Another round of Rapidigm Layoffs coming...


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Talked to a senior Rapidigm recruiter yesterday... They are slashing salaries across the board from November onwards for people on projects. For people on bench... you guessed right! A massive layoff schedule is being prepared right now and would be announced by December. Just thought of warning all Rapidigm buddies around. Keep looking for opportunities and switch as soon as they announce. Good Luck!
About pending GC applications...

This is what the recruiter told me about this... if Rapidigm decides to layoff a person, he or she will be given 2 choices. Either take 2 weeks salary and quit the company immediately or take 1 week salary and then go on extended leave without pay. For people with reduced salaries, the recruiter said that they will take care (I don\'t know how!) if INS issues a RFE.
I think best is true but..........

I know 2 of my friends who got laid off recently. So according to
me, itz an on going process. They might have decided now to do a
massive layoff. That sucks.

Regarding ur GC papers, if u r particular abt ur salary - forget
about ur GC. U got to understand market situation and think about
salary cuts in other companies (do i sound like a recruiter,
sorry for that - but - i am not a recruiter).

The latest trend in Rapidigm - "Remove people with high-end salaries,
recruit new people with less salary and market them". People are ready
to join for less salaries in the market. Think rationally and act. I
think options (in "best" latest posting abt GC papers) are TRUE.

But I don\'t understand one thing, why pay cut for people on projects?
They r making X dollars/hr and on long term projects. Looks like Rapidigm is taking advantage of the market situation and making more profits....

Finally, I feel sorry for those who got laid off and who on the next
list. God bless all.
What happens if salary is reduced AFTER 485 is filed

Since at time of filing of 485 the paystubs and job offer letter has the full salary, it should not matter...
Am I correct in my understanding?
They are very shrewd.

Perhaps that is the reason Rapidigm forced everyone to apply for EAD after I-485 is filed. That way, they won\'t be violating H1B rules. Now since Jackie has left, there are not many options but to keep quiet till you get PP stamped.

"One among the lot."
lay off after 180 days

Assuming we can\'t find a similar job after 180 days, I was told by one immigration lawyer that we can set up our own company to sponsor myself. I never thought that kind of idea. Everyone here on ths board, do you have comments on this???
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My thoughts

1. People on bench will be laid off.
Does Rapidigm keep people on bench? I haven\'t seen any. What I have seen so far is that whenever someone goes on bench, he/she is terminated after 2 weeks on bench!
Why do they pay 2 weeks on bench? Actually I don\'t think they are paying on bench. Remember that the salary is backdated by two weeks. So for example, 10/12/2001 was a pay day. The salary paid on this day was for 9/16 - 9/29. So if your project ended on 10/12, you would be terminated after 2 weeks(10/26). So your last pay check would be on 10/26 for pay period (9/30-10/12). Will they paying for 10/12 to 10/28? I doubt it!

2. People on projects - salary will be reduced.
There is no logic to it! Why should the salary be reduced? Is the client reducing the rate? If not, are they going to keep these people on bench and pay the reduced salary on bench? I doubt it.

It hurts to see a good consulting company going down the drain because of short sighted goals and misconceptions of running the company without regards to the senior people! It happened with TCS!

Just my 2cents worth of thoughts!
change compant , but same client

Hi ,

   If rapidigm reduces salary , can consultant leave rapidigm , come back to same client , with another consulting company if client is willing to take . Please give you thoughts.

gc_ss is correct.

I agree with what gc_ss has said. Kings - The recruiter to whom I spoke with was also a friend on mine in India. Hence, I took the liberty of asking him your question. After I asked him, he paused for a moment and then said that they have a special way of handling these cases and dared someone to do this. He didn\'t say anything more.
Isn\'t 250% margin enough ?

Now they want to cut salaries ? Does the client get some relief in that case ? I think guys and gals will be let go by clients if the company doesn\'t ease up on gross margins. I am not sure how long the client will be charmed by a consultant\'s productivity and continue to shell out 5 times more than an employee costs. With the economy tanking the honeymoon may be over. Wonder why a 100% margin is unacceptable.
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Is this true? I have a friend on bench for a month now! Still Rapidigm pays his salary. Hope he gets GC before that.
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That\'s surprising! May be his recruiter is his friend! I have a friend who is on bench since Apr without pay. He was waiting for his GC. Now that he has got it, Rapidigm has asked him to look for another job!