And More VCS and NSC approvals.....CSC going .

I will add my $0.02. I think that writing a standard letter to the Congressman etc. is almost of no use. The standard letter will be opened by a standard office admin and will be thrown into a standard trash can. If you have to write then a letter written describing your situation with your words will be more effective.
I think that a media campaign will be much more effective if done properly. It has to be a very organized effort involving the help of civil rights organizations like ACLU, etc. If we can get a cover story on SJMN or LA Times etc, it can do wonders for processing speeds. It is bad PR for INS since the it involves highly skilled workers (arguably top 2%). The EB I-485 applications should take preference over TPS (whatever the hell that is) of Angola and El Salvador natives. We have a recent example of Special registration, the process has improved 10 folds due to out cry in media which was resulting in bad PR. Remember those were people who were mostly out of status and I-485 waiters are all in legal status and our future is jeopardized by the inefficiency of INS-CSC.
I have been waiting for my I-485 approval for over a year and have written letters to Congressmen and senators like most of you. I will be shocked if that has any effect. My opinion is that if we sign petetions and send them over to newspapers/ civil rights groups, it will be more effective. If I may take it ahead one more step, a protest in front of local INS office will be even more effective. Getting a I-485 approved from CSC has almost become a political movement. Under the current economic conditions if we dont do anything, a great number of us will loose their GC eligibility when they get laid off.
papoo, to get your story as a cover story, you would need contacts at these media houses. I like your suggestion, but how do we make it work? I am sure we have enough co-operation here, do we have enough contacts?

I agree that you need contacts in order to get your voice heard. At the same time, we need to start somewhere. As a starting point here is a link to a list of civil rights, immigration and certain ethinic organizations. We should write emails to these orgs and see if that can open any avenues. President Bush promised a GC processing period not exceeding 6 months (correct me if I am wrong but didnt he say it will be in place BY 2003).
Frankly, we have nothing to loose at this point :) .
Not so sure that you need contacts to get a story printed. Basically if everyone changes targets and instead of writing to the congressman or senator, write to the editor of some major news paper or prominent left wing writer, you can be assured that the response will be much better than writing to a congressman.

But I am not so sure about the positive fall out of this scheme. As we all know, most news in America is biased. There are a lot more right wing news papers out there as compared to left wing. Right wingers are against immigration and most probably your letters will evoke a wrong kind of editorial or column. So the writer/publication are extremely important. Next comes readership. Who will be the best audience to target, etc. etc.

I think if we go about this the wrong way, we could end up shooting our selves in the foot, so need to take more care before we go this path. But then again that is my 2 cents!

Do you have a reliable source to "President Bush promised a GC processing period not exceeding 6 months (correct me if I am wrong but didnt he say it will be in place BY 2003)." ?? So far he lied. He is too busy beating the dead horse of homeland security bullcrap to address any real issues like the economy or the INS.

140, what you are saying is right, but dude .. what are the choices? And given the fact that angola/el salvador are being given preference over people who can and do contribute to the economy, thats gotta get some people riled up, we just need to have an editor agree with us.

BTW, might I add, I had written emails to Bush and Cheney myself, haven't gotten a reply yet. I got a response from Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, but if my f*****' attorney would co-operate I could get something moving.

Anyway, as far as starting something how about this,

We start a signature campaign, with some material written on top (please write sample material and we can all give suggestions).

Once we have this letter (physically signed letter) available, we can scan it and email it to prominent journalists/newspapers all over. Hopefully someone will bite.
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Do you have a reliable source to "President Bush promised a GC processing period not exceeding 6 months (correct me if I am wrong but didnt he say it will be in place BY 2003)."

This statment came out around the time when INS break up was announced so I have to guess March/April 02. I know it must have been another to sell his DHS agenda at the time.