A different message


Registered Users (C)
My "on line" message just changed to:
The status for this Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in this automated system. Please check your case receipt number to see if it is correct. If you have questions or concerns about your case status, please contact the National Customer Service Center.
I wonder what this means. This is the first time ever that my message has changed

RD 08/01
Make sure you enter the correct receipt number

I found this message too when I entered a wrong receipt number. May be they were updating your info from resumed to approved in that very moment who knows.

Good luck.
I entered the number 3 different times, just to be sure. I know, I had the number right. I know this number like I know my phone number.

I too got the same message when I checked with my AP and EAD. But I-485 status displays the correct message stating FP received/resumed. They may be updating part of their DB or so.
Something is going on with your case. Hopefully that is good news. Did you finish your fp already and did the on-line status change after that?

Good luck,
I did my FP 4/11/03.
I hope the message means that something is happening with my case.
I just tried to run the macro for my ND. A whole bunch of cases said "receipt number cannot be found". Due to the large number of "invalid" attempts, it finally gave me that "you've crosses the limit" error.

My guess ... database update/maintenance.
That message means you have exceeded maximum hit counts in a day.

It has nothing to do with database.

You may want to wait for a while about 24 hours and then try your number.


Guys, it happened for me this morning. But, after a while, I got back the same old status for my case. So, it was one of those moments when the sluggards were doing updates on their systems.

There is nothing to worry about. I also had the same message for 2 days in a row and then it went back to the same old message "FP received...".

Try to check your status today and I'm sure you will be fine
Could be really good news !!

This new message could turn out to be really good news.

Because, I verified the INS wes-site with a few of my case numbers. Got this new message for all the approved EAD, AP case numbers. For my 485 which has been pending since 6/01, the message remained as the same old message. "Processing has resumed on your case. Blah. Blah....".

So my two cents is that this message shows up for already approved cases.

Good luck.
My I-140 approval message chaged too

All previously approved messages seem to be changed. Good luck to those who got this message in their I-485.
I am getting the same message to my 485 (RD 09/01) application, earlier it was with FP sent message.

The status for this Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in this automated system. Please check your case receipt number to see if it is correct. If you have questions or concerns about your case status, please contact the National Customer Service Center.
My I-140 and other previous approval messages changed

My I-485(ND 05/02) is still the same. Is it good or bad? Please provide some feedback.
FP sent

I ran the macro for my ND. Out of 456 cases, I got 4 cases saying : your number can't be found, blah, blah," All of these four caese have one thing in common, which is that all 4 of them were previously : "FP were sent to your home". with dates of 3/4/2002

And also, there are only 4 cases on my ND that were "FP sent "cases.

Therefore, my two cents are: CIS is cleaning up/updating their online system, at least I hope they are.

When I ran the macro for the existing numbers in the file, I get the message to most of the "Undeliverable" SRC numbers. Spring (or Fall) cleaning may be?!
Some people from texasimmigration forum said that although their online message became 'unavailable', their AVM stays the same old message. You may want to check.