Another round of Rapidigm Layoffs coming...

Really? Then why are you even on these message boards.

Well.. when you meet your recruiter friend just shove your big high paying job up your ass... and remember to shove half of it up his too.

That way you will be friends for life. Remember me always for my blessings are with you both.
Jaani , did the big Product company kick you out ?

Is that the reason you are licking Recruiters ass to take you back in rapidigm ? F**k you
Janni , you are wrong .

Some recruiters are really bad (not all) . Janni , you are like a recruiter,, so please get out .................................................................................................................................................
You may be right about 10% cut

Rapidigm S**Cks, when the client is not cutting the rate, why should they cut our salary.

I know that they were talking about this earlier. Its very bad.
Clarification, Guys....I could not care less about Rapidigm recruiters, but the only reason I am her

that two bit crap like Soorma Bhopali, SADM & company etc. use this medium to give vent to their personal frustration (people like them are lucky even to be here working in US, knowing their background) ..I am currently much beyond the Rapidigm recruiters\' etc stuff, but I like to be fair professionally. I was also biased against my recruiter initially by default, but in all fairness, he ended up helping me a lot. Maybe I was lucky...

Unfortunately, a lot of CRAP like Soorma Bhopali etc use this forum wrongly wasting everybody\'s time. We should try to use this medium basically to help everyone as far as possible... THIS FORUM IS NOT FOR TWO BIT CRAP LIKE THESE PEOPLE TO LAUNCH ANY HATE CAMPAIGN.....I hope this helps. BTW, I may not have the time to participate regularly in future in these kind of discussions as I am more interested in my career and work rather than replying to two bit guys like these...thank you. God bless everyone...

I can understand the concern of the employees of Rapidigm.
But please stop discussing about this issue. Hope all the
employees of Rapidigm got "best" message loud & clear.
Are you OK ?

Whats your problem , when a group of people discuss issues which concerns them directly, their jobs and immigration and has NOTHING to do with religion and war ?
Good to hear that , you are not going to com here .

You think we are all CRAP , but fact is you are JUNK and big CRAP.

I am not a recruiter and do not work for rapidigm (but used to work
for Rapidigm before). I don\'t see the point in dragging this issue.
I may be wrong so just forget about my postings. Have fun.
No Title

Yes! I think the Americans must be feeling the same as the Originals Red Indians feel when they see American\'s calling this country their own!
No Title

I think you should feel sorry for India or whichever country you are from as they paid for your education and also for the years you were learning and gaining experience. America reaps the benefit of your education and experience without spending a penny.
1 thing is for sure... Just by reading this discussion, we can see that Rapidigm recruiters are foll
