jhawilla and all guys in this forum
HI jhawilla and all guys in this forum,
My case is very old, security check is pending since jun 2003. we made several inquiries through (Congress, my attorney, senator), initially we did not get any positive response till last year.
Last year in Feb 2006 when my Employer made third inquiry, we got response USCIS is waiting for response from another agency...
This year we made 2 inquiries (JAN2007, feb 2007) one through my attorney and other through congressmen, got same reply..
"The processing of your case has been delayed. A check of our establies that your case is not ready for decision, as the required security check remain pending...."
Interesting thing is when I made inquiry in Aug2004 with Fbi by sending letter, got respose "The FBI completed a record check for you on August 1, 2003, and the results were forwarded to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services" . Inspite of this, I don't know why USCIS says security check pending.
Finally I had send letter to Mrs Bush, I hope some thing clicks.
Do you guys have any suggestion what I need to do?
When FBI has already snd reply to USCIS, what is wrong? is it really some thing pending from FBI or any other stuff???