All three copies of AP are needed at Dulles POE?

Old post. Dont revive ghosts please. Dont you know that the AP has changed its face now?

Sorry I don't know about this. Are you saying what said in this article doesn't apply any more? Only one copy of AP actually is needed to reenter?

After visiting South Africa, I reentered US with only one
copy of AP on March 8th, fped at POE.

Hope this helps ..

Originally posted by LCSilence

Sorry I don't know about this. Are you saying what said in this article doesn't apply any more? Only one copy of AP actually is needed to reenter?


Yes Jaxen! my POE was Atlanta/GA, the IO was not keen on how many copies
of AP I had with me, I told him I had the other copies at home and he was fine with
it ..
