Anybody from RAPIDIGM INC.,(formerly computerpeople/RPM) got RFE?

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Your wife may not get RFE . Why I am saying this was my wife was
also pregnant when she had her medical exam. But I and my wife had
our approvals last week without any RFE for my wife.
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I work in CA. What about you?. The problem I am having with Rapidigm Immig. is, it is difficult get hold of Jacki.. and so far I have not recd. one correct answer from her. Deepta, I don\'t know from what forest they brought her.

Things have become worst after Jack... took over imm. process. Earlier it was better.
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Jmp, My attorney at Transnational haven\'t received the 2 rfe notices requested from INS. Since the first one never reached they requested the second. first 6/22 2nd 7/11.
I don\'t know what\'s happening. They seem very sincere but something is wrong.
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I forgot to mention about my dtls. PD Oct 97, RD Sept 99, ND Sept 99 ,FP notice was sent July Ist and by the time I receive it was July 21. I gave my FP today. What is your details.
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not a bad idea. but what if they terminate all of us and bring fresh H1B people for 40K from India. These AH can do any thing.
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Mine (from Rapidigm) is also processing from Transnational.
485: RD and ND June 99; FP - 4/2000. No RFE so far.
I called (last week) and talked to Tasmeen, attorney and she
told me that she hasn\'t recvd any info from INS.

Share your views.

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Hi My details are...
pd 02/96
nd 03/03/99
fp 02/00
Nothing heard so far...
Called IIO ...said simply it is pending...should be done before OCT 1st/00, as if it is very very short time...
Unlike other fellows, I haven\'t received even any kind of RFE...
Please post if anyone on the same boat....
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Why don\'t we all conference to Paul Fr... and let him know about our problems.
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Rapidigm Immigration Services Dept. is getting worse by the day.
My Labor Cert. was delayed by about 1 month, I140 by 2 1/2 months
and 485 by 1 1/2 month. So, as if the delays at VSC are not enough,
RIS itself delayed the processing by 5 months so far.

It is not possible to get one straight answer from these people.
Jacki.. M.. is difficult to get hold of as always. Most of the
paralegals are nowhere to be found. (I think most of them have
quit). I have had a different paralegal for each stage because
the previous one quit! Even when you get Jacki.. M.. on the phone,
all she does is scare you or give evasive answers.

Talking to Deepta is like listening to a recorded message. She
either gives you standard answers like "people who have applied
before you have still not received it" OR "you are not the only
one waiting". Like that is supposed to make you feel better!
To any direct questions her answer will be "I wish I could tell
you but I dont have that information"!
Believe me guys, Deepta is just an expensive answering machine!

With the current state of affairs, it will be a miracle if I
get my GC. We badly need an decent attorney in RIS.
The rate at which things are deteriorating in RIS, nothing would
surprise me. What next? cut-off dates within Rapidigm?!!???!
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Hi friends
I am also a Rapidigm troubled consultant, i will agree with
VSCvictim, these guys delay all the processes and they also show it as if they are doing a favour by filing for the GC. Its easier to reach Clinton than Jackie. Even if she is in the office she will never come on the phone and the paralegals i have no idea what they mean or what they do. They took 2 months to file my 485 after getting all the papers and that too i had to call them up everyday. Every stage they delayed cause according to them they had a backlog.
In fact before filing for my 485 they scared me to death by saying that my I140 has been lost and Nagel and Goldstein is responsible for that and i will have to contact them , well i guess they must have found my I140 hidden in some drawer later.
Anyways the point is that lot of us are in the same boat so why don\'t all of us jointly do something about it. Any suggestions or comments ?
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Actually, they do not have any uniform policy on immigration
matters. They have a different policy for each person!
I know several cases where they sent a copy of the
I140 receipt/approval to the consultant. But they refused
to give me the same citing company policy,etc. I fought
with them but was not successful in making any progress.
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U are right they have policies based on an individual. Regarding I140 copy i read somewhere on this forum that according to law your lawyer is supposed to send u a copy of all the approvals which he gets from INS, i don\'t know how much of this is true, i also got my I140 copy because of Nagel and Goldstein. Well it seems Rapidigm was not troubling its consultants too much so it opened Rapidigm immigration services.
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I agree with these givemegc and other persone. Rapidigm was not troubling before. All these started once Jackie moved from Nagel & Goldstein to Rapidigm.
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I think he will take a call if we have handful of consultants. But I think it is not a easy task to get everyone and arrange for conference we need to come with something to straighten this out.
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You don\'t I-140 approval notice. It is of no use. If they can give you the 485 receipt notice, that has lot of use like filing for EAD.

I got mine from Transnational and never found any use.
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Hi guys,

First of all congrats to one who dared to start this thread. RIS really not helping and most of the time she\'s misguiding you.
RIS is not only delaying ( DO THEY HAVE GO SLOW POLICY?? ) I\'m highly suspect they have one.

Has any body attemted to go through CP route? I have heard that they are not allowing , even if you\'re ready to pay for it. The reason they give is \'ITS COMPANY POLICY\'. Please post your experience on this.

I\'m going thru N&G. ND-Sap\'99 FP-Jul2000. Hope & pray for smooth exp.

Hey guys , how about starting some chat forum on this and other topic about RAPIDIGM. They are su... us in all the area.
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Do not be under any wrong impression that you will succeed in contacting anyone in Rapidigm. Everyone is big shot who sits in Rapidigm office and consultants who really work are big shit.

Recruiters are not available on phone to talk to consultants because they anticipate problems.

Jacki is VIP so no question of talking to consultants. Every one is busy other than consultants. Consultants have only work to follow-up with RIS and recruiters everyday for getting even a single thing done.

You will never know if you are in Eb2/Eb3. because you will never get to see I-140 approval notice. You may even do not know when it was approved and is received by RIS. Friends we are royally screwed from all the sides. Do not keep high hopes of getting GC through Rapidigm.
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Can you pls share more details about your RFE for the name change! What\'s exactly INS requested for this? What RAPIDGM/Attorney ( Whoever your with ) is doing about that.

Thanks in advance for your reply.