any interview calls from New York Local Office?


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Case details: transferred to New York local office Feb. 23
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It seems I am the only one on this board that are in the same boat with you. I was transfered last Sept. and now getting impatient about being left in the limbo. I certainly will be happy to share any info with you. But I have no idea how longer I still have to wait after freaking 6 monthes. The only thing I heard is that the interview itself is usually no big deal.

Is it possible for you to go physically to the office and talk to somebody there? The INS web site have address info. Maybe just half day\'s wait there but maybe you can learn something. It is a little difficult for me because I have relocated to the west coast.
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I guess it is not very useful to physically go to the office, may be they even don\'t want to talk to you. Same as you, I am now in San Francisco too.

Lots of transferred cases to Buffalo, NY and Newark, NJ got the interview notices within two months. I haven\'t seen any other NYC case except you.

I will keep post and see if we can find any other similar cases.
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My case was transferred to NYC in September 2000. I\'ve got an interview notice for September 5, 2001.
Hope this will help you....
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bqs, What is RD/ND. The processing time for NYC INS is listed as 540 days.
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After following some other threads on this board (click on the names for past posts), I found a few other cases at NYC. Bqs is the only one who had an appointment. His case is a little complicated though, 245i stuff... Mine is just NIW. I wonder why I haven\'t received anything since I was transfered about the same time with bqs (9/00). I hate it if I have to wait till my FP expire and I have to travel across the continents just to get that.
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MikeRosario, Please post detail about your case. RD/ND/EB Category. What was the RFE about?
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eb3, 245i,Company in other : RD07/99..rfe..11/ transferred Dec10,00 to NYC.Been a long.....wait.
rfe asked for emp letter and g325 and medical.
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I asked the local congressman for help with my case. I was told that the INS must answer to the a member
of the congress\' inquiry within 90 days. In its answer to the congressman, which was in January 2001, INS
stated that it was making appointments in September 2001. A few days later I received a letter from INS
saying that my interview will be in September 2001.
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FYI, I received a letter today saying my application is approved! Totally strange. Transfered to NYC last Sept and I was anxious about an interview appointment. What a waste of time.
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Good luck for all - there is still hope.

"You and your family\'s application for status as a permanent resident has
been approved."

"Please come to this office on MARCh 30, 2001 at 2:30PM for I-89
processing and/or passport stamping."

"Bring this notice along with your valid passport and Form I-94. Ask for
any 245 District Adjudications Officer."
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congratulations, dl101.

Is this letter from NYC local office? I can\'t believe that this is true. Have you ever contacted them?

Share your stamping experience with us, please.

There is a hope here, at least NYC local office is not dead.

Again, congratulations!