I should say, these people with families and low numbers under 1200 get their winning's worth. A low number really is a win. A high number is just being teased, taunted and tempted and sentenced to 15 months of tantalizing wonder and what-ifs and forum reading. A high number may well be crueler than not being selected for further processing in the first place. A high number is to be invited to the dance, dress up in your prettiest clothes, and to be left as a wallflower that nobody wants to dance with. It would be better to stay at home and watch TV and not have to bother ironing your clothes and going out to the dance seeing all the cool kids have fun.
Does anybody have any opinions on the political future of the DV over the next decade? Was Hillary Clinton a supporter of it? If she becomes President for 8 years would she support keeping it? Do you think Republicans will get control of the senate and succeed with some new immigration bill killing the DV? What does anyone think? I won 2014 with a high useless number probably, lost 2015, will probably keep playing, because if I ever win and get a decent number, I'm home free.