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Any DV 2005 waiting for AOS interview?

nub - but my security check has still been pending since December of 2004.

Nub, my security check had been pending from November 2004 to June 2005, when I contacted congressman's office. They iniciated a new security check that was finished in two weeks. Just a suggestion...
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hi freinds , i have some question regarding the interview plz answer .
1/ what is the meaning of AOS interview ?
2/what the average time needed to complete the medical exam ?
3/what is the FBI chick , is it done to every body ?
4/ can the applicants change there interview time if he have exams in university for examble ?
and plz gime me the forum name of interview experince i search and not found .
thanks ,,,
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AOS = Adjustment of Status,
Medical Exam = takes usually about a week, primarily to finish the blood test and the reports. Doctors who do it usually examine you in about an hour.
FBI chick = female who works in the Federal Bureau of Investigation
FBI check = all adjustment of status applications must undergo a Security Check, one facet of which is the FBI background check to see if you have a criminal or terrorist activity or associations.
To change the interview time, I think you would be able to call and check or visit the USCIS office in person to request it so.
Guys I have good news. No I didnt save a bunch of money by switching to GEICO. I got a call from the Senators Office that I had contacted (Jon Corzine), and the Director of Immigration informed me that my case has been APPROVED!!! She said I should get the card within a couple of weeks and if it doesn't, I should contact her again!!

Now couple of clarifications, as far as being able to expedite the security clearance, their office clearly told me that they were not able to do that and that the only option was to wait the process out. I was getting very anxious today because of that response. So the only thing that might have happened is that the security check finally cleared on its own, or that someone at USCIS sat up and took notice because of the senator's office's inquiry.

Guys if anything this should be hope to every single one of us, that the system does work and the last stretch might bring us all good news.
Nub, congratulations! I hope that all of us will have good news soon. Cross your fingers for rest of us. Good luck!
thanks nub4056 ,
and am sorry of mistak , weak langugue , i am out side usa and my visa interview will be riyadh saudi arabia , about the FBI chick (sorry check :) ) how long time it talk most propable .
Thanks Margarina. We all have hope. I can say that because I am from Bahrain (Middle East), I would have thought there was no hope in my security check coming through on time. My senators inquiry might have made a difference or none at all, but the fact is that my fingerprints were taken on December 2004, and the approval for Permanent Resident Status came through on August 2, 2005, which means, basically my security check took a total of 7 months. I pray that everyone gets their visas in time.

Aboalemr: We are mainly talking about Adjustment of Status (for people who are already residing in the U.S. on other temporary visa status). You should direct your questions to CP threads (Consular Processing), because I have no idea how long CP takes and what the general format of the interview is.
Back again.

I was exhausted by this whole thing and had nothing to report but my miserable state of mind, so I did not write. Now it looks like things started moving, it's high time isn't it? You might remember that I switched from CP to AOS. In retrospect, this was not a smart move, because it made my case nonstandard and special cases are not something most authorities are good at handling. I hope future applicants learn from my case. Since I switched between the two procedures, the embassy was supposed to send our file to the local immigration office. IRS claims they sent a request, the embassy claims never having received it. After some calls the embassy sent our documents to the local IRS. I tracked the package and saw that it arrived at the correct address. Still, we waited and nothing happened. So I asked an officer at the international office at the university to call the director of IRS and ask what is going on. It turned out that IRS thought they did not receive the documents they need just photocopies of them and scanned photos. Why did this not ring a bell right away? I called the embassy, they got really upset because I was "accusing them" of not sending what they were supposed to send. I really did not accuse them, just asked what they sent and reported that IRS does not act because they think they don't have the correct docs. After some pulling and pushing the the embassy and IRS agreed to communicate directly with each other. It turned out that IRS thought they got copies because of the scanned photos. Of course they got digital photos, since 1995 was the first year when only online registration was possible. So IRS just stopped acting in my case, because they thought they were sent copies of documents. But they did not notify either the embassy or me that hey guys do something. After we figured all these out we again waited for a week and nothing came. I scheduled an Infopass and was told that the responsible officer was on holiday. We waited for a while, my friend from the university called the IRS director again. The good news is that last week we received an invitation for an interview 24 August. In the invitation IRS only requests I94s and pasports and their translation. Do you think I should have a translation of my pasport? It has everything in English, but one page that tells about the pasport of being the property of my country and that I should report it if foreign authorities confiscate it. Has anybody been asked for the translation of his or her pasport at the interview? I checked at the Infopass whether IRS has everything they need to issue a visa. I was told yes, don't worry, be happy, but I will only believe when I see a stamp in my pass or a plastic card that is not even green anyway. Keep it up guys. Let me know what is going on with your cases. Nora
One more thing...

I should give credit to my friend at the university and all those chat partners that helped move my case. Have you ever thought about this process being a test, I mean that only the fittest (and luckiest) survive? I do think the process fits the description of an absurd Darwinian nightmare. Nora :D
Hey Nora,

You finally got the interview!!! This is great news, but I hope you get the approval shortly after the interview or at the time of the interview - I am already waiting more than 3 weeks...
I contacted a congressman last week and so far I haven't got a response from his office. My lawyer has also submitted an inquiry...
I will write if I hear something about my case.

Good luck with the interview - it will be just fine!
Please, share your interview experience.

Hi guys, you are not going to believe this but I got my AOS approved and my passport stamped! If we got our GT (after ten years and four unlucky tries) everybody will, I promise! We had an interview today (second one), the officer went through our papers, basically she compared our original documents with submitted copies, we promissed to "tell the truth and only truth", we did our index fingerprint (again) and she asked us to wait outside for our passports to be stamped. That's all. Nora, I have to tell you that I'm sure that you shoud be stuborn and use your muscles and muscles to get attention, without that you are only one of the cases in the drawer. Sushi, Nora please stay in touch, I check this thread at least twice a day, I will stil pray for you (hopefuly not too long). Good luck!

I am happy for you, and hopeful for Sushi and myself. You deserved this approval after so much anxiety and worrying. Cross your fingers for us. Nora
margarina said:
Hi guys, you are not going to believe this but I got my AOS approved and my passport stamped! If we got our GT (after ten years and four unlucky tries) everybody will, I promise! We had an interview today (second one), the officer went through our papers, basically she compared our original documents with submitted copies, we promissed to "tell the truth and only truth", we did our index fingerprint (again) and she asked us to wait outside for our passports to be stamped. That's all. Nora, I have to tell you that I'm sure that you shoud be stuborn and use your muscles and muscles to get attention, without that you are only one of the cases in the drawer. Sushi, Nora please stay in touch, I check this thread at least twice a day, I will stil pray for you (hopefuly not too long). Good luck!

Congrats on ur approval Margarina .. can u tell us what kind of questions they asked u (and ur spouse) during the interview ?
senator or congressman ?

gus, who should i contact: senator, congressman or both? please share your experience. thanks

Here is a summary of my case:

Filed in March 2005 (late, because I made an error first time - and had to re-file)
Fingerprints done on 5/18
Interview on 7/11 - they asked me for original high school diploma and original DV congrat letter
Submitted the original docoments (high school diploma and congrat letter) on 07/22
Inquired about my case on 08/12 - the person i talked to said i have to "wait it out" and my case is "sitting on officer's desk" because they are still working on various checks, including FBI name check
Sent an e-mail to FBI on 8/12 - no response yet.
Thanks guys, I really have hope for all of you, but waiting was killing me (actually lack of informations). Your cases were long time already in process so I'm sure you'll be fine soon! I'm waiting for good news from you!
DVWinner- the officer didn't ask questions. We promissed to tell "the truth and only truth and...." and she compared our original documents (birth certuficates, marriage certificate, passports, SS cards, IDs ..) from time to time she asked us to confirm our dates or places of birth, basically she went through all papers to make sure that all data is correct. Then she took our passports and asked us to wait in the lobby. After half an hour she came back with our stamped passports and told us that we are permanent residents from that moment and that we would recieve our plastic shortly in mail. The stamp is valid for one year and can be renew in case if we don't get plastic cards in mail. That's all.
Guys, don't loose hope, you will have good news soon. I keep my fingers crossed! Good luck!

I live in Indiana and I only contacted the Congressman's office. He has an assisstant who dealt with DV cases and immigration before. She replied to my email the same day and gave me her phone number with the instructions to call her and insist on talking to her even if she is in a meeting. She seemed to be very responsive. Fortunately, the problem was solved without further need for her help. If I were you I would contact both the congressman and the senator. I only contacted the congressman, because I had his contact info. It might be that your name check is slow. The congressman might be able to make CIS initiate a new check like in Margarina's case. What do you think? Do you have a lawyer? Nora
No, no lawyer.
I will likely submit requests to both ...
funny thing that my senator (new york) is Hillary Clinton.