Any wild guess please


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My receipt number is WAC - 02 - 126 - XXXX. I have applied for my AP and EAD renewal. Receipt date is Feb 25 2002 and Notice date is March 04 2002!

My questions is can any of the senior gurus here guess how long it will take for me to get my 485 approval. I know it is a dumb question but still please do take a wild guess and let me know.
VERY VERY hard to predict. This is because the processing speed keeps changing. But to allay your qualms, given the lowest processing speed in the last 1 year, --- Never. Given the highest processing speed in the last 1 year --- 2007.

But I doubt the processing speed will continue being this slow forever. I am hoping for better.
I'm WAC 02-129 and hoping for anytime between May to July. This is based on assumtion that recently alot of 485's approved at the same time of EAD expires.......Also at the moment they are approx. 15 months behind.....but this is only a wild guess....
you're an optimist beverly.....hope you're right

actually at a MINIMUM they are 16 months behind in the processing but there are waiters from July through to November so the sliding scale as it were of how far behind are 16-20 months.

So you could say add 16-20 months to your date.....I wouldn't expect you'd get it before July and would adjust your expectations accordingly, that way you won't be disappointed, if you somehow do get it earlier.....then it's a pleasant surprise.
Thanks a ton for your prompt responses. I too felt that July - Aug would be the time. I pray god for earlier approvals for all of you , others here in this forum and of course me too!
Thanks a ton for your prompt responses. I too felt that July - Aug would be the time. I pray god for earlier approvals for all of you , others here in this forum and of course me too!
I am always the most pessimistic. With the current approval speed as you have seen from last Aug to this Mar. You will not get approval unitl the end of this year.

Unless the situation changes and approval speed goes up, you may get it before Sep.

You know, there are a lot of cases before you and those cases will get RFE which will cause further delay.

Stay put until end of this year is the best guess I can have.