Any Sept approvals??Please post here.

Not at all ! it's deadly quiet.

By the way, I found a way to 'pretend' a deaf ear -- watch your favorite DVD, listen to your favorite music when you are troubled by this nightmare.
Whats happening??

Whats happening?? Usually VSC do parallel processing for two to three months.
Now they are stuck with aug cases for long??
That too have slowed down for the last two weeks.
Are they busy training new officers or tranferring
cases to Balttimore?
Would an email campaign help?

Would an email campaign help? I know, it helped
140 stopage to resume....
It will help. But

It seems to me that this group of people are not interested in this. I personally initiated email compaign during I140 stopgae. There were a lot of responses after my initilization. But I did not see such a sentiment in this group of I485 guys. Maybe we all get old and 'too mature' during this open-end waiting...

endless waiting makes my otherwise good life sucks.

damn INS forever.
Re: It will help. But

I don't personally think thats the reason for a lot of people not to have taken up on your suggestion. I think the following may help you see why your "campaign" failed as it did:
1. Typically, 485 wait period is longer than that for 140
2. When 140 processing was stopped, it was stopped across the board. What we are seeing now is merely a backlog and not a complete stoppage.
3. Until March/April of this year, we were seeing constant improvement in the pace at which VSC processed 485 cases. It would improved at that rate had the mass of cases filed in July and August not occured.
4. IBIS and national security is another factor.

I guess people are seeing all (or at least some) of these points and deciding that e-mail campaign, senator influence etc will not do much to make VSC increase the speed at which they process these cases. It is quite another story if a case is delayed by more than the time incidated by the AVM, in which case, quite a few options become available automatically.

Originally posted by ric2
It seems to me that this group of people are not interested in this. I personally initiated email compaign during I140 stopgae. There were a lot of responses after my initilization. But I did not see such a sentiment in this group of I485 guys. Maybe we all get old and 'too mature' during this open-end waiting...

endless waiting makes my otherwise good life sucks.

damn INS forever.
please speak out.

People who can not bear this deadly silence please speak out.

Let's count the heads who want to participate. If there is reasonable amount of participants, I will draft a sample letter and we flood those f**** officers.

Remeber, we either die from the silence or break a way out from it. For me, it is TRULY beyond my limit of tolerance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a fucking, deadly, endless, hopeless, shameful, begging waiting!!
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Re: please speak out.

Originally posted by ric2
People who can not bear this deadly silence please speak out.

Let's count the heads who want to participate. If there is reasonable amount of participants, I will draft a sample letter and we flood those f**** officers.

Remeber, we either die from the silence or break a way out from it. For me, it is TRULY beyond my limit of tolerance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a fucking, deadly, endless, hopeless, shameful, begging waiting!!

ric2, maybe it's better to open a new thread for the campain

to count how many ppl are insterest
Count me in too! I am waiting for my green card in order to visit my home town. This long process makes me losing my patience.
Ric2 count me in, too.

Count me in, too. It would be better if you could draft the letter meanwhile. That will help attract more people and also, people can contribute to the letter while they are signing in.

Good job buddy!
touched my nerve

Originally posted by GreenCardMA
Count me in too! I am waiting for my green card in order to visit my home town. This long process makes me losing my patience.

You touched my nerve, buddy. I think this is my innermost shame in my 30 years life so far. I am deperately waiting for this fucking gc to visit my old parents for the first time in SIX years! I originally plan to go home at this August. Damn God, I have to delay it to Christmas time! Hope i do not get a RFE. Otherwise, I would not get the card by December 2002.

what a shame, man! I can not believe someone like me has such a patience for America. Anyway, we can not lose this battle becasue we have already paid too much effort for this journey.

good luck to all suffers.