Hey guys. I am from the 2014 batch but in here for my cousin who is a 2016 selectee with 2016AF00004*** and whoever might be needing some basic info. from registration to arrival in the states.
You can also ask personal and some sensitive questions you don't wanna share publicly through the private message and I will do well to respond. The so called connection men in Ghana have stolen from the ignorant for a long time now. Do not take me wrong, I'm not an agent neither do I give any info. for a reward in return. I was just pissed off to hear someone couldn't proceed to get her visa because she couldn't pay the so called connection man $5,000.00 just for registering her.
I know some of the connection men are here with us, if you are and doing same it's time to repent coz the US gov. is on the hunt for you.
Good luck to all lucky winners.