AC21 DIlemma


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quit my job with sponsoring employer in NYC after many months of completing 180 days. joined another company in NYC and am working for them on an hourly basis now. in april am moving to texas on a similar job but on a salary 5 times the original LC.
have not filed for AC21 after the first switch.
what are the possible problems with this scenario ??
1. Hourly basis- it is OK provided it is permanent job- no end date no 1099.
2. 5 times salary- (congrats)- 'maybe' OK provided the job description is similar.
Originally posted by sb_tiger
2. 5 times salary- (congrats)- 'maybe' OK provided the job description is similar.

5x the salary moving FROM New York City to a much lower cost place? I could see it going up that much if one was moving in the opposite direction.

USCIS may yet approve this, but if I were the examiner ajudicating this case, I'd raise an eyebrow at that number, and seriously question if the job was truly similar.
thanks for the prompt response guys.

in the field of medicine salaries jump after a couple of years of training. GC was filed when i was still in training hence the low salary then. the job description will remain unchanged.
if i am issued an RFE any thoughts on how to manipulate the letter from the employer which will have the salary on it. i am hoping that the GC comes thru before the first paycheck...........wishful thinking ?????

RD march 28 2002
No Problem

If the Job description match then there should not be any problem at all.

But as you mentioned, you were on training when you applied for GC and now you are working. Does that mean change in occupation ?

I think you should not mention training when asked why the salary difference is so much.

- Mallik