2nd Level IO?


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Hey guys,

How do I ask to speak to a second level IO? I have called twice, yesterday and today again to check on my interview date but I have been told that they DON'T know this and NONE there can tell me this. I find this ridiculous since several people here have called and been given the date of the interview, even the date when the letter was sent out. So what do I need to say? I told the IO that I was going out of town now and next month again (so I can change my travel arrangements) but she refused to help me any further. She said that if I haven't received an interview letter in 5 months to call back (are you kidding me?) ........Any suggestions?

Thanks!!!! :D
If requesting to transfer your call to 2nd line support doesn't work, then tell agent it's been more than 30 days since you applied and that you haven't received receipt notice yet. That will trigger them to transfer your call.
Hey guys,

How do I ask to speak to a second level IO? I have called twice, yesterday and today again to check on my interview date but I have been told that they DON'T know this and NONE there can tell me this. I find this ridiculous since several people here have called and been given the date of the interview, even the date when the letter was sent out. So what do I need to say? I told the IO that I was going out of town now and next month again (so I can change my travel arrangements) but she refused to help me any further. She said that if I haven't received an interview letter in 5 months to call back (are you kidding me?) ........Any suggestions?

Thanks!!!! :D

The first officer whom you spoke to is not exactly an IO who has REAL access to the system information that is useful to the applicants. They were just given the bare minimum access like checking the status (the same thing we saw online anyway) and few things like changing addresses and making note of our concerns. You might as well listen to some music while they check your status and talk about it. This setup is just to fool the public, as if they are really providing some meaningful customer support. Then, you can request for talking to a IO who can provide more specific case status info. I called them twice in the past two weeks and they readily agreed to transfer to the 2nd officer. Offcourse, there is no guarantee the 2nd officer will provide you with the info. you are looking for. The 2nd officer told me that I am not scheduled for interview yet (this was 10 days ago). I didn't want to extend the conversation by asking something like "can you atleast tell me if my case is in the queue for interview". I don't want to annoy them and have them throw my file somewhere. I just said thank you and hang up the phone. The trick is, try to break the ice in the beginning itself by wishing goodmorning, good afternoon and say, "how are you doing" etc.. It's not that you aren't trying but it did help me have a smooth conversation and transfer to the 2nd officer. It may work or may not but no lose in trying. Also, don't try calling them so often. Don't know if they make note of every call you make but avoid it if you can.
Oh I was really nice about it, she just kept saying there was NO ONE that could tell me that and that they NEVER see the interview date even if is set already. I told her so you are telling me that even if my interview date is set, no one in your office can see that? (HINT HINT a higher position officer) she said "NO". I don't care if they note the calls, that shouldn't be a problem, they do say "Call you if you have any questions" at the end of the call lol.
Oh I was really nice about it, she just kept saying there was NO ONE that could tell me that and that they NEVER see the interview date even if is set already. I told her so you are telling me that even if my interview date is set, no one in your office can see that? (HINT HINT a higher position officer) she said "NO". I don't care if they note the calls, that shouldn't be a problem, they do say "Call you if you have any questions" at the end of the call lol.

Human nature for some is to answer incorrectly when faced with uncertainty or the unknown. That's exactly what some of the reps do. Just keep calling back till you get the right one.
Call the 1-800 number and tell them its been more than 45 days since you had filed your application. Dont tell them your receipt number

Your call would get transferred to second level IO, give them your receipt number and your A# number. You will get to know all your information on your case including your Interview date , time and location.

For me, she told me the date, time, location even before i got my IL. She also asked me to block my calendar for that date, so i dont forget and told me now you have your date, start studyig for your tests !! Its easy. :) :)

For a moment, i did not know what was happening...she was extremely super nice !!!!!

Wouldn't USCIS be better served with having a real customer service reps like a professional business like Verizon? If what they tell you is what is available online, you don't need them cause when you have a computer and internet, you can see what they see. This is a case where USCIS is offering you a service which you are already receiving, but have an excuse to shell out money to people who provide no valuable service at all in my view.

I don't remember the last time I called their 1800 number, because when I did call years ago, I got a potato talker who was clueless and I yelled at him and hanged up. I rather make an info pass and talk to a live person, who in at times need to be pushed or instructed to elevate your case to the NBC or somewhere. If I ask for someothing and the answer is NO, then I have asked the wrong person and I elevate to another person, until I get a YES. ;)
Dude they don't want to make me mad, THEY refuse that there is 2nd level officer that can help me, ACTUALLY they are lying since when I asked they said NO they don't have an officer that can help. WAY TO GO!

I so agree with you AL, it is a waste of taxpayers money for that WORHTLESS customer service.
Dude they don't want to make me mad, THEY refuse that there is 2nd level officer that can help me, ACTUALLY they are lying since when I asked they said NO they don't have an officer that can help. WAY TO GO!

I so agree with you AL, it is a waste of taxpayers money for that WORHTLESS customer service.

If you are not going out of town immediately, I suggest you wait until this Saturday mail comes. You should get it. If not, definitly by Monday mail. It shouldn't take for delivery beyond that point.