any Aug. 2001 filling left? pls post


Registered Users (C)
Any one not luck like me? pls post.

RD 08/23/2001
ND 10/15/2001
FG 04/17/2002
AD waiting
hey please contact your, that your case will be approved in 2 weeks. i contacted LocalSenator on January-26 and My case is approved on feb-6.

Good Luck,
it may have been your luck :-(

I mailed the congressman here two weeks ago and I am yet to hear anything from them.

Today I called INS and my case is waiting to be assigned to adjudicator :(

And soon the FP will expire ...

RD 08/08/01
ND 09/26/01
FP 01/25/02
Still Here....

RD 8/28/01
ND 10/26/01
FP 01/31/02
RFE ID 08/02/02
RFE RD 08/28/02
TD 10/21/02

... local Congressman's office says that Atlanta INS takes up to two years to schedule interview, so I may still be here waiting in the summer. :(
Just Spoke to an IIO

I have been waiting from 8 months to hear something. I have gone through every possible resource...Lawyer, Congressman, Senator....No Use.

It is going to be 540 days by this 27th. I just called and spoke to an officer. She said everything looks good on my case and should hear something in few weeks(at least....weeks...' used to hear months when I called before).

God knows when is it going to end??????????
Another August-er RD still around.
Kalluris... I heard the "few weeks" response from an IIO (thro' the Co. lawyer) in mid-Jan or soon after the adjudication hold was lifted. I'm still patiently waiting... for D-day.

RD 08/03/01
ND 09/26/01
FP 01/22/02
RFE 09/17/02 (empl. letter, W2/tax return, 2 paystub)
RFE received 10/17/02
AD (few weeks???????) :)
Nothing you can do about INS

I called INS Vermont a few weeks ago. I was told that my cases need a few more weeks. Nothing so far. My lawyer said nothing you can do about INS.

Originally posted by GCdreamin
Another August-er RD still around.
Kalluris... I heard the "few weeks" response from an IIO (thro' the Co. lawyer) in mid-Jan or soon after the adjudication hold was lifted. I'm still patiently waiting... for D-day.

RD 08/03/01
ND 09/26/01
FP 01/22/02
RFE 09/17/02 (empl. letter, W2/tax return, 2 paystub)
RFE received 10/17/02
AD (few weeks???????) :)
I am still here
RD : 08/17
RFE rcvd by INS : 08/20

I had written to my local senator and rcvd a letter from him stating that his office contacted INS on my behalf and they were told that the wait time is normal, I should hear something in 90 days. This call was made on Jan 22 and I did not get a chance to call VSC since then.

I called INS today myself and IIO refused to give me any info except that they rcvd my response and I got to wait. I pressed for more info and then she said that her record shows that there was a congressional enquiry on the case and the case has now been picked up by the officer. Keeping my fingers crossed....
Re: Nothing you can do about INS

Originally posted by 82301
I called INS Vermont a few weeks ago. I was told that my cases need a few more weeks. Nothing so far. My lawyer said nothing you can do about INS.

GCdreamin, and 82301

Thanks for sharing your experiences. I do agree with you that a "few weeks" is used by some optimistic IIOs who want to keep the dream of callers alive. Otherwise, they stopped using that word some time like in sept 2002. Since then they only tell it may take "few months". That's what i ment by "atleast.....".

After calling INS 15 times since July9th (after INS received my RFE) and fade-up arguing with lawyer showing the proof from AILA documents supporting the time lines, and bugging my Senator(Sam Brownback) until his assistant conferenced me with INS official............I Know that there is nothing we can do about INS. There is a standard answer...."We are processing" until our hope dies.

Anyways... all the best to all my fellow waiters.
raju4usa and others,

Did you guys contact your local state senator or US senator? And where do you get local senator information?

I know there is some web site out there, I would appreciate if you could post that link.


Thanks. I did sent you a private message as well.

Let's hope that our cases get approved soon...


Guys....Just checked on the web. My case has been approved on Feb 23rd (Yes!!!! it was sunday???????????????). My wife's case also approved.

Thanks for each one of you for your support for all these days. All the best for you all.

Re: Approved

Originally posted by kalluris
Guys....Just checked on the web. My case has been approved on Feb 23rd (Yes!!!! it was sunday???????????????). My wife's case also approved. Thanks for each one of you for your support for all these days. All the best for you all. Sridhar

Congratulations on your good fortune!

Say a prayer that Atlanta INS might actually schedule an interview for me. Some guy got transferred a month after me and his interview is on Monday. <sigh>
Re: Approved

Originally posted by TheRealCanadian
Congratulations on your good fortune!

Say a prayer that Atlanta INS might actually schedule an interview for me. Some guy got transferred a month after me and his interview is on Monday. <sigh>

I know how painful it is to wait like this. I sure will pray for you that you should get approval soon. All the best my friend !! next is your turn.