received following this morning from murthy's newsletter.
not sure what kind of inquiry can be....
5. InfoPass Expands to New York
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has expanded the InfoPass system to the New York District Office. It will be available as of July 23, 2004. InfoPass is a system that allows online appointment scheduling with an immigration information officer in select cities. It avoids the need to wait in seemingly endless lines to make routine inquiries about pending cases or general procedures.
InfoPass started in Miami, FL and then moved to Los Angeles, CA and Dallas, TX, as discussed in our March 26, 2004 MURTHYBULLETIN article, "InfoPass Electronic Scheduling Opens in Los Angeles" <>, available on MurthyDotCom. The program is scheduled for nationwide availability by early September 2004. It is currently offered in 12 languages, including English, Arabic, Chinese, French, and Spanish. More languages will be added as the program is extended to other jurisdictions.
The ability to schedule an appointment to speak with an immigration information officer has obvious, enormous advantages over tedious waits in long lines, both for reasons of convenience and security. We look forward to the expansion of this InfoPass system nationwide over the next couple of months.