Another round of Rapidigm Layoffs coming...

I think its little bit diffecult

But as long as client and another consulting cooperates , no problem. But you have to have new phone ... etc.One needs to talk to their manager and new consulting company about this and get their input.
one can use AC21 and join using EAD

GC is not required . Once you pass the 6 months window, you are fine. Nobody in the earth can stop you.
Yes.. 1. Magesh 2. Atul..there is a third clown

Mikael is not with Rapidigm and he was not a recruiter ... someone please correct me.
non solicitation agreement

If you have that type agreement between you and your employer , u cant join the client until that duration of time specified in your contract. Please be aware of that. Generally in most of the contracts that clause will be there.
Soorma looks like a frustrated guy. ..please communicate if you need any genuine help..

I do not work directly for this company, but I know a lot of good friends who are very happy with some recruiters at Portland. Not everyone may be as frustrated as Soorma Bhopali (he made it to US without a deserving educational background and is now expecting the moon in his salary expectations).. Unfortunately, people like him will not sustain long term in US because the phase of \'anyone and everyone selling in a project\' is gone..

If you need any genuine help, please communicate..
I also disagree with Soorma. Cannot generalise everyone.

My experience has been very good. I agree that there is a lot of improvement needed in Rapidigm, but cannot generalise that all recruiters are bad. Many of them may also have major limitation in their authority. My recruiter from Portland (with his family) sometime back spent two full nights awake in a hospital helping a Rapidigm consultant(my close friend) here whose wife had a major emergency surgery in Portland.
Jaani..You do sound like a recruiter.!! Genuine help?

The "Good friends" you mention must be your recruits.

The moral of the story is that the recruiter makes money off the consultant and will do anything that helps him/her close the deal.

The recruiter is in the selling business contrary to what many people believe. A used car salesman if you choose to believe.

Buyer beware!! is the underlying point.

Jaani.. before you start casting aspersions on my educational background and education look closely at yourself. BTW I am staying in this country whether you like it or not..
Non-solicitation is in most of the Rapidigm employee agreements

Many of Rapidigm placement is through a bigger contracting company .. and hence your client is probably the "bigger" contracting company.
This means that there is someone else in addition to Rapidigm who is benefiting from the hours you put in. Such a situation really raises the billing rates. (On another note.. I think that the differential billing rate must be deductible as a charitable donation on our income tax forms.)

I read up on the non-solicitation and the no-compete agreements on one of the legal websites and they do not seem enforceable in the consulting business. I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice. Check out this link for further info

Has somebody consulted an employment attorney to clarify the non-solicitation clause? Please post..
I disagree Soorma about subcontracting!

I haven\'t seen a single case of subcontracting in Rapidigm. As far as I have seen, Rapidigm strictly says no to subcontracting preferring people to sit on bench rather than sub-contract which baffels me!
Guys, I discussed with my recruiter recently in confidence and realised...

I took my recruiter for a booze recently(my old friend from India). Looks like all the power and money in the company is in the hands of few OLD senior recruiters and Marketing guys and Office Incharge managers. The junior newer recruiters have no say on any of the matters, lay offs, policies, also the salaries of their own consultants. He told me that the difference in income of new recruiters / marketing people and the OLD seniors is sometimes as much as 4 to 8 times..Also, all decisions on every case are taken by the Senior Old crowd with the junior recruiters just following the decisions inspite of not agreeing manytimes.....
Rapidigm plays the sub-contractor role - not the other way around.

gc_ss - What Soorma is talking about is, most big companies(clients) have a list of preferred consulting companies and usually Rapidigm is not one of them. So Rapidigm places its employees through the bigger consulting company(I have been one of them for the last few years in Portland. So I know this for a fact). And as far as the recruiters are concerned, they have been the worst. I have been promised too many things and not one promise has been kept. So people who have posted here saying they are satisfied, are either the recruiters themselves, or guys who havent seen the outside world yet.
Made your ass burn, Soorma Dada...Ha Ha Ha

You will be surprised that I left Rapidigm more than 6 months back and now settled in a high salary job with a Big product firm. I ditched Rapidigm but had very good help from my recruiter always. At a personal level, he still is in touch with me. The idea was to teach a lesson to someone like you not to make general big statements like you were the President of US of A. That is for your own sake. BTW, i do\'nt think that you know that a lot of people know your identity..Bhopali Dada...
NEW: we\'re given a break during layoff times?

A friend told me that a longer grace after the I-485 interview is now given to us to find a job in the same category. This is also true for H1 holders.
This is a another way the government wants to help us cope through the downturn in the economy.
Please do not quote me.
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This is news for me. I had always thought that Rapidigm doesn\'t do subcontracting! I must be wrong if you have been working thru some other company at a client!