A tragedy and an unnusual INS response


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In 2001, right after the 9/11 incident, a friend of mine was killed in an automobile accident. He (primary beneficiary) was just months away from receiving the GC. Right or wrong, the lawyer decided to notify the INS of the beneficiary's death. The INS in turn notified the spouse of their decision to terminate the GC process as per the law. The lawyer requested the INS to reconsider. A congressman requested on her behalf too. A year passed.

Recently, INS notified her that they would not deport her. But added that she would never get INS authorization to work nor can she obtain GC on humanitarian basis.

It seems that the INS is showing compassion on a widow in allowing her to stay but also forcing her to leave the US by preventing her to support herself.

Has anyone gone thru’ this or know of similar situations?
Well Check this out!!

I am deeply disturbed by the tragedy you mentioned.

But I think recently INS agreed to provide PR to the kith and kin of 9/11 check it I am not sure .

I think more pressure through senator is other alternative .

"Recently, INS notified her that they would not deport her. But added that she would never get INS authorization to work nor can she obtain GC on humanitarian basis."

This is very interesting, but she can still get a GC based on a marriage to a US Citizen.

so INS just forces her to work illegally is that it?
am i getting this right?
or is she supposed to be a slave now? what the hell kind of policy is that?!
A very similar case happened with my friend who is French and was sponsored by his Son (born here ) . He died in an accident and my friend was denied GC . He tried everything but could not get GC. He hired a smart lawyer who asked him to work independently as an "accountant for himself" ( don't ask how ) and he is now on a H1 visa . Rules are rules and compassion is not shown for any case .

If I remember it right widow of a British citizen was given a GC (whose husband died in September 11th attack). But she did a smart thing by going straight to the media. (I think Today show). I think your friend can try something like that..hopefully INS will do something to avoid the bad publicity.