A Message To All The Silent Visitors

Agree with every word of yours. Also, "optimist"s remark on the issue was rather stupid. He should'nt have said like that instead could have simply kept quiet if he doesn't want to vote (whatever be his reason).

OK peace now.

Sorry for mentioning "everOptimistic"s name. It was "saulios" who gave that infamous opinion.

"everOptimistic" : sorry dude

"saulios" : get some sense
already did

I've signed the petition, as soon as I saw it. And (unintentionally) have been a silent visitor of this forum?

How selfish is that?

I just do not want to post those unnecessary (often conflicted) answers, I'm not sure about. I do reply, whenever I'm sure of it. May be my low knowledge is to blame.

How is that selfish?

So Please DO-NOT call all silent visitors "selfish-ones". Add some qualifier to this word.

This looks like an offence to me. And if you guys do not like me visiting this forum, I may stop that. And then it won't be "selfish".

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Well, this is an interesting string...
I do consider my self one of those 'silient visitor', but was unaware of these strong feeling being expressed here. No doubt Kashmir/Pcee/Offpatience And Silly man contribute exponetially to these threads. I'm sure they would all agree that this is not entirly a self less act though. They relieve some of the sense of helplessness in themselves that we ALL feel. BCIS is the problem here let's remember this.:mad:
People who post here after getting their GC are definitely selfless, though.

Stress is not an answer to stress.

Just wanted to share couple of things :

I read this quote somewhere -

Life is a juggling game. You keep juggling lots of things every day.
Imagine you are juggling five balls.
You name them - Work, Family, Health, Friends and spirit. You think you have to keep all of these in the air.

You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. But the other balls like
-- family, health, friends are made of glass.

If you drop one of these, they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered. They will never be the same.

On a much lighter note -

Have a look at this :
This is amazing - timing is everything! ( I understand this
took 600 takes, but was filmed end to end for the final film).


Have fun
I would consider myself relatively silent.. but I do post from time to time... I didnt see this petition before or I would have surely signed it .... well better late than never - just signed it and vented my frustration :)
Re: already did

Originally posted by srohit
I've signed the prtition, as soon as I saw it. And (unintentionally) have been a silent visitor of this forum?

How selfish is that?

I just do not want to post those unnecessary (often conflicted) answers, I'm not sure about. I do reply, whenever I'm sure of it. My be my low knowledge is to blame.

How is that selfish?

So Please DO-NOT call all silent visitors "selfish-ones". Add some qualifier to this word.

This looks like an offence to me. And if you guys do not like me visiting this forum, I may stop that. And then it won't be "selfish".


Being a silent visitor ain't selfish. It's better than speaking crap like I do. But not signing that petition, and hoping others will wipe your ass .... IS SELFISH.
Chill out SM, gettingclosernow. You have been a bit aggressive and caustic in your remarks lately. We greatly appreciate all your feedback, suggestions and advice you give.

A lot of people on this forum are not that good in immigration matters and do not want to guess or provide the wrong information. I am sure most of us have contributed to the threads by narrating our expereinces.
Hey .. all I said was .. go sign the damn petition if you haven't done so already ..

Anything wrong with it? I am perfectly cool with silent people .. as long as they sign the petition. I think silent people rock .. !! Ok .. I'll chill out.
just name calling and anger wont do. people will do what they want and the best you can do is ask (nicely).

i dont think there is anyone in the US that is not selfish, especially the immigrant community. i sure am. thats why i signed the petition (ok, also i didnt want flames). chill out all ya. i thought yall got old waiting for AOS - apparently not all of yall.

Originally posted by neeru
chill out all ya. i thought yall got old waiting for AOS - apparently not all of yall...

Found that hilarious Neeru.

For the record. I would like everyone to sign the petition, voicing your opinion always helps!

Secondly, unlike SillyMan I do have something against totally silent visitors. I don't care if they don't post their opinions. It is better to not post than ask stupid questions or be lazy enough to not search the archives but that is my pet peeve and we can put that aside. But I would definitely like everyone to post details of WAC numbers, EAD, AP, RFE, details, issues and experiences. This is a forum where we can all help each other share information. It makes us that much more knowledgable. I am sure when PCee and people like him came on board, knew nothing, but now they are so knowledgable, I wouldn't mind hiring them instead of my lawyer. And that is all thanks to experiences passed down through the ages! Those experiences come from you. So don't just post when you have difficulties and need answers, but also post to give us some intimation of your case status.

Enough said on that.


Don't quite agree that Saulius should have kept quite. I think it is good to hear his opinion, even though some of us disagree with it! What makes it so stupid to express opinions on a forum? You might get flamed but hey atleast it is a point of view.


Could you append SPAM to the title of this thread, cause that is what this has denigrated to! :)
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I also agree....it's good to have opinions of all sorts. I'm not looking for people to agree with me on everything - how boring.

I find that I usually learn something from just about everyones posts even if I strongly disagree with them.

And I think you made a lot of good points 140_takes_4ever, why people should get involved. Imagine if Pcee didn't do what he did....there probably wouldn't be a Kashmir and I forget who the person was before PCee that had the spreadsheet that maintained it until they were approved. There has to be a passing of the torch and I do think it is selfish not to get involved and do your part no matter how small.
I remember CIBA and still I have my data over there, It was my bad luck that the moment I was about to get my approval he left the site. In spread sheet, all the ppl were get approved and I was thinking that any day I will get my approval but boom, my case got transferred to SFO local INS and there CIBA got transferred to some other place and he couldn't maintain that site he asked PCEE also but I don't know why PCEE didn't took over that site.
when does the petition go out

raising this issue once again(I have already signed it :))
Who is going to send the petition (rajiv ?)
when is it going to be sent out (any quorum?)
anything else after this ?(can we coordinate an email campaign)

additional info
if you look at the response to the LC petititon followed by rajeev's response

quote : "In addition, with today's economy, many do not know how much longer they will be able to hold onto their jobs. "
that seems to be actually playing in BCIS hands
the very reason for LC is that the person should have a long term employment extending over several years. If the LC petitioners themselves say that they are not sure of their jobs - that is vindicating BCIS.
I hope that this sort of thing does not happen with 485 applicants
Somehow the labor petition has been better accepted by the community waiting for their labor. There are atleast double the number of signatures on that petition as compared to the 485 petition. Does that mean that they want their labor more than we want our 485's? Or are we waiting for their labor to get approved so that they can come and sign the 485 petitions for us?

C'mon those of you who haven't signed yet, SIGN NOW!
good questions abtoaajaa

Based on the survey we have over 10% of the people who signed and the overwhelming majority want to send it now.

So I think that is the general consensus - By waiting until the end of April is only 1 week away and it will give the stragglers who are reading these posts a final chance to sign.

As for sending it, yes I think Rajiv's letter is perfect and he should send it, besides everyone that signed the petition saw that letter and would expect that was what was going to be sent out.

I can't remember who on this board organized the petition? I'll have to go back in the threads and look....if you are the person please step forward as you should be the one instructing Rajiv to go ahead and send it.

Let's get this thing going and see what happens!
how many signed the petition

i wonder how many people really signed the petition,

now what ?

we all sit wait for another 100yrs?

the longer they drag this process the more secured there job is