• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

2013 DV Australian winners

They won't issue the visa until the medical is done.

I also could not get a medical done before my interview, so I booked it in for straight after the interview. The medical centre is just around the corner. They sent the results directly to the consulate.
Fiji Selectees

Anyone from Fiji has had an interview experience that you might want to share?..I am told the interview questions vary..Please share your interview experiences..
Hey Djack, sorry but I don't have our receipt handy (we're on holiday) but I know we paid $234 for the two of us. That price included digital prints and the Canadian check, plus ink prints for the Aussie one. When I get back home, I will check the invoice. We went to Commissionaires, a private security company to get it done because we got discouraged by the RCMP telling us it would take months for them to do it. Commissionaires need to have you apply in person, so getting them to do it from overseas isn't possible. And neither do they send digital prints overseas and the AFP said it only accepted ink prints from overseas applicants.

Thanks,Vichel for the info.
In the courtesy email I received from the Sydney consulate that lists the documents I need to bring to my interview, it says I need to bring any old/expired passports.

I only have my current one and the expired one I had before that, from age 16-19. I am pretty sure I should have another old one for before then, but I cannot find it anywhere. Would this be an issue at all, since it was from when I was a child?
Don't worry abou expired passports. I didn't have all my past ones and it was fine.

Thanks for that assuring reply. I used to keep all my old passports and never had to use them for anything. So when we moved from Oz in 2011, I decided to get rid of them once and for all as part of my Big Life-Decluttering and Purge. And wouldn't you know it, but there's been at least two occasions when they were asked for. But it was no big deal, I had other proof. If you don't have them, you don't have them, they'll just have to get over it. ;)
Don't worry abou expired passports. I didn't have all my past ones and it was fine.

Thanks for that assuring reply. I used to keep all my old passports and never had to use them for anything. So when we moved from Oz in 2011, I decided to get rid of them once and for all as part of my Big Life-Decluttering and Purge. And wouldn't you know it, but there's been at least two occasions when they were asked for. But it was no big deal, I had other proof. If you don't have them, you don't have them, they'll just have to get over it. ;)

Thanks both of you! That's a lot more reassuring :) I don't want to mess this interview up, so I am trying to be as absolutely careful with it as possible!
The interview at the consulate seemed more like a formality to me. I hadn't yet had my medical, so I knew I wouldn't get a final decision on the day.

I got there early and had everything in the right order. They just took my whole pile of documents which included additional education.

Don't forget the return envelope and photos. The photos end up being in your passport.

I was only asked a few questions about past entries to the USA, previous marriage and when and where I completed school.

The whole process took about 1 hour 15 mins.

I had my medical afterwards and had a huge scare. Chest X-Ray showed signs of inactive TB. One tiny spot or scar. I had been vaccinated when I was 5 when a girl at my school caught it. Looks like I caught a very mild case or this was the result of the vaccination itself. It is nearly 30 years old now, so obviously not coming back. I was not aware of this part of my medical history.

So I had two stressful weeks as they reviewed my case. The doctor assured me it would be fine. The consulate asked for a copy of the X-Rays for their file.

They approved the visa. I just have to have a few periodic check ups once in the USA to confirm it isn't active. Which just seems like a formality. Looks like I have an extra envelope for POE too. I have a sealed medical records envelope. There is an annotation in my passort too.

There you go. I just thought I would add a bumpy ride interview story to the information pool of the forum.
Thanks for that, dafang. It's good to get such examples on the forum in case others have the same situation. Sorry to hear about the lung scarring but good to hear it's nothing to worry about, or to get disqualified over.

Congratulations on your GC success!
I had my medical afterwards and had a huge scare. Chest X-Ray showed signs of inactive TB. One tiny spot or scar. I had been vaccinated when I was 5 when a girl at my school caught it. Looks like I caught a very mild case or this was the result of the vaccination itself. It is nearly 30 years old now, so obviously not coming back. I was not aware of this part of my medical history.

So I had two stressful weeks as they reviewed my case. The doctor assured me it would be fine. The consulate asked for a copy of the X-Rays for their file.

They approved the visa. I just have to have a few periodic check ups once in the USA to confirm it isn't active. Which just seems like a formality. Looks like I have an extra envelope for POE too. I have a sealed medical records envelope. There is an annotation in my passort too.

There you go. I just thought I would add a bumpy ride interview story to the information pool of the forum.

Hi dafang,

I have a tiny scar too!!! When I have done Xrays for Canada and Australia they saw it but said the same, a strong flu or the vaccination might be the explanation or that spot.

What did they do after seeing your x-ray? Did you take an extra TB exam? Who reviewed your case?

I am scared... :s

They said they would've liked to see an earlier X-Ray to compare it with the new one, but I didn't have one. If you have one I suggest taking it to your medical exam..

I didn't have to take another TB exam besides the X-Ray. I don't think they do the skin test anymore. They will just keep an eye on me with follow up periodic X-Rays.

Another condition is that my medicals are only valid for 6 months instead of 12.

Don't be scared.
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I didn't have to take another TB exam besides the X-Ray. I don't think they do the skin test anymore. They will just keep an eye on me with follow up periodic X-Rays.

TB skin test is still being done in the US. It's actually the first TB test procedure people undergo in the US, only those who test 'positive' with a showing of 4-5MM> swelling are required to undergo chest X-Ray/examination.
Just thought i'd share our medical experience with you all from Sydney.

We saw Dr Waks who is the loveliest man - Clearly knows his stuff and does it all the time so he will know any answers to questions you have.

The girls out the front clearly do this all the time too so no dramas there - They give you a lovely yellow cup to visit the bathroom 1st for a wee!

Then he goes through some pretty routine yes / no questions with you for your medical background then does easy check - Blood Pressure, Reflexes, Balance, Spine, Sight, Hearing, Height, Weight, Breast Check for the Girls & Cough Test for the Boys plus some vaccinations if you dont have proof of previous vaccs.

Then you head down the corridor to get a blood test then head to another place in the city for your chest xray. Then you head back to him, he has a look at those and finishes all the paperwork and sends everything off to the consulate for you.

Take your 3 passport photos, express post envelope (he likes the paper ones not the plastic ones) passport and your letter with your case number.

He is very though and checks every detail on the paperwork for you.

The only thing i had was because i never had chicken pox as a kid he ordered an extra blood test to check immunity for that and if i dont have any i will have to go back for another quick jab in 2 days.

All too easy :)
Hey guys,
I got my green card on Christmas Eve and entered the US on Jan 19. I thought I might share my experience at the Port of Entry , which doesn't seem to be discussed much on this forum:
I travelled to LA on QF93 from Melbourne, connecting to QF107 on to New York. It's about a two hour layover.
At immigration at LAX, a new immigrant you typically go through the foreigner gates, however, because I was on a connecting flight, they give you a bright orange card which allows you to go through the quicker US citizen gates.
I handed over my sealed envelope and passport to the CBP officer, who asked a couple of questions such as where was I going to move to and what did I do for a living. She did the electronic finger print scan and then took me over to a waiting area just off to the side of the immigration and baggage hall. It's worth noting that although I had my chest x-ray, she said I didn't need it.
I waited there for about five minutes or so while the officer dealt with another few people. He then took my sealed envelope and then took some fingerprints with my right index finger (using black ink, old school) then asked me to sit down and wait. He went through the documents in the envelope, then after five minutes called me up to hand over my passport which had a stamp on the page opposite the temporary I-551 form and then sent me on my way.
All up, no more than a ten minute process.
After I'd collected my baggage, I was asked to go through a different line for customs declarations, but since I was carrying little cash and had nothing to declare, I went pretty much straight through.
Overall, nothing to trip you up and so long as you have enough time to make your connecting flight, you should be fine.
This might be a silly question - the passport photos that are needed for the medical, are they just the regular Australian passport photo size? Or is there a US size that I'd need?

Also with the US passport sized photo needed for the embassy interview, did anyone just take it themselves and get it printed, or go to a proper photo place to get it done?
The medical one can just be any sized passport photo. They are really for getting the blood test and X-Ray to prove you haven't swapped with someone on the way.

I went with proper US ones for the interview. They use these to print your visa. I did get one set done and refused to use them because they were hideous. Taking them yourself is safer for pure vanity reasons ;)
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Thanks CBP1980 for the POE info... i was very interested to read that...

Bella8188 - I used the American ones at my medical this morning - no probs. 1 goes with your form to the consulate, 1 to the blood test people and 1 to the chest xray people so those 2 it wouldnt matter but the other one who knows - better to be safe was out logic and just use usa ones.

We had them done at one of the places on the recommended list from the consulate also to be on the safe side.
Then he goes through some pretty routine yes / no questions with you for your medical background then does easy check - Blood Pressure, Reflexes, Balance, Spine, Sight, Hearing, Height, Weight, Breast Check for the Girls & Cough Test for the Boys plus some vaccinations if you dont have proof of previous vaccs.

So.... did you not have to get naked? Haha. I'm really not looking forward to the medical in a few weeks... trying to mentally prepare. Never had a breast check either... what's it involve....?
So.... did you not have to get naked? Haha. I'm really not looking forward to the medical in a few weeks... trying to mentally prepare. Never had a breast check either... what's it involve....?

Nope not naked with Dr Waks - Just shirt off during the breast check and he has a quick feel of your breasts to check for any lumps - its over in 30 seconds and it is truly nothing to worry about - Hubby had to strip to undies for his though.
Nope not naked with Dr Waks - Just shirt off during the breast check and he has a quick feel of your breasts to check for any lumps - its over in 30 seconds and it is truly nothing to worry about - Hubby had to strip to undies for his though.

I think I'll be seeing one of the docs in Brisbane... I wonder if all the docs do it differently cause some people I've read have had to get naked.... But then again... Shirt off is half naked.. Ahhh not looking forward to this.