airport experience

Hey Guys

My personal experience is the same as yours.
Foreign born people tend to be usually rude with other non-us citizens.
I am not making assumptions here...these are personal experiences.

I too think that Washington Dulles is the WORST airport ever for RTD holders.
An african american officer stopped me and sent me to the room last summer.No questions aked on how I was granted asylum but in general a kind of very rude behavior.. At the room a white officer asked me only what countries I visited. He stamped the RTD and let me go within seconds.

This was a routine procedure but those seconds felt like months because I was about to miss my conect flight.
This issue was discussed before and as far as I know IOs can deny your entry just in few cases. That's what I remember:
1. If you are coming smiling from C.O.P.
2. If you carry drugs, weapon and other prohibited items in your luggage
3. If the officer suspects you are a terrorist
4. If you have a bad criminal record and they know about it
Someone also told about deceases that make you inadmissiable but I am not sure about that. Basically that's it. All the rest is just bitching of the officers who want to prove something to themselves and to others. It's certainly not a good idea to start argueing with an officer, but we also shouldn't be scared to death with such a behavior. Don't shake in front of them but answer their sometimes stupid questions appropriately as if you know that those basterds will let you in anyway. It's not that easy for them to deny your entry just because they want to. Keep that in mind guys and enjoy your trips. :)
froff22 said:
pqq...i sympathize with your experience. it's never easy going through immigration or customs and feeling like you're being violated. it sounds like you handled it very well and i'm glad you got through ok! :) if i had taken down the identifying information of the IO, i might contact USCIS to make a customer service complaint. i don't see anything wrong with that.

while i understand the responses in support of pqq, i feel i have to point out the irony of the assumptions some of the responses are making of the IO and of the situation in general. pqq mentioned that the IO was "chinese looking", to which a response of maybe he "thought he is back in china" followed. then the following response followed, "It is my observation that naturalized citizens who are immigration officers tend to be smart asses". we all make assumptions about the world, but in this string of posts, we went from, the IO looking chinese to him being from china and a naturalized citizen. i know you are all good hearted people, and i have been at awe at the level of support and care that i have seen you provide in other posts. however, i hope we are more careful with the big leaps and assumptions we make and propogate. it is the same type of stuff going on here in this post that results in asylees feeling interrogated and violated whenever they encounter immigration and customs!

cheers! ;)
i guess u dont know nothing about world political regimes .Nobody made him chinese it was an example cause You can only get that stupid questions in totalitar regime countries questions like ""Are you sure you didn't apply for it because of economic hardship in your country?" ,"what's the reason you got an asylum for?" ":"you have not been in the US for over a year, maybe you don't need an asylum any more?" U have to understand he is envading privacy. as I understand to be IO you need 2 year college degree only.and i think it is all related with mental related deppression which made IO angry because of workload..
i think asylees should carry recording devices while their back to US customs from overseas in order to record all that IOs questions .and and punish them big time.what do u suggest to keep our silence to avoid being interrogated and violated in future?
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Noman74 said:
I wonder if they treat GC holders through Asylum the same way at the Port of Entry. Anyone here with the GC ran into trouble with the officer? Please share your experience. I think theses little stories help us a lot and make alot of things clear. Thanks People.

Yeah Norman 74.It's not only about AS6 GC holders.It's about all aliens.Even naturalized US citizens face some bad treatment when entering US.A friend of mine who was naturalized US citizen has been asked for his alien number when applying for his US passport.It's something bad in US if you were not born here.

RD Aug 22,2001
Approved Sep 15,2005
GC received Sep 20,2005
Minsk said:
From my experience the worst airport ever is Washington Dullas. I had a pleasure to talk to an asshole once on my way back from Mexico. That was enough. He asked lot of unpleasant questions one of which made me really frustrated. He asked which country I flew thru when first coming to U.S. I said that my flight was a transfer flight thru Hithrow airport in London. Then he asked why hadn't I applied for asylum in London? What if my plane wouldn't get in the U.S. for any reason? I didn't know what to say. My response was that I didn't think about it, I spent only half an hour in Hithrow Airport. He said " USA is not a home for asylees. I wouldn't wait until I get here if I were seriously presecuted in my country".
The best airport is Logan in Boston. I entered thru this airport twice coming back both times from Europe. The first time the officer threw away my I-94 which I'd just filled out and stamped my RTD with the stamp "Admitted. Code 1711". All he asked me to show was just my NP. The whole procedure took 3 minutes. The next time the officer was a young guy whose name was Orlando. It looked like he just started his work day. He looked a little lazy. He took my RTD, looked thru it and then said: "We gonna take a walk". We went to the room where my RTD was stamped with the new I-94. While walking he asked me friendly what was the reason for me filing I-589. I answered and he was ok with my response. The funny thing is that when the officer was stamping my RTD with I-94 he saw my another "Admitted" stamp, then smiled and said: "When an officer is letting you in without coming here and without stamping I-94, tell him he is wrong".
I also had an interesting experience in Amsterdam Airport last year. I was flying thru Amsterdam to another European country and got stucked because of the snow storm. All flights were cancelled for the whole day. KLM Airlines announced that they will accomodate everyone in Shiphole area which is close to the airport, but you have to leave the airport for that. All americans went thru the passpot control easily and I didn't know what to do. I came to the immigration officer and showed him my RTD. He said thaht unfortunately he couldn't give me a visa because I didn't have Green Card yet. I went to the coffee shop being very upset that I would have to spend the whole day and night in the airport. Suddenly I remebered that I had my I-485 receipt number in my wallet. I went to the Internet Cafe and printed out from USCIS web site the whole page saying that they received my application and it takes 850-900 days to process. Then I returned to the officer and showed it to him. He contacted the Chief of Immigration and they gave me a day pass to leave to Amsterdam. The funny thing is that this printed copy from USCIS website didn't have even my name on it. But even more funny that on my way back in about 2 weeks my flight was delayed and I missed my plane to Boston. I came to immigration officer and he said " Don't tell me that you got stucked again! You are the luckiest person I've ever seen!" So I went thru the whole procedure again and unintentionally visited Amsterdam twice during the same trip.

JFK seems to be a good airport to go through. IOs there are used to all kind of documents and situations, they are cool about most things! Also, I just came back from the Bahamas through Fort Lauderdale and I didn;t have to go through the room at all, I went through the US citizens and PR line and the IO just scanned my RTD and said he envied my tan.
i guess u dont know nothing about world political regimes .Nobody made him chinese it was an example cause You can only get that stupid questions in totalitar regime countries questions like ""Are you sure you didn't apply for it because of economic hardship in your country?" ,"what's the reason you got an asylum for?" ":"you have not been in the US for over a year, maybe you don't need an asylum any more?" U have to understand he is envading privacy. as I understand to be IO you need 2 year college degree only.and i think it is all related with mental related deppression which made IO angry because of workload..
i think asylees should carry recording devices while their back to US customs from overseas in order to record all that IOs questions .and and punish them big time.what do u suggest to keep our silence to avoid being interrogated and violated in future?

You do not need even a two year degree to become an IO. Many officers who work at inspection booths do not have degrees
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I think that IOs in general have an inherent attitude problem; it goes with the territory. I don't think I was ever inspected by a naturalized IO, and if I was, I hadn't known that. But I do think that the worst thing we can do, is be affraid. When we are affraid, we act nervously, which makes us more suspicious. I tend to keep this "no-nonsese" attitude when going through all such inspections, and am not affraid to say it when I feel a question or behavior is inappropriate; although, in the post 9-11 world, I don't think that there are such things as inappropriate questions by IOs, especially according to their standards.
A friend of mine who is naturalized can't fly through Newark, because they detained him for an hour every time he flew throught that airport from abroad. Later he found out that it was because of some other guy who had had immigration problems and who happened to have the same name (very common name in the country where we are from by the way). My friend then tried to clear his name through a congressman, but the next time he went through Newark the same thing happened. So now he avoids Newark like plaque.
inline said:
A friend of mine who is naturalized can't fly through Newark, because they detained him for an hour every time he flew throught that airport from abroad. Later he found out that it was because of some other guy who had had immigration problems and who happened to have the same name (very common name in the country where we are from by the way). My friend then tried to clear his name through a congressman, but the next time he went through Newark the same thing happened. So now he avoids Newark like plaque.

Please make correction on your wife's timeline

RD Aug 22,2001
Approved Sep 15,2005
GC received Sep 20,2005
cadel said:
Please make correction on your wife's timeline

RD Aug 22,2001
Approved Sep 15,2005
GC received Sep 20,2005

Thanks for noticing that mistake Cadel. It's fixed now.