AC21 and LC


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I have done concurrent filing using the pre-approved labor in Nov 04. My Pd is Apr 02 - EB3. My 140 was approved a year back and its been more than 18 months since I have filed 485. I want to use AC21 now and want to join in some other company. I dont have LC copy that was used for me. Employer is refusing to provide me the same. I dont have exact details of the job description. Is there anyway I can get the LC that was used as substitute for me from INS or somewhere else? Please help me. I am having sleepless nights because of this employer refusing to provide me LC copy.
mlekhala said:
I have done concurrent filing using the pre-approved labor in Nov 04. My Pd is Apr 02 - EB3. My 140 was approved a year back and its been more than 18 months since I have filed 485. I want to use AC21 now and want to join in some other company. I dont have LC copy that was used for me. Employer is refusing to provide me the same. I dont have exact details of the job description. Is there anyway I can get the LC that was used as substitute for me from INS or somewhere else?
- you can try FOIA . you can search FOIA in LC thread in this thread. do you have the I-140 form that was submited to USCIS?

Please help me. I am having sleepless nights because of this employer refusing to provide me LC copy.
----LC belongs to him it is upto him to provide or not provide.
Infact I have contacted reputed attorney and he gave me couple of very valuable suggestions. Based on my conversation with him, it is not really required to have LC with me. I have found some useful documents which are enough for changing the jobs and filing AC21, there is no reason to worry. Will update the details later.

Meanwhile if anyone knows how to acquire LC from INS, please suggest me. That information will be helpful to others as well. :)
mlekhala can you post what those documents are

Hi Mlekhala,

Can you post what those documents are...