Any transit visa requirement (via Europe) while comming back after IV Interview??


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Correct me if I am wrong!!!!
So far we need transit visa if we travel via France, but for couple of other European countries do not need transit visa if we have multiple entry visa.
Multiple entry visa(H1B) will be cancelled and we will carry a single entry packet. Guys ! Any idea about requirement of transit visa in the return trip (via Europe) ???
go_on..thats a very good question.

I too had the same question..
When we look at the I-94, i remember reading that US CITIZENS,GREEN CARD HOLDERS and people carrying Immigrant Visas do not need to fill up I-94.
So does that mean that airports in European countries would treat us as Green Card Holders, when we are returning with Immigrant Visas.????

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As long as you carry the immigrant visa paper, you are a perm resident of US, hence you will be treated as Green card holder
How it will satisfy European authorities that the packet is a GREEN CARD?

I think it is valid as single entry visa?
I would differ in my understanding...this is why

One is NOT a permanent resident just by having the visa packet. That is just a visa, instead of non-immigrant, it\'s an immigrant visa. You attain permanent residency on your DOE. The reason I am saying this is because the date printed next to "Permanent Resident since" on the card is the DOE and not your IV date (or interview date). Also, if you do not enter US within 6 months of your IV issuance, you lose the entry permit and essentially the permanent residency.

This is irrelevant as far as European countries are concerned. They do not go by US I-94 requirement - who cares?. All GC holders need travel visas for most European countries. The transit visa requirement is brand new and having IV will not let one escape the requirement. If one is in US and knows of the requirement apriori, one must take visas for both the stops (flying to India and return trip) from embassy in the US. if one is already in india before the announcement of this requirement, contact embassy in India and get transit visa as necessary.

Guys, I am playing devil\'s advocate but it definitely needs attention. You don\'t want to spoil a successful CP trip being stuck some place.
Take 2 entries transit visa

My interview is scheduled on 29th May, 02. I will be flying by Delta Airlines. On last Monday I obtained 2 entries transit visa from French Consulate. This will be valid for going and coming back to US. Please note that transit visa is issued for a month only. If you want to stay back in in India for more than one month, you may have to take the return transit visa from India
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I just spoke to the French Consulate in Boston and the lady told me that if you are an Indian Citizen and traveling as of next week no transit visas are required.
bluegrass..can u be more specific..u mean after next week the rules are changing

I understand that PARIS is the odd man out..
How about Frankfurt..

Shanks1975 - I checked German website and Frankfurt should not be a problem.

We don\'t need transit visa for Germany but once again for return journey, I am not sure....
Thanks there a phone number..can we call them up and ask them about the process..

Can you please find that out..I dont think it should be an issue..

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that is what the lady told me that if you are indian citizen and traveling via Paris anytime after May 6 - you do not need transit VISA
Here is info posted on French Consulate\'s website

You do not need an airport transit visa unless you are holder of a passport or a refugee travel document issued by one of the following countries:
Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Bengladesh, Rep.of Congo, Erythrée, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Haïti, India (*), Irak, Iran, Liberia, Libya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, and Palestinians holders of a travel document for refugee which has been issued by Egypt, Lebanon or Syria.
However, no airport transit visa is required if the citizens of the above-mentioned countries have a "refugee travel document", an "alien residency card", or a "permit to reenter" (Form I-327 rev: 06-13-96) issued by the USA, or a permanent visa in either of the countries of the European Union, or a residence permit in Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Monaco, Andorra, the Holy See, San Marino, Canada or Japan. This document should authorize you to re-enter the mentioned country without conditions.
(*) For citizens of India, the airport transit visa is not required, if they are holders of a valid visa issued by a country of the European Union and EEE (Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway Portugal, Spain, The United-Kingdom, and Sweden), Canada, Switzerland and the USA.
Since the last line in Prasad\'s posting says, valid visa for USA, and that is

what you don\'t have when returning put things outof place.

Nevertheless, IMO, Unless be it UK or France there is a need to go from one terminal to another, the question of transit visa doesn\'t arise.
Simply because there is no need to go through Immigration in same terminal.

This can be verified in your travel itinerary whether your arrival into the airport and departing flights are in same terminal or in different terminals.

Do you agree ?

Its good news and it means rule is now similar for Euro countries.

What is the numbers for French or German embassey?
Sucessful Cpers...need help..

Whats the packet (visa) we get from consulate officially called as ..

Is it called as Immigrant visa or is there a name associated with it..
It would be better if we use the exact name while calling the French and German consulates and ask them if any transit permit is required in that case..
Sucessful CPERS please let us know as to what the packet is called as..

Finally $$$ are talking!

If France is giving away that Transit visa rule, I would expect other schengen countries to follow the suit. I am sure lot of people would have given up travel on Air France / Lufthansa for the hassle of obtaining the Transit visa.. The Houston French Consulate wanted me to appear in person for the transit visa! What a crap waste of time and money!
what kind of GC (permanent residency) visa do you get?

Do you get actual VISA stamp on the passport, like in case of H1/B1 etc Or you just get that sealed package that you carry to US?