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Any DV 2005 waiting for AOS interview?

Sushi, Maya,

The phrase "We are running out of time" sends my adrenalin level to the sky. :eek: . I just checked the web page of the Indianapolis office, where my case is being processed. They are processing cases with receipt date November 2, 2004. If the diversity lottery cases are not handled separately, I will certainly run out of time, but they are, right? I don't know about scheduling interviews on the 15th! It would be nice it it was true. The four months waiting time seems to be too long for me!! What does your lawyer say? I filed this late, because first I wanted to do consular processing. But I was not able to go home, maybe I should have. Then the AOS application was returned, because I sent one check for all the fees, but they wanted separate checks. Then the application was accepted on April 4th, not on April 8th as I mentioned earlier. The latter is the notice date.
I also heard that...

now the Chicago center schedules the interviews although still the local office does the interview.
majanikol said:
there is a girl who also has EU # and who filed 11 days before me and who got the interview date end of May scheduled for end of June. On the other hand, recently there was a case in which the person got her interview scheduled only 2 weeks after receiving the letter.

Hey Maya, thanks for letting us know - although it makes me think that my case is majorly stuck :confused:
Vermedve said:
The phrase "We are running out of time" sends my adrenalin level to the sky. :eek: . I just checked the web page of the Indianapolis office, where my case is being processed. They are processing cases with receipt date November 2, 2004. If the diversity lottery cases are not handled separately, I will certainly run out of time, but they are, right? I don't know about scheduling interviews on the 15th! It would be nice it it was true. The four months waiting time seems to be too long for me!! What does your lawyer say? I filed this late, because first I wanted to do consular processing. But I was not able to go home, maybe I should have. Then the AOS application was returned, because I sent one check for all the fees, but they wanted separate checks. Then the application was accepted on April 4th, not on April 8th as I mentioned earlier. The latter is the notice date.

Sorry, I didn't mean to freak you out but this is really what I feel...
Yes, I know that DV cases are handled separately but what makes me angry is the fact that my lawyer made an inquiry 2 weeks ago, I went personally to the local office a week ago- and so far - absolutely no result. Maybe I am being too impatient, but what else is left to do?
Dear Sushi,

Don't be sorry! You do not freak me out, CIS does. As I mentioned am happy I found you, I got useful info and emotional support! I am just jumpy when it comes to CIS. Keep in touch. Nora
Vermedve said:
I am just jumpy when it comes to CIS.

Oh well tell me something I don't know :) :) :)

I will definitely keep you guys updated and I'm also very glad that I met you and Maya so we can chat about AOS - this unsolved mistery of our time :confused: !!!

Bye now!
Dear Nora & Sushi,
as I previously told you I sent an e-mail to the lawyer who was dealing with my previous case asking him if he could do something to speed up my case at this stage, and here is what he said:Yes, Maja, we can. You probably need to get an atty. involved now to speed up the case and make sure it's finalized before October 1. Otherwise you will not get a visa. Please call my secy. and come to seeme with a cc of your winning notice and your adjustment application.
Can't give you an estimate of success or cost til I see everything.
I guess I'll wait for 3-4 more days, and then I'll go to see him. That might be my last chance!
Let me know what you think!
Hi Maya,

I think you should probably do it.
Most probably the lawyer will generate an inquiry for your case and depending on the answer he gets from CIS he will go from there.
What bothers me however, is the fact that sometimes lawyers are not given any attention by CIS especially if the case is already transferred to a busy local CIS office and the lawyer has to continue inquiring there. In cases like this (which seems to be my case) you need to contact a congressman, or some really important person who can actually be heard by CIS so that they act appropriately.
My advice to you is to go see an immigration officer from the local CIS before hiring the lawyer. It is very possible that you meet a nice officer who can actually tell you something like “you can expect an interview letter end of this month” or something like this – who knows – give it a try.

Hey there,
since I couldn't just sit and wait, I decided to go to the local CIS and just to see what they will tell me. I could have known that the answer to my question would be NOTHING! First, the officer seemed to hear for the first time in his life about the lottery, then he said I had to wait I don't know how many months, and finally after I begged him to consider the fact that lottery cases for 2005 have to be solved by September 30th he decided to ask someone who knows at least what the lottery is and that person just said that I will be notified before September 30th. Very useful information! Completely new to me! :mad:

I always try to be optimistic about CIS, but still need to have that first pleasant surprise. With lawers I am worried about the costs. I think if you can afford it definitely get a lawyer. However, I also think it is a good idea to contact your congressman first. This is what I will do if I don't get an invitation by the end of July and if the congressman achieve anything in one or two weeks I will also get a lawyer.
majanikol said:
Very useful information! Completely new to me! :mad:

Hi Maya,

Sorry to hear about your experience with the local office…
I am not really surprised because the lady I spoke to when I first went to visit the local office got confused 3 times when trying to locate my paperwork…I hope the lawyer can speed up the procedure for you, if not, write to a congressman.

Hey Nora,

You should also try the local office - you don't lose anything if you visit them. You might be lucky if the officer happens to be a sympathetic one - give it a try! There's nothing to lose at this point!

Hi Maya and Nora,

Given the slow movement/no movement of EU numbers for the past 3 months, I started thinking that KCC ran out of visas for EU region and this was the reason I called KCC yesterday - just to check if they still schedule interviews for EU. The lady I spoke to said they were still scheduling interviews for EU, so I guess this is good news for us - there are still immigrant visas available for EU!

Take care,
Hi everybody,
I'm new on this forum, but since I'm in the same wagon with all of you I'd like to share my experience. My husband is DV-2005 winer with number EU4xxx. We filed all documents on the beginning of October, had fingerprints done on the end of October and had an interview on the beginning of March. We haven't got green card yet because (of course) security check. Our lawer doesn't have a clue what is going on, she doesn't know what we should do next, so I contacted our congresman liason (senator's office redirected me to congresman office). That woman is very nice, she replied my mails imediately every time I asked her for help, she told me she contacted an FBI and USCIS but it was two months ago and nothing happened yet (my husband goes every other week on Info pass appointment). She also said that Both FBI and USCIS know it's time sensitive matter (but I'm not sure that anybody cares).So, I dont give up, I don't like to discourage you but I think that only lawsuit can help us. I live in Texas, and last year a women from Algeria got her green card on the end of September (her number was two-hundred-something) with help of a congresman. Searching through couple forums I've got an impression that people mostly strugle because of security check. What is so fascinating about that?
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We are all in the same boat and what a "lovely boat" this is, huh?!?!

Thank you for sharing your experience with us!
At this stage - I know nothing about my case - I mean I don't have a clue if this delay is because of security clearance or some other reason I am not aware of.
Just like you, I am losing patience and I have no idea how to proceed in case like yours - what can we possibly do to make these people understand that we want to have our immigrant visas by September?!?!?
I feel very exhausted of this whole thing but I will not give up and will be considering every possible option to get my green card - thank you for your suggestion!
Please keep us posted!
Hy! I also am a 2005 winner! I had fingerprints early February, interview 1 month later, and then I was waiting like you! After 14 weeks, my lawyer said to write a letter to the officer who did the interview. I guess you don't have a stamp in the passport either, because I didn't. 800 number has no approval notice, no approved case in the computer! So I did what he said. I wrote to the officer EVERY DAY! for 15 days, and guess what? After that within 4 days, I got the welcome letter, and the green card! I think you could try this option, too! Just write to them EVERY DAY! Dont' give up!
Good luck! I am in NY!
Could you please clarify to which officer did you write and how did you get in touch with him/her?
Another thing about the Infopass. Could someone explain to me what exactly it is? How do we schedule it? Since I guess it's the thing that you do at the local CIS office, what is the difference between it and regular "window" inquery?

Thank you all. Hopefully one of us will get something soon, just to give us some hope :eek:
Hi Margarina,

Welcome! My husband's number is EU14***. Check out the webpage Sushi found: http://dv.semper-ante.com/.
It has a link to the transcript of a congressional hearing describing the FBI name check. They have an electronic database and around 85 % of the cases is solved in 72 hours and almost all in three weeks if I remember correctly. But it definitely does not take months in 99% of the cases. Still CIS frequently refers to the name check as a cause of the delay. The guy who created the webpage says that in his case it turned out to be a lie. Since we cannot check the status of the name check, CIS can always refere to it as unfinished. So I am sceptical. My question is: how do you know that your case is delayed because of the security check? Nora
Margarina! If I remember correctly you had the interview already! Did you write down the name of the officer?? If not, the officer should have put a reminder of some sort in your passprt. You get his/her name from there. And the address, well you know that too, it is where you went for the interview. See if that helps!! I can't tell if my letters did it's "magic" or it was something else, but it did work for me!
Good luck!