2013 Feb N 400 Tracker

Got NOA yesterday, see my update below.

2/19/13: N-400 mailed to Phoenix, AZ
2/21/13: N-400 delivered
2/26/13: Email Notification & case no received
2/28/13: NOA received
3/02/13: FP notice recd
3/20/13: FP scheduled
X/XX/13: In line for Interviewing scheduling
X/XX/13: Interview Scheduled
X/XX/13: Interview Done
X/XX/13: Oath scheduling que
X/XX/13: Oath Letter received
X/XX/13: Oath Ceremony
X/XX/13: Applied for Passport
X/XX/13: Received Passport
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2/18/13 : N-400 mailed to Dallas Texas
03/05/13: NOA received
03/05/13: FP notice received
03/07/13: FP done(Walk In) Very Professional/Nice Lady did mine.
03/14/13: In line for interview scheduling
//: Interview scheduled
//: Interview done
//: Oath scheduling queue
//: Oath letter received
//: Oath Ceremony
//: Applied for Passport
//: Received Passport
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Received NOA for self, awaiting NOA for DW.

Sig will stay updated for latest status through this journey...

02/14/13 (0): N-400 mailed (Dallas, TX)
02/18/13 (4): Delivered
02/22/13 (8): Check cashed & Email (case number)
02/27/13 (13): Email (FP)
02/28/13 (14): NOA received
03/02/13 (16): FP notice received

//: FP done
//: In line for interview scheduling
//: Interview scheduled
//: Interview done
//: Oath scheduling queue
//: Oath letter received
//: Oath Ceremony
//: Applied for Passport
//: Received Passport
walk-in FP done, USCIS ASC was extremely nice and helpful, in-out in 5 mins
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Updated my info

Couple questions
1. Anyone know if the Cincinnati ASC accepts walk-ins?
2. I have noticed that some folks can see in their status online that such & such notice was sent etc.. When I go check my status on uscis.gov, I just see a graphical status on where the application is at. Are there other sites you are getting more detailed status's from?

Got our NOA & FP notices together in the mail. Earler my Spouse's check got cashed and later on mine, because I could see my Receipt# at the back of the check image. So far so good.

under the picture (case status Initial or other) there is a text where Uscis write when they send out letter and what kind of letter..
Received NOA for both spouse / self, and FP notice for self only. Called USCIS today to inquire on FP notice status for spouse, and was told that we need to wait 30 days before USCIS can re-send FP notice.

The agent suggested the following - since we filed concurrently we could try going in together to the service center @ my scheduled appointment time, and try to complete fingerprinting for both of us depending on how busy the service center folks are?

Has anyone gone through or heard of a scenario similar to above? Thanks!
2/01/13: N-400 delivered
2/06/13: Check cashed (shows up in checking account with one day delay in my case)
2/11/13: NOA received (Priority Date: 02/01/13 )
2/11/13: FP notice recd
2/13/13: FP walk in done.
2/20/13: In line for Interviewing scheduling
3/11/13: Scheduled for interview

02/14/13 (0): N-400 mailed (Dallas, TX)
02/18/13 (4): Delivered
02/22/13 (8): Check cashed & Email (case number)
02/27/13 (13): Email (FP)
02/28/13 (14): NOA received
03/02/13 (16): FP notice received
03/11/13 (25): FP done

//: In line for interview scheduling
//: Interview scheduled
//: Interview done
//: Oath scheduling queue
//: Oath letter received
//: Oath Ceremony
//: Applied for Passport
//: Received Passport