And More VCS and NSC approvals.....CSC going .

One has two choice either to act and do something or do nothing and wait for the fate.
One has to decide what choice he makes. and in the process define what he is going to achive in life. I beleive it is not above gc , It is above your approach.
I know people ,who like to sit back . and leave things to luck ,chance and fate.
and other who beleive they can "try" and make the difference.

I beleive "try cost nothing", and act as you see fit.
Good effort

SM, 140, Jay and Taj:
Good effort. My Salute goes to you guys as always. Lets all of us write to the law-makers.

It would be easier if Taj posts a format tomorrow.

I know, in a couple of months we will all get over(??) with this trauma and may be, forget(??) this pain.

But, lets make a pledge that whenever/wherever we get a chance within our power/position/ability to undo this torture/injustice of INS, we will do that - so that the current and future generation immigrants don't have to go through this hell again.
We need to develop a sense of awareness among ourselves/friends/families/others about the sheer injustice of INS towards the immigrant and non-immigrant communities.
Re: Good effort

Originally posted by Independent1971
But, lets make a pledge that whenever/wherever we get a chance within our power/position/ability to undo this torture/injustice of INS, we will do that - so that the current and future generation immigrants don't have to go through this hell again.

Absoultely true! We need to remember this period in our lives when we were at the total mercy of INS for something as simple as the legal right to live inspite of being good tax paying citizens. I urge everyone not to forget this later on when you actually pass this dark phase and move onto a time when your voice actually needs to be heard by the very same politicians who have a say in this process.
Anybody has a sample letter?

Can you post here? I understand that we should not just cut and paste, but a sample letter will be a good place to start.

I agree we should all do something. No one will help us if we don't help ourselve.
some contact info for the complaint letter

Remember: Complaining on this board is useless if there is NO ACTION. Let's not get depressed, and do something to fight this INS unjustice and inefficiency.

Tell them what you experienced and how you feel. Let them hear your voice.

1. San Jose Mercury News:
contact Pankaj Paul at or (408) 278-3492

We should send our concern mails to this address and ask to be published.

2. Local senators (California):

On each Senators' Home Page you will find his/her email address, Capitol and District addresses and phone numbers, a map of the district, the Member's biography, a list of all the legislation authored by that Senator, his/her committee memberships, press releases and other publications, district links, and more.

3. CongressMan
Post at:


Wish us good luck!

I was reading on shusterman today that the number of h1b's have dropped by half. Approval rates have gotten ultra slow. All this means, that lawyers are making very little money these days.

I think it should be in great interest of lawyers to push the INS. We just need to give them the little push we can. Does anyone know anyone in AILA personally that we can talk to and try and get something organized? I am sure a lot of people off this board, will support the cause in real life and in person. Afterall, what is there to loose .. except your H1b???
ask the lawyers to write the letter

i think the lawyers who are handling the case should write letter to the politicians that clients have being waiting for so long for GC approvals and nothing is moving at csc, what do you guys think??


Much better,CSC ins employee writing to INS
director ,complaining about all the time 485 file have been
Creating backlogs!

How about every US citizen start campaign asking CSC to
treat 485 filler fairly.

Sorry, But I dont agree with you. I feel Local
senator /congressmen would be more comfortable , helpful,
accountable ,understantable to the u or me. than working with

Also, u or me approaching personally is more appealing than
our attorney taking our case.Also, it add the social and
cultural Electorate to senator /congressmen district.

Attorney would be help/advice in filling petition, or any legal help
kind of stuff.
