thanks Zgreat, it's so amazing to see you back being active on this thread just to help us, you know... thanks a lot brother
so you said "if confirmed infectious" while latent TB is not, well, at least for the time being. im not trying to talk about how lantent TB is not infective, because I know that you know it very well.. and last time I heard that about 2/3 of the population in east africa have that, so there's a good chance some of us might have got infected, so why insisting on having medication done for a non-infectious TB when they know the process expires in a short period of time?? and correct me if Im not getting this right, but I think the treatment takes about 8 months or something which is even longer than the treatment for active TB itself...
so are you sure they insist on clearing medication for latent TB infection? have you seen or heard of a case like this here in the embassy?