485 Approved


Registered Users (C)
Our 485 Applications (mine and my wife's) have been approved.

PD 1998 Feb 10 (yes this is true!)
485 PD/ND Feb 17th 2002
FP April 1st week 2003
AD Dec 5th 2003
SRC 02107XXXXX (for both)

I have a Ph. D. and wanted to apply for NIW back in 1998. My lawyer said my wife (MS) can get it easily in 12 months. Since I have to do a lot of work for NIW (for my wife her company does everything) and it takes the same time (per my lawyer) we went ahead and applied in her name. EB2 regular.

Within a yearmthings have changed drastically. Not only EBs started experiencing the difficulties, NIW became out of my reach with a Ph.D. (thanks to a stupid guy trying to get qualified under this category with a BS and went to court to prove his case).

In any case, I was building a case with my wife during the last few months to go back to India and the GC blues was a big selling point. I guess I need a different strategy to sell my case now.

In closing, this site had been a good source of information, stories, and hope. All guys out there: hang in there and your turn comes. And remember, your worth what you are no matter where you are.

Kamalhasan, Ph.D.
Another example of random processing

Congrats on your approval. There have been 2 postings for Feb 2002 approvals today. Signs that TSC is what it is !!


thank you for your information, it is good news to all of us, enjoy your freedom :D
I always had my freedom

At the cost of sounding a bit immodest let me comment that I always had freedom. Greencard was but a headache for us. But I never felt I was not free. And you all should feel the same I respectfully submit.

You may say that it is easy for me make these comments now that I got the greencard. But let us not hypothecate our freedom to anything. Not green card and not even citizenship.

Again these are my feelings and I do not mean offence to any one. And I thouroughly respect your point of view as well....

I wish that you all get it very soon as well.

God bless

Amen, to your apt remarks regarding freedom and GC. That is exactly how I feel. However, the flip-side of the coin is that as per legal ramifications, like it or not, not having a GC does really curtail your freedom. That kind of "red-tapist" curtailment of freedom is what the guys have in mind when they laud you for your freedom.

If you have your GC, you are free from many shackles, including not having to apply for an EAD contiguously, AP (there were many bereavements for which many members of this forum couldn't go, merely because their freedom to go was curtailed because of non-adjudication of their APs, etc.) Of course, one may advise against waiting for APs to face contingencies. But, that is not freedom, particularly when one has to take a do-or-die decision -- wait for AP or attend funeral ceremonies back home.

As what you experience now -- that is what true freedom is all about and that is what, am sure, many are alluding to, when they congratulate you.

Hope, I didn't offend anyone as well.
You are a lucky man. Anyone being approved is lucky as approvals are very spotted. The processing time just keeps increasing.

We're all happy this Christmas there's been lots of approvals including my Self.
My prayers for all you guys waiting for approvals..

Good Bless you all

I-485 AD 12/02/2003