*** a p p r o v e d *** (PCee)

Congrats on your approval and thanks for all your contrtibutions. Its great to see any approval and yours is a special treat!
Congratulations PCEE!!!

I wanna say THANK YOU for all you have contributed to this board and wish you all the BEST in your life after this long journal.

:) :) :) :) :)

I don’t need to add a single word, just count the number of responses, it shows your contributions to this board.
Congrats Pcee. I am one of your happiest and ardent admirers for all the yoeman services you have rendered.

You truly epitomize the spirit of selfless dedication and you have touched my life in more ways than you know it, purely by the way you used to serve this forum.

Once again my wife and I wish you and your famliy all the success as an Immigrant Alien!!!

And now who says the heavens ae asleep!


I almost missed this. Its definitely a Wonderful news. All your hard, selfless, dedicated work on this forum is greatly appreciated. All the Best to you and your family
Congratulations PCee!!!

So happy to see your approval :)
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Congratulations PCEE!!!
Thank you for all the contributions you made to this forum.
Enjoy your freedom from BCIS.
Pcee, I'm very happy for you. you deserve it. You're a very good man. For me you've been the backbone of this forum

You were wonderful in helping others in this forum. Your answers I am vey happy to see your approval. It was a long wait for you. Wish you all success in your future endevors.

Best Wishes

I am glad you FINALLY got your due! Not sure if it is going to change your life that much but atleast you don't have to wait for the mail from INS any more.

All the best to you and your family!
Congratulations Pcee!!

Hearty Congratulations PCee!! I'm very happy to see ur approval!
After a long gap, I had determined to post only when I see ur approval!

Best Wishes!
Congrats PCEE man,and your hard work in maintaining
the tripod website is really appreciated.

your note on online message that was not updated
encourages many of us and will look in todays mail
to see what's up ???????

Conitune to contribute to this forum.


Now its your turn to enjoy freedom. I am so happy for you and hope you will continue to be a beacon for othe GC hopefuls in the years to come.
Thanks for all your contributions to this board.