abe salo!!....APPROVED!!!


Registered Users (C)
Waited for a long time to say these words...Approved!

Grant Road, here I come!! ( for those who know what I's talking about, I am just kidding ;) )

RD 7/01
ND 9/01
FP 3/03
AD 2/20/03

By the way, STUCKINTEXAS....I don't think you have to worry about the " Mailed directly to whom issued" message. I have been tracking these cases and they are getting approved...including mine!

congrats bkd52

Almost heaved a sigh when I read that you were kidding about Grant Road ...

Enjoy ... carefully... :)
Originally posted by bkd52
Waited for a long time to say these words...Approved!

Grant Road, here I come!! ( for those who know what I's talking about, I am just kidding ;) )

RD 7/01
ND 9/01
FP 3/03
AD 2/20/03

By the way, STUCKINTEXAS....I don't think you have to worry about the " Mailed directly to whom issued" message. I have been tracking these cases and they are getting approved...including mine!

BKD52, congrats.. enjoy your trip to grant road, Budhwar Peth or
whereever you end up going to.

I had read your message abt "Mailed directly to whom issued" message. Pradha has better insight abt how the VB macro was handling such cases.


Little more on mailed directly ( I know you don't care now)

We catagorized as much of those Misc as possible sometime back. That message looked very clear that it is approved . (not to me alone even to USIS guys think so, there call centre also says your case is approved . I have seen two messages rasmishra and another one to that effect). So I put that into approved group. However I kept the status column mailed directly so that we can pick those cases in case. Also some guys like dvorak reported on the affirmative. However over a time I have seen most cases are RFE / 2nd FP , some cases none . However they seem to be closer to Approval. So we leave it there. And for the statistical purpose I believe it is Ok and I am sure you were not depending on this general spread sheet for your case.

However the downside of grouping it as Approved was, they are not getting rechecked when we rescan. I corrected that situation, and it rechecks all mailed directly even if the group is Approved.

We may change that back to Misc, but to me it looks inmaterial from a statistical point of view ( I understand it is diffrent on individual basis , but the sheet serves only statistcs), more so once that is included in the rescans.

That is for now

Any way relax and have fun now, one worry is over !!!

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Have fun bkd52!

I am out of luck here. My case was transferred to Vermont Service Center local office (yet to receive notice on which office and why?) on Feb 19.

Hoping for better treatment at Vermont.
I have to admit , I am f&*&^#@ addicted to this site. Thanks to the f%$#*%$# morons at TSC.

Mt frequency of visits to this site has not changed in the last almost 3 years and I don't see it changing now.... aadat se majboor!!

Stuckintexas...the transfer may be a blessing in disguise, albeit a lil late, but hang in there man..it's coming...

sairam1 ...you never know these days who's kidding & who's not...hehehe!

I still haven't received the notice in the mail, expect to get it soon...will keep you guys posted...from... kholi number 420...

After going to Grant Road, I wonder how you got your medicals cleared here! - just kidding!
Have a nice day!

Congrats bkd52 ..
I feel your happiness ...
Thats the best expression of happiness I have seen in years
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