phone call when I was on bench for around 30 days. They did not pay my salary during my bench.
To make long story small, I came to about my termination only when I got a letter from Blue Cross/Blue Shield saying Insurance has been cancelled due to employment termination. I try to reach all these big guys(ravi,paul,jeff) they acted as if they do not know anything and never returned back with any answers. I left RPM later.

Be careful.
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I am surprised!!!
I am RAPIDIGM employeee, and working with them more than 3 years. I am surprised from your message. We never heard such \'TERMINATION\' in RPM/ComputerPEOPLE/RapdiIGM so far. They might have done it for Y2K people, and that also they would have atleast tried to place them in other area. I know many consultants are paid even 4 months or more bench salary.
BTW, whats your skill-set?
But, I know that there are problems like Recruiters don\'t return calls,RIS poor service, etc.,; If they improve those services, really they are the professional company!!
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I am not surprised with this message. I know people who have been terminated when RPM was young as well paid for couple of months. Lates style of RAPIDIGM is asking consultant to take vacation.
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You didn\'t tell us why you have been terminated. I am not surprised that Rapidigm has terminated you, but I am feeling that something wrong with you too. Brief us what had happened actually.
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What is rapidigm\'s policy for those who are working in the SanFrancisco, Alameda, SanMateo, and Oakland counties.

Do you feel the compensation given to us is fair enough to meet the cost of living of these places.

Why Rapidigm is not opening an office in the heart of SFO.

What you are giving ($4800 before tax per annum) for us is peanut.

You don\'t know the sufferings of those who are living with the family in the Bay area.

Apartment rents are going up on an montly basis, please revise your policies.

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I think they should compensate you with COLA.
In General, RapidIGM pay is not bad, but depending on the skill and experience.

Did u say $4800 per annum? If its $48000, its very bad.
Some recruiters may be Greedy !!!
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Did you ever live in Bay Area. I hope you are living in El DoradoHills, CA. What he/she is trying to say is ~$5000 per annum as COLA is going to be ~$400 p/m before tax and ~$250 p/m after tax. We are gving one of our bi-weekly paycheck just for the apartment rent.
And we need to be compensated appropirately (20% more than the national average).

If you don\'t understand the issue, just keep quiet, don\'t mislead others.
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Yes I agree with everyone here. Bay area people atleast 20-30% more than any other area.

They don\'t have any consistent policy on this. Some people (including myself ) not paid any COLA
The rent increase are really hurting our pockets. They should definitely increase the COLA and should give to everyone who is affected.
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I must congatulate the person who started this thread. It ais an eye-opener to all. If a big co like Rapidigm indulges in this sort of things, imagine the small cos.

How about discussion on Recruiters??
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My first question about recruiters is what kind of HR experience they are having in dealing with the consultants.

They are violating the basic human rights of the consultants. They are treating us like prostitutes.

Asking us to go to the client place without taking our consideration, just because they are getting money.

They have to run the office from the heart of SFO and I would like to see wether they are asking 20% hike or not in their salary.

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I too was not surprised about this. Becoz Rapidigm plays tricks when a consultant is on bench for a while some times it does even on the project when the recruiter feels he is not getting enough money becomes more greedy. They play all kinds of drams if they don\'t think you can gain good money for they. That\'s their Business and Food. Mr. Ashok Gupta It would be great if you can explain the situation of yours when you have been terminated. Anyway one way you are lucky. Got an opportunity to work elsewhere.
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I agree with all of you with all these problems. But, this thread was started based on immigration problems, now it looks like it is totally turning over to a different track.

I feel all of us should put the problems we are facing with RIS and Jackie and let them resolve it or atleast improve their service then we can deal with other problems.

I agree with their inconsistent policies and not getting reply from recruiter ...........
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Yes - You are right! We want to address problems related to RIS.
I do not think our Recruiters will have time to see here.

Jackie! I have no idea so far, where my I-140 is filed, whether its Vermont/Nebraska/California? In the Employee service page - ongoing case, along with the date information, you should list where the case is filed and RIR/EB2/EB3 category details.
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hello all,

I have some friends in \'Rapidigm\' in similar or worse situation. They are planning to take some direct action. One of the option discussed is \'class action lawsuit\' - what do u guys think?
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Hi Jackie

You are thinking that you are working hard. There is nothing wrong in that because every body believes that what they are doing is right. But you need to listen to what people are saying. When many voices are expressing their frustration on a public place like this, not listening to that is indeed wrong. Why do you make policies like I 140 tracking no. will not be given, I 140 copy will not be given. You may be right that it is related to Rapidigm. But at the same time you must understand that is related to employee too. By imposing such rules you are making the employees to send e-mail frequently to you to know the status of I 140, which will increase your workload.

You are proud of what you are doing. You mentioned that almost all the cases were approved. But have you ever thought of preparing any statistics like average processing duration that you are taking which is really making the employees unhappy. I am sure your objective is not making employees unhappy. So you need to change. I am sorry to tell you this.

Looking forward to see that day.

Another Victim