3:00 Pm

useful info

Thanks PCeeFan.

Seems like it, IIO has confirmed what we've been thinking. This slow down is CSC's effort to clean the wac-01's the last few messed up cases. And CSC has always been random. This means, contingent to how long it takes for WAC-01's ... we WAC-02's are right next to the door now.

Picture standing in a long queue at safeway, where we are waiting for the checker, and the person ahead of us has no clue about how to use an ATM card.
More info

check out

this link

some one's case got txferred to SFO for interview,

RD 6/19/01
ND 8/21/01
AP 9/01
EAD 9/01
FP 11/01
RFE 5/02 for all kinds of crap
8/02 transferred to SFO

Transferred on 8/2 (Friday last week). So there had been lots of movement I guess. He got an RFE first and then the case was transferred. I have no clue on how to help this dude, I asked him to post his message here instead, more gurus here.
Useful info, PCee_fan..

From the approvals we are seeing, looks like CSC is processing Oct, Nov cases randomly. And also cleaning up the WAC-01's slowly. My Wac is 02_92. Hoping to see my approval sometime in September or even earlier :)
Anyways let's hope that csc does'nt slow down the approval pace.:rolleyes:

Thanks pceefan

Please keep writing your experience with IIOs. For me no luck calling IIOs giving any useful info :)
hey PCeefan

Thanks for the information... Keep us posted as you are the only one regularly intouch with Irrelevant & Inconsistent Officers. We need your postings on update. keep up the good work dude.
tt tt

tt tt

Although its hard to say whether it will hurt or not, a safe thing would be (if you can) to get a new birth certficate with the full name. Alternatively, you can also get affidavits from your parents/uncles stating the obvious. This way if you do get an rfe (I hope you don't) you'll be able to reply to it with supporting documents rather quickly.

WAC 02-046.. still waiting as of Tuesday night.

pceefan's update

guaranteed to work

all u guys out there who are more than 180 days old on yr 485 cases, to get a appropriate response from IIO's who are rude use this statement

I am calling in to find out the status of my 485 since it has been more than 180 days since the notice date. the moment u speak their jargon their ears perk up...and they invariably give u close to correct news....

one more piece of info...u will see very very few WAC 020-040 ..this is because during this time CSC had stopped processing 485 due to the fact that INS was broken up into 2 blah blah ..etc etc...

So all 'we post WAC-050 guys that is good news...what 046 approvals mean is that after WAC010--they seem to have jumped straight to 035 plus ...so by my estimate 485's till WAC-099 shd get cleared by mid Oct to end Oct.

now for WAC pre WAC- 050 guys I am scheduled to speak to an IIo for 2 cases of my employees ..maybe I will be a bit bolder this time and ask them why this crazy stuff of 046 getting approved and not the 035plus and not 010's who are still pending

Now for some 'hard' news on H1 b guys..may not apply to this forum but u can sure talk to yr friends who are H1 B

INS has become very strict in extending an H1b post the 3 year period. I had sent in 3 extn request for my employees and u know what I got back in return

A long letter from INS saying that there are 100's of people in the US available with these skills and why on earth are we extnd their H1b's..i have no answer man! infact INS has said in the letter that they will send me a list of people with names and address who can be' employed' from the unemployed pool.

On a lighter note...while the INS letter is bad news for 3 year nearing H1 guys..it is good news for me..my company has decided that they do need a HR guy to manage all this muck..so I hold my job for this quarter:)
pun intended. no offence pls

Re: pceefan's update

Originally posted by pceefan
one more piece of info...u will see very very few WAC 020-040 ..this is because during this time CSC had stopped processing 485 due to the fact that INS was broken up into 2 blah blah ..etc etc...
what is the meaning of "during this time CSC has stopped processing 485" ?????

I am bit confused
bad news

The H1b rejection is a very bad news. Only a matter of time before they extend the same reasoning to Green Cards. Time to find a white girl to marry.
well it means that there are very few people with WAc-02-020 to WAC 02-035 ..not that they are not..but generally very very few as during this time INS had completely gone slow on accepting any new application..i think it was around june...

so nothing to do with processing times etc for these cases..but just that during this phase the number of RD were few..hope it brightens u up
Silly Man


That was a perfectly unsilly and correct thought process..but what abt guys who are married! maybe I should bring this up with my wife :D

On a serious note..even though they might extend the thinking to GC it won't be for post 180 days 485 cases..many reasons

1. The lawyer community will slam dunk the INS if they did anything like this, rem the lawyers are surviving only on GC money the H1 B monyes have dried up completely

2. The meaning of AOS as such is that yr status is being adjusted and in no way can they reject a GC on the abv reasoning

4. Rem, America as a nation encourages knowlegable/trained immigrants like us, the country has been built on immigrants grey matter!

But I fear the repercutions the economy will have to out next gen of H1b/GC friends....

Well let us first worry abt ourselves! :cool:
what is "case in progress" mean?

Based on pceefan's guide lines talked to an IIO today. After dialling I was on hold for 20 min. I started by telling that my case is filed more than 9 months back and want to know the status. Gave WAC 02-45-XXXXX and he said, "Your case is in progress and don't get much delay". Does it mean that my case is assigned. I wanted to ask about my spouse and kid, then he said that will be generally together. Otherwise, spouse need to call again. Any way, it gives some hope :)
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talked to the IIO

Just talked to the IIO...
As expected the reply dint really help much"ffp results obtained in april,case is still not assigned, will take upto atleast 2 months for approval"... what does this mean? is this a standard answer or what!!

WAC -02-041-XXXXX
my RD is Oct 17
ND is Nov 16
:mad: :mad: :
do the IIO's have different answers based on their judgement, or look upto some screen or do they listen to the AVMs too:D :D

Nell for guys like you and me, we really need to see some LA guys with WAC_02's get approved. Once we see even one, we can be sure that our turn is coming.

As far as your talk with IIO. Case in progress yea, it's been progressin' for the last 9+ months. Just like mine. That is a very open ended answer, and I would totally disregard that is unhelpful IIO BS.

Calling IIO seems like a total waste of time. All they do is give you an AVM based answer. I am sure on their screens they have much more info than they actually divulge to us, and I am sure there is a law against keeping it secret. However it is easier to wait, than to fight with them. Maybe it'd help if you can talk to the IIO as a conference call with your attorney.

PCeefan, you seem to have a knack of dealing with IIO's, can you get information about WAC-02/Los Angeles cases the next time you talk to them? If it's possible. Thanks.
interpretation is hard

on IIOs language. They basically makes us :confused:

Good Luck to all pending cases to get approved by Next week ;)
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nell..may be good news

Nell 02..with whatever u have provided as data in yr post my reading of the IIo's answer is

1. Your case has been assigned to an office..this means that it can take anywhere between 1-4 weeks for a decision

2. Try calling up again, you will reach a different IIO...and ask the same question. this time make sure that u specifically ask whether you case has been assigned to an officer or not...You will then get say Reply 'X'

3. Call gain say in the afternoon and you will 99.99% reach another operator and ask the same q again. Say u get an answer Y

4. If X tallies with Y then go to a pub and start drinking

5. If not try this mantra gain next day, and keep trying till you can go to the pub!

6. Also, the rumour that if u call IIO too many times they will blacklist u is all bull..not an speckle of truth in that...each time u call u go to a diff IIO..there is NO Tracking Systems etc etc...all bull rumours spread by people who don't want the 949 number ,loaded

Sill Man, Desi Guy..and the rest...some interesting analysis.

We have had approximately 6 GC's issued and I find that in 5 of those cases the approval came on or around the 9th month from the 485 RD.

I am excitedly checking the exact dates and I find that this a sort of trend...my cousin from Sun got his approved last week and his too was 9th month 22 nd day fm 485 RD

So may be this is something worth pondering and discussing about..Any comments from the gang?
bombay boy

u said u were WAc02-041..so let's take 9 months from yr 485 RD..that means that u shd have yrs in Sept if Dec was yr RD ..add 2 weeks more for inefficiencies and viola Oct 1st shd be yr party day

so may be what the IIO said was more or less true...9 months fm 485 date seems to be working..so best of luck..:p