• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

A message to all those 22,000 odd void winners


Registered Users (C)
Why are you setting up pointless petitions for a green card? No one in world history has ever won a case where they sued somebody for a Visa to my knowledge.

Are you also aware that you're being pretty selfish to all the 16-19 million who applied for the lottery? What if the DV lottery decided to be cancelled overall because of all the trouble you people are doing by all these sueing threats. Grow up seriously, would all you people be very happy to cancel a program used to give a chance to thousands of people in third world countries to come live and work in the US just because you guys didn't a visa? Think about other people and not just yourself.

I myself don't like the idea of this "lottery" but all you people doing these pointless sueing threats are making it more possible for the DV lottery to be cancelled and not giving a chance to the other millions of people from third world countries a life in the US.

Think about it, all is not lost. You still got a chance, that's why it's called a lottery. Not a "apply on this day and be 90% sure to get a visa".
It is not all the 22k peopes who are petitioning... heck, not even 1/10 of the winner know this forum... one member created a facebook page & he has less than 1000 "likes"... So nothing to worry about... I was one of the "selected" (not winner because we win nothing)... I just wait july 15, if I win? Great, If i don't, well fine life goes on, I still got my welcome letter to UQAM (university in montreal)... Or i could very well, carry on my formation in france to kill time... Most of the petitionners are selfish because if they find out on july 15 that they won, heck, they will totaly forget about the petition & care about their business... The good thing in all that is that 22k knows that their entry was legitimate because many many many peoples got canceled & do not even know about it... Just feel sad for the ukrainees, Bangladeshi & Nigerian aplicants because their odds for for being selected are very very veeeeery low especialy bangladeshi who by themself makes more than 50% of all the entries & got only 7000 selections ;more than 7.5 millions entries for 7000 selected, so 1 chance out of 1 071.43 so for them, being that mad is understable bu won't change anything...
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Btw all people who signed the petition in their own name and with their facebook pages are now to be seen by USCIS in case they need info...isn't social media a great tool to know how people feel about others...Lol
Btw all people who signed the petition in their own name and with their facebook pages are now to be seen by USCIS in case they need info...isn't social media a great tool to know how people feel about others...Lol

what now ? is it fair if they delete people selected in lotteries because of this? and you still can talk about fair and unfair??
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FoxyGirl, you have no idea about this topic.
US don't have money to take care of this third world people??? They don't speak English???

To get the GC all the selectees have an interview in the embassy, where one has to demonstrate that has enough money to live in the USA until finding a job. To be accurate, 18000$. Neither you nor the government have to pay for anybody.

Third world people?????? All european citizens and citizens from Australia, New Zealand, etc., can apply. 3th. world???
In fact, what is "third world" for you?? Argentina? Guatemala? or countries such as Mozambique or Bangladesh???

I think you have a problem of xenophobia... or just IGNORANCE.
not 18 000 $, where did you hear that...
FoxyGirl, you have no idea about this topic.
US don't have money to take care of this third world people??? They don't speak English???

To get the GC all the selectees have an interview in the embassy, where one has to demonstrate that has enough money to live in the USA until finding a job. To be accurate, 18000$. Neither you nor the government have to pay for anybody.

Third world people?????? All european citizens and citizens from Australia, New Zealand, etc., can apply. 3th. world???
In fact, what is "third world" for you?? Argentina? Guatemala? or countries such as Mozambique or Bangladesh???

I think you have a problem of xenophobia... or just IGNORANCE.
18000$ is the minimum amount of money they wanted you to demonstrate (every family member) during the DV2011, based on the studies about poverty rates. This amount is updated every year, but it doesn't varies a lot.
where can I see in the rules? Because last I heard was that the amount is not writen but an unoficial amount of 5 000$ is required
& 18 000 for every famill member is too high.. if let say a familly of 5, so they would need about 100 000$?
18 000$ is the kind of amount asked for international student since they won't be allowed to work
this is for applying the GC directly, not for the DV because most DV participant are alone.. & in there, there is no indication for single person
& read what writen in small letters.. this is for someone allready in the USA who wish to get a green card, thoses figures are the income requirement

If you don't know something, just don't argue about it. I just assume that you don't want to research but you like someone to do it for you.
Can you read? I guess yes, then read this, quoted from the PDF documents :
For sponsors on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces who are petitionning for their spouse or child.
If you don't know something, just don't argue about it. I just assume that you don't want to research but you like someone to do it for you.
by the way do you know what income means...?
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Petition to reinstate the DV2012 first drew winners

Sometimes I view some of these immigration lawyers with laughter because all thier actions are made towards exploiting annocent will be immigrants. I find it funny when I heard that an immigration lawyer has filed a law suit against State Department for making it void of DV2012 results posted on 1st May. When one traces the source of the problem that lead to the canceling of the DV2012 results, a blame should be put at the door steps of the so called immigration lawyers. This is because some of the immigration lawyers claim they can enhance the chances of DV lottery applicants when they apply for them. Then the question everybody should asked is that how will such people enhance the chances of applicants knowing very very well that KCC have the technology to check multiple entries. Then what method will they use to enhance the chances of thier applicants. I am of the opinion that some of these lawyers have strong connection with in side programmers at the KCC and know when a particular date of DV application is made during the DV lottery period could enhance their chances of winning. Other than that, I see no reason why some of immigration lawyers are still not satisfied with the explanation given by KCC that 90% of the first drew came from the first 2days of the entry period What are they struggling to protect. To them if a computer is to select from 30 day period and mistakenly selects from first 2days is it fair. Again computer programming error is made by human beings and these people could be influenced by money from those who have high interest like some immigration lawyers. I want to remaind that immigration lawyer who have filed a suit at the Los Angles against State Department on the DV2012 results any action of his which leads to suspension of DV lottery progromme entirely by the US goverment will affect him most than the others, because he feeds himself from immigration matters and when DV lottery is stopped then he wil no longer get cases on DV matters for which he can charge a fee.
Oh well

facebook.com/dvlottery <---Like please

Agree with ToomCraigy. Fake site. It routes to a blog with a bunch of reposts and ads. This person is collecting money for site traffic while providing NO NEW INFORMATION.

Also, this person has been posting on a BUNCH of threads. Mods need to kick this person off the forum.
Guys lets not argue nor put blames on each other.We just have to wait till JULY 15 and see whats going to happen.But one thing i am sure of is that, Mr white is trying to get himself more popular and advertising his PROFFESSION/IMMIGRATION BUSINESS.
hi foxyGirl,

if this people feel that they are unfairly treated, well it is up to them to voice their worries. i don't understand why the need of saying they are selfish.
And before people jump at me, I have not apply for any lottery.