Adjustment of Status Interview

Do you guys think it advisable that, after almost two months of waiting for the decision, I ought to make an infopass appointment to inquire further? As of today, we have received no notification from the officials whatsoever. Do you think they may tell me anything useful during an infopass appointment at all, or are they just gonna cop out behind a 'oh, well, it's still being processed?'
Just out of interest, where did you do your interview? Sounds like your interviewer was bit of a troll. : (
Hey Lambchop2,
I have a similar experience that you did. First interview was back in 06, we were seperated during the interview and only 1 answer didn't match out of many.
I think the IO was convinced but had to check with her supervisor.
I've been waitin since then for my case under review to be reviewed...
Good luck friend
Do you guys think that once we undergo a vedeotaped interview there will be NO chance of a second one, or is a second one possible?

videotaping interview has nothing to do with second interviews. second interview comes when long time passed from the previous one and OP believes you need another one, f.e. 3 years later case pending. any interview that is done separating couple is considered "stokes".
Do you guys think there are some decent channles of complaining about the time it takes for the authoroties to arrive at a decision?! What do I do now? There have been almost three months since the interview. At the conclusion thereof the interviewer told my wife that she was leaning towards approval, but she had to check with her boss. What the f**k could she be checking FOR THREE MONTHS running??????! How do I complain? (we were interviewed in San Fran) Please help! (not much point in scheduling an infopass thing, is there?)
We have been waiting about the same time. Going in for another InfoPass tomorrow and if they can not help us we are going to contact our congressman and file a DHS-7001 form. Not sure if it will help but we have to do something.
Do you guys think the government may be deliberately stalling because of the severe recession? I think it may be a case of "why should we be approving new applications for new immigrants when we can barely take care of our own at this harsh economic time." They still haven't given us any response and am wondering how much longer it may take, considering the fact that some people have been waiting for precisely the same thing since..... 2006........ Gimme some advice, please.
Like I said, if it's still pending next year, file WOM.

But when you're filing WOM, you need to show that you've already contacted various authorities for assistance and given them some time to get things done. So when it's about 6 months after the interview, contact the Ombudsman. Wait a couple months, then if that didn't work contact your Senator and/or Congressman. Have your US citizen wife sign the letters to the Senator/Congressman, as they tend to be more responsive to US citizens.

If those still don't work, file WOM, stating that you already contacted the given individuals (include copies of the letters you sent).