Any Nov 2003 filers still waiting for I140 apprival


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Is there any Nov 2003 filers still waiting for I140 approvals? I filed both I140 and I485 concurrently in Nov 2003, my LUD for I140 never changed after the RD information. Seeing more and more 2004 approvals and less or even no words from 2003 filers, I feel like being left alone and become more and more upset.

Anxiously waiting.
I140 - ND Nov 17, 2003
I485 - ND Nov 17, 2003
I140 - AD ???
I485 - AD ???
Hang in there buddy !!

I am a Sep 2003 filer...and there is a few more !!..Does that make you feel any better ? :)
Pity 2003 applicants,

It is so sad to see you all (could be more in number) suffering silently, while we see approvals of RDs mid-2004 and beyond. I wonder what happened to the AILA report for NSC as on Apr.15th where the dates for 140 were shown to have moved to Nov.1st, 2003. NSC seems to have dumped that to avoid a wave of yours calls and queries. It is so pathetic and something beyond our control, that for now I sincerely sympathise and wish that your 140s are approved at the earliest.

Till then I pray for giving you enough strength to withstand this stress & agony.

EB3, India
RD : Apr.04
140 ??
DIGS said:
Pity 2003 applicants,

It is so sad to see you all (could be more in number) suffering silently, while we see approvals of RDs mid-2004 and beyond. I wonder what happened to the AILA report for NSC as on Apr.15th where the dates for 140 were shown to have moved to Nov.1st, 2003. NSC seems to have dumped that to avoid a wave of yours calls and queries. It is so pathetic and something beyond our control, that for now I sincerely sympathise and wish that your 140s are approved at the earliest.

Till then I pray for giving you enough strength to withstand this stress & agony.

EB3, India
RD : Apr.04
140 ??

I think most of our cases went to same officer, it seems his target is one approval per year.
Thanks, guys for responding

Thanks, guys for responding. I'm not feeling so alone now. Wish all you guys the best. Hope everybody of us get I140 approved in the next weeks.

PD Feb 2002 MI
I140 - ND Nov 17, 2003
I485 - ND Nov 17, 2003
I140 - AD ???
I485 - AD ???
I sent email to my lawyer. She said she will see what she can find out.
I140 - ND Nov 17, 2003
I485 - ND Nov 17, 2003
I140 - AD ???
I485 - AD ???
gc_nov_2003 said:
I sent email to my lawyer. She said she will see what she can find out.
I140 - ND Nov 17, 2003
I485 - ND Nov 17, 2003
I140 - AD ???
I485 - AD ???
Try one more thing. Call your local senator and ask for the help
Feedback from my lawyer

tjshah said:
Try one more thing. Call your local senator and ask for the help

Thanks for you advice. I will try.

I have got feedback from my lawyer. Below is what she said in her email:

I just called the CIS to inquire as to the status of your I-140 case. Evidently the CIS is working on November 1, 2003 and hasn't gotten to yours yet. If over 30 days has passed since the CIS has reached your file's priority date, we can conduct an inquiry, but not before then.

I hope she mentioned my lin number and hope this triggers something.
I140 - ND Nov 17, 2003
I485 - ND Nov 17, 2003
I140 - AD ???
I485 - AD ???
gc_nov_2003 said:
Thanks for you advice. I will try.

I have got feedback from my lawyer. Below is what she said in her email:

I just called the CIS to inquire as to the status of your I-140 case. Evidently the CIS is working on November 1, 2003 and hasn't gotten to yours yet. If over 30 days has passed since the CIS has reached your file's priority date, we can conduct an inquiry, but not before then.

I hope she mentioned my lin number and hope this triggers something.
I140 - ND Nov 17, 2003
I485 - ND Nov 17, 2003
I140 - AD ???
I485 - AD ???

That is interesting ---- as myself as well as quite a few others are waiting from Sept. Those guys seem to have a list of replies tailored for all probable questions.

I hope that you have some positive reponse soon, gc_nov_2003. Hopefully, NSC will keep updating the processing dates, and you dont have to go thru our situation. All the best!
Writing to senator

Sept03NIW said:
That is interesting ---- as myself as well as quite a few others are waiting from Sept. Those guys seem to have a list of replies tailored for all probable questions.

I hope that you have some positive reponse soon, gc_nov_2003. Hopefully, NSC will keep updating the processing dates, and you dont have to go thru our situation. All the best!

Thanks for you good hope. I just wrote a letter and faxed to our local senator. I don't know what I can get, at least I'm trying. If I don't get any feedback, I will fax to other offices.

Let us cross our fingers and see what happens.
gc_nov_2003 said:
Thanks for you good hope. I just wrote a letter and faxed to our local senator. I don't know what I can get, at least I'm trying. If I don't get any feedback, I will fax to other offices.

Let us cross our fingers and see what happens.
hi gc_nov_2003
lets really keep fingers crossed. For me same thing happened, my lawyer sent an official letter to NSC and then my employer called and then LUD changed and it said that standard stuff what you heard via your lawyer. For me next weekend it will be 60 days!!!!
Local senator will be definitely helpful. I had sent an emamil to her. Got a call immediately same day from her office. And the lady said that my employer have initiated an inquiry and I should hear something by March end. As nothing happened I called senator office again in April and she said she will do something. But nothing much.
Atleast one good thing is that they responded very nicely. So try with senator only. Its best route. If required have your employer / HRD talk with senator office.
I'm with Tjshah and others. Employer,Lawyer these people do the same what we do and may be the laywer will be doinga little bit more. I tired the same but no result an dthen I approached my Local Senator. With in one week talking to them, My I-140 got approved. I donot know its coincedence or they did some thing, but My I-140 got approved. I was in the same boat with Tjshahs,sep03niw,Bmt and others. Luckly I got changed to some other room inthe same boat. But Remember I'm in the same boat with you guys.

Good Luck my dear friend.

NSC Sucks.............