About asylum aproval


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Forum, I have a question and I know there's people with a lot of experience in this forum that may help me to clear my doubt.

Is there any difference between a judge ruling for approval of asylum and the aproval by the same USCIS in first instance?..I mean are those aprovals backdated to the date when you applied for asylum or one is not?
Bilieve it or not but I heard that if you got asylum through judge verdict thne you'll get a green card a lot sooner than if you got it through initial interview. I know people who got thier asylum from judge 4 years ago and already got a green card interview.
ayyubov..I have no clue what you mean? You are saying if a judge grants you asylum you get your G.C Sooner? hmm in what way? Those asylees dont fall under the quota?
We are all equal...

When it comes to asylum we are all equal regardless of how we got our asylum. If what Ayyubov say was true, we'll find two different processing dates on USCIS. One for I-485 application asylum based on initial interview and the other one for the Asylum I-485 based on the the asylum cases granted by judge...... That theory is out the window becuase there is no such thing. As a matter of fact people whose asylum cases were pending for years before the judge granted them asylum get screwed. Because the time they lose doesn't count when they file for I-485. They are in line just like the rest of us.
Believe whoever you want but this is the fact.
ayyubov said:
Bilieve it or not but I heard that if you got asylum through judge verdict thne you'll get a green card a lot sooner than if you got it through initial interview. I know people who got thier asylum from judge 4 years ago and already got a green card interview.

That's really weird.... It should work the opposite way I guess. If u received asylum aproval by USCIS should be faster because that means that your case is strong enough to get asylum right away. On the other hand, if its approved by a judge that means that your case is weak and your decision will depend on a persons judgement or compasion reasons.
Arizona_Poet said:
That's really weird.... It should work the opposite way I guess. If u received asylum aproval by USCIS should be faster because that means that your case is strong enough to get asylum right away. On the other hand, if its approved by a judge that means that your case is weak and your decision will depend on a persons judgement or compasion reasons.
I think that those who are approved by immigration officers usually have weaker cases, but they were just lucky. Most immigration officers are inexperienced kids who just got out of college. My immigration officer was so incompetent and hateful as well. She did not have any background about the situation in my country and seemed to be emotionally unstable. Her decision was very dictatorial since she does not have to follow the rigorous requirements of the court system. On the other hand, judges are more experienced and more educated and much much smarter. When they make a decision, they do so after intensive examination of the case.
Arizona_Poet said:
That's really weird.... It should work the opposite way I guess. If u received asylum aproval by USCIS should be faster because that means that your case is strong enough to get asylum right away. On the other hand, if its approved by a judge that means that your case is weak and your decision will depend on a persons judgement or compasion reasons.

An asylum grant is an asylum grant. All grants are treated equally. And yes the USCIS is supposed to grant only the strongest cases and refer the rest to the judges for a more detailed review.
I disagree with you shamson. Ok lets be fair a little bit. NOT EVERYOne AT USCIS is a high school dropout. I know most of us talk to the USCIS ppl on the phone and think of them as incompetent.

But my officer was so bright..He had everything in front of him..News Articles etc. If i told him something, and showed him some proof, he would know about it. He was the best officer I dealt with..after the interview, he asked me what I was doing..So I told him I was doing my BS in Systems Engineering..to which he replied, I am proud to give you the asylum because you are this country's future....

Imagine USCIS saying that to you!!!...If your asylum claim is legit and you have proof which I had abudant of it..No one can deny your case...Thse officerse are not high school dropouts..mind you!
The whole point of the asylum reform of 1995 was to allow the USCIS Asylum Officers to quickly grant cleary meritorious cases and to allow those people to quickly rebuild their lives here. They strive to make decisions within three or four months of filing.

More ambigious or complicated files are sent over to immigration judges for consideration.

wantmygcnow said:
I disagree with you shamson. Ok lets be fair a little bit. NOT EVERYOne AT USCIS is a high school dropout. I know most of us talk to the USCIS ppl on the phone and think of them as incompetent.

But my officer was so bright..He had everything in front of him..News Articles etc. If i told him something, and showed him some proof, he would know about it. He was the best officer I dealt with..after the interview, he asked me what I was doing..So I told him I was doing my BS in Systems Engineering..to which he replied, I am proud to give you the asylum because you are this country's future....

Imagine USCIS saying that to you!!!...If your asylum claim is legit and you have proof which I had abudant of it..No one can deny your case...Thse officerse are not high school dropouts..mind you!
Yep..I agree with Wantmygcnow and Hampton. People that works for USCIS and have the power to decide if an asylum is right or not for you, is smart people. I remember when I went with my family for the interview of asylum, an old man start asking so much detailed information about the case. he even asked for newspaper articles, if we went to press..etc etc. I ehard later that the embasssy in my country did a background check of everything, and I mean everything that we put in our asylum application. They even interviewed people in my country to clear any doubts.
So by this and many facts I feel like that asylum aprovals from USCIS are stronger cases than the ones sent to a judge. Also, cases for asylum in the USCIS department are not decided by one person only, is a commitee, that means at least 3 heads thinking together. A judge is only one person.

Well, at the end it won't matter..we get the same benefits and rights.. whooopppppppeeeeeeeeeee
People who got asylum thorugh the judge don't fall into quota. Here's the proof. If you'l follow the link


you'll see that around 182000 asylees are waiting for adjustment. That means if you'll apply tomorrow yur case will be approved in at least 18 years but the proccesing dates shows that if you'll apply tomorrow you'll be approved in 2015 - 2016 which makes 10-11 years. That makes the 1000o rule invalid.
People who got their asylum through the judge suffered a lot more than us. They had to wait for years for a final desicion. That is why the reward is less time waiting for green card.
ayyubov said:
People who got asylum thorugh the judge don't fall into quota. Here's the proof. If you'l follow the link


you'll see that around 182000 asylees are waiting for adjustment. That means if you'll apply tomorrow yur case will be approved in at least 18 years but the proccesing dates shows that if you'll apply tomorrow you'll be approved in 2015 - 2016 which makes 10-11 years. That makes the 1000o rule invalid.
People who got their asylum through the judge suffered a lot more than us. They had to wait for years for a final desicion. That is why the reward is less time waiting for green card.

Stop being imaginative. There is one line for asylee adjustment.
wantmygcnow said:
I disagree with you shamson. Ok lets be fair a little bit. NOT EVERYOne AT USCIS is a high school dropout. I know most of us talk to the USCIS ppl on the phone and think of them as incompetent.

But my officer was so bright..He had everything in front of him..News Articles etc. If i told him something, and showed him some proof, he would know about it. He was the best officer I dealt with..after the interview, he asked me what I was doing..So I told him I was doing my BS in Systems Engineering..to which he replied, I am proud to give you the asylum because you are this country's future....

Imagine USCIS saying that to you!!!...If your asylum claim is legit and you have proof which I had abudant of it..No one can deny your case...Thse officerse are not high school dropouts..mind you!
i did not mean to generalize but I was speaking about the central tendency
ayyubov said:
People who got asylum thorugh the judge don't fall into quota. Here's the proof. If you'l follow the link


you'll see that around 182000 asylees are waiting for adjustment. That means if you'll apply tomorrow yur case will be approved in at least 18 years but the proccesing dates shows that if you'll apply tomorrow you'll be approved in 2015 - 2016 which makes 10-11 years. That makes the 1000o rule invalid.
People who got their asylum through the judge suffered a lot more than us. They had to wait for years for a final desicion. That is why the reward is less time waiting for green card.
You forgot the 33000 from the lawsuit settlement and the 10000 that will be given this year. Remember, when you apply for I-485 you have to complete the option: there is no option for asylum approved by officer Vs. asylum approved by a judge. You can see the form online.
Ok. Let me clear this up for you folks. I went through a judge and had to wait in line like everyone else for my GC. There is no difference on whether or not an officer or a judge grants the asylum.

As for the competency of immigration officers, we really can't generalize. Although I do tend to lean towards the negative side. Although I don't think it is because they are high school dropouts or retarded. Most Americans aren't bothered to be aware of world's general affairs - so it isn't surprising that some immigration officers would not know the country of which one seeks asylum. In my case, the officer's reason for my denial was so ridiculous the judge was suprised that my case was refered to the courts.

Any way, we can spend years and years on this debate. I just feel that when it comes to the governments they are extremely bureaucratic and have no-one to answer to. As a result, they tend to be slower, and careless in how they perform their tasks.
Pokoman, my opinion is this one. I could be wrong of course. I believe that all asylum cases are different from each other, we have it clear. But, there are stronger cases than others otherwise some cases shouldn't be sent to a judge in the first place. There are cases based on religion persecution, torture , political persecution, and many others. When u apply for asylum in this country, I think the first step they do is to check your background locally with agencies, if u are clear ok, then, they move to the second step. The second step is to check your background in your home country. Each embassy in each country has its own team that is in charge to check all the proves, evidence and information attached in asylum applications...how do you think they will find out that what you are saying is true or not?..just cause at the time of the interview you brought a big smile and the FBI and CIA clearence is enough?......Nope, I don't think so. They have to ask around in your home country to verify everything that you are arguing in your statement. Each embassy has its own budget for this. This is the most powerful and richest country in the world, they should have money. Also, I don't think religion persecution or torture is treated in the same way as political persecution. For this two types of persecution, I think the USCIS cares more about phisical evidence than statements by other people. For political persecution, they care more about comments done by other people regarding your family and the case by itself. If you were involved in a political movement in your country, they have to ask people that moves at your same level and knows about the case ( persecution, abuse of power, economical terrorism..etc ) and with all those comments a final conclusion has to come. Usually this people is the one that has all the economical power in your country. Their comments are really valuable. If what happened really happened in the first place. Also, I think that for political persecution this country has to check for conflict of interest and international relations as well. Because, they know that if they are giving asylum to a person that was against the government in power in your country, that means that this country in some way thinks that your opinions and your position is right. The conclusion is, that they think the government of your country is corrupt and human rights are not respected at all. Probably, the main embassy of your country in US will be notified about the asylum application. If they don't like the idea of you applying for asylum, they are going to move their tentacles and do lobbys just to make you look bad, so asylum won't be granted to you. Every country takes care of his international reputation and that's because every year the US makes a public statement about human rights on each country. That statement is really important for all countries especially for third kind countries because from that statement comes the amount of money that this country will be helping your home country. ( financial aids..etc..). The better comments your country gets, the more support and aid it will get from the U.S. Of course, our home countries won't like the idea of people applying for asylum and complaining that human rights are not respected in our home countries. At the end, what is right and true has to win. That's what makes this country so great , the country of Freedom, Liberty and Justice!.

Conclusion, They have to interview people when your case is a political persecution, I don't see other option for political leaders.

Pokoman if you disagree, is ok man...everybody has a different opinion about how the asylum process works. None of us works in the USCIS to actually really know what happens in there at the time of applying for asylum. Mine is just an opinion and period. Replies, comments, disagrements are more than welcome. At the end , we are all learning from each other and clearing doubts. As asylees, we have to deal so much with the immigration process that the whole waiting time becomes an excuse to make Immigration a science, a main topic.
Preposterous !

Arizona_Poet wrote:
Quote: ...
Conclusion, They have to interview people when your case is a political persecution, I don't see other option for political leaders.

Good piece of poetry :) :) :) :)
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Incredible !


Are you from another planet?
Like pokoman just said "I don't believe the story with the Embassy interviewing people in your country "
I cannot find any thing in your poetry that comes close to reality. Your assumptions are wild, heavily imaginative, inaccurate, speculative, misleading and indeed very preposterous.

They have to ask around in your home country to verify everything that you are arguing in your statement. Each embassy has its own budget for this

Laughable indeed !

Also, I think that for political persecution this country has to check for conflict of interest and international relations as well. Because, they know that if they are giving asylum to a person that was against the government in power in your country, that means that this country in some way thinks that your opinions and your position is right.

Outrageous !

Probably, the main embassy of your country in US will be notified about the asylum application. If they don't like the idea of you applying for asylum, they are going to move their tentacles and do lobbys just to make you look bad, so asylum won't be granted to you
Absurd and almost silly.

Indeed, the They have no way of knowing if you are an asylum seeker.

Also the asylum ofiicer probably reads your story on the day of the interview and looks for inconsistencies and fact checks against the Annual State Department Country Report. The news paper articles you might present may even be fake. He has no interest or time to verify. He looks for INCONSISTENCIES IN YOUR ORAL AND WRITTEN TESTIMONY NOT AN EMBASSY BACKGROUND CHECK.
Stop speculating. Most if not all of us have been thru the process
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chill out


First of all let me tell you to chill out. I don't think you have the right to call somebody elses comments, imaginative, silly, misleading and also call him out of this planet. Quote pieces of my comments and call them piece of poetry ( sarcasms). That's rude. There's a big difference between a comment and a reply with what you said. We are hear to bring opinions, have an adult and mature conversation. Not to make fun of somebody elses comments and questions.

Let me tell you something before you make fun of somebody else in this forum......
Have you seen what you wrote???...U are saying that you went to the US embassy and applied for visa when you had an asylum application pending?..what's that?..that's not been serious at all!!!..That makes me think that U had a vague case, a really vague one and you were afraid that this country won't be granting you asylum and you were looking for asylum just like another option not because of a need of survival......You are using one visa that somebody in really need may be using. You can not go back to the american embassy in your country and ask for a Visa if you are claiming persecution and have an asylum pending, and not only one time but two times you did it......my conclusion is simple, you got asylum not for persecution, but for humanitarian reasons only. Of course, if they had you waiting for so long. That's why you are not that open mind person to think about any posibilites about political asylum cases, how the process works, why it takes so long because you are not a real one.

Unless you are a real persecuted person in your country call yourself an asylee and make critics because we are facing post traumatic effects together, we are trying to help each other here, not when you are a person that is taking advantage of the big heart of this country, like you did.

And all that I wrote in the asylum approval thread is my comment, I said it because I tried to think deeper. Try to understand this science that immigration is for us. Is not about "poetry" like you called my previous comment, is about reality.