• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.


Hi Friends, The medical exams fees is up by GHC 29.00 @ the Akai House Clinic. I was there yesterday thinking the fees is GHC 439.00 and the admins there surprised me with the new fees, GHC 468.00. Please when going for your medicals add little cash to what you intend of sending who knows it might increase again, other than that you will go back home. Thank you
Hi Friends, The medical exams fees is up by GHC 29.00 @ the Akai House Clinic. I was there yesterday thinking the fees is GHC 439.00 and the admins there surprised me with the new fees, GHC 468.00. Please when going for your medicals add little cash to what you intend of sending who knows it might increase again, other than that you will go back home. Thank you

So it is you Reuben I will meet on 25 February.

Will be very glad to meet you
Hi Friends, The medical exams fees is up by GHC 29.00 @ the Akai House Clinic. I was there yesterday thinking the fees is GHC 439.00 and the admins there surprised me with the new fees, GHC 468.00. Please when going for your medicals add little cash to what you intend of sending who knows it might increase again, other than that you will go back home. Thank you

Reuben, when is ur second appointment at akai hse?
Today's Indpiration

Dear friends, these are the promises of the Lord for us. He has the best for all of us, and will fulfill the promises.

Isaiah 58:11 "The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail."
I could not log in yesterday, I tried several times, the forum app did not work for me. Glad to be here again.

didn't experience that myself but sorry for that experience since the forum has become part of us you can hardly forgive yourself when this situations happen.
Dear friends, these are the promises of the Lord for us. He has the best for all of us, and will fulfill the promises.

Isaiah 58:11 "The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail."

we thank God for his infallible word
hi folks my number is current lookn at the visa bulletin.
but my forms was sent on 27th of july 2013.
from dis wil I get my second letter for interview on march
hi folks my number is current lookn at the visa bulletin.
but my forms was sent on 27th of july 2013.
from dis wil I get my second letter for interview on march

Big Jerry, if you sent it on the 27th of July then you will surely receive your 2NL. Best of luck
thanks vansark
but the reason for not being too sure is dat,
looking at yours for example.
your number was current earlier and you supposed to have received your 2nl on september or October but bcos of the delay in sending your forms, you got yours on December.
thanks vansark
but the reason for not being too sure is dat,
looking at yours for example.
your number was current earlier and you supposed to have received your 2nl on september or October but bcos of the delay in sending your forms, you got yours on December.

I was suppose to be current in nov. bt bcos i sent de forms late, i had it in feb. u sent urs
in july even before mine, itz been abt 6 months now. am very sure u'll get it.
hi guys

I've been following this thread since August, 2013 but haven't had the opportunity to log on till today.
By the way I've had my visa already and planning to leave soon.

Thanks to you all for the great work u doing here.... I really had a lot of coaching from this forum. :)

GOD bless
I've been following this thread since August, 2013 but haven't had the opportunity to log on till today.
By the way I've had my visa already and planning to leave soon.

Thanks to you all for the great work u doing here.... I really had a lot of coaching from this forum. :)

GOD bless

u r welcome can u share with us ur interview expirence
Today's Inspiration

If there is one lesson that we have learnt or will be learning in this work then it should be on patience. If you don't know how to wait you cannot survive. It took patience for you to be selected, for you to wait for your interview letter, the actual interview, visa issuance, to travel to the US, one needs patience to wait for the Green Card and the Social Security number or card, one needs patience to find a job or to become a citizen. The list can go on and on. Patience is the key in everything we do in this life. Remember that it takes a farmer enough patience from the day he/she sows a seed to the day of harvest. It is a process and each stage is crucial for the viability of the seed and bountiful harvest.
Let us refresh our memories with this text:

James 5:7 "Be patient therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. Behold, the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient over it, until it receives the early and late rain."
Thank be to the Almighty God. Jenchman and I picked up the visa this morning. Thanks to all members on this forum. We are most grateful. We wish Roselyna and others a successful interview. The good Lord will see you guys through. We love you all. God bless Ghana,God bless America. I went to IOM office to know about the flight. I intend flying on the first of February and the fees is the same $1030 .00. We still need to keep in touch guys. God has blessed us and we need to thank Him eternally.
God be with you guys!!! Big hug!!!!!!!!!!! This is my email address: Alfredoforigyamfi@yahoo.com

My family and I are very ready for the task ahead. Our God is in control, so no fears.
We are all set for the journey.
Congratulations to you all.
'Present yourself and pick up' :)