All approved people please stay in the forum


Registered Users (C)
for at least 2 months after AD.

It will help us a lot.

After ric2,greatyk,anita and chicken's approval there arent many people left to advise on RFE and other issues.

So please stay on this forum for a little while.

Also people with RFE's apart from posting RFE details, please post any information about your case that may have triggered the RFE. I saw another thread with many RFEs that were similar

Sure, PatienceGC, I will hang around for a while though I am not popular (or notorious) like the folks you mentioned. (Just kidding)

Didn't have any RFEs either. My expertise doesn't include RFEs.

Likewise. I check the site approx. once in a day or two and reply to any issues that I can be of help on. It's been over a month since my approval but I still come back cause I know how it was when I was waiting and most of those who were approved dissapeared on me :).
Thanks to v_a_rao for reply to one of my concern on another thread !!

Thanks to v_a_rao for reply to one of my concern on another thread !!

You all seniors can really help and give us some comfort with your valuable advice.

How long did it take for the INS to process your RFE?

As someone in that stage of the waiting game, I am keen to hear good news!
