2011 February N-400 tracker

hi all

I can't locate my Advance Parole documents. These are not reentry permits, just the AP that I chose to apply for while applying for GC. I had 2 of them. could this be an issue during my interview tomorrow. I have found copies but not the originals. thanks to all
Typically, copies work well for all documents except for the passports, the permanent resident card, the Interview Letter. At this time, I don't think there is the time for you to figure out an alternative. The fact that you have the copies should suffice. Good luck!

Disclaimer: I am only a layperson, not a lawyer or an immigration professional, sharing my opinion. Do not construe my statements as professional legal advice.
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That's reassuring Java. Thanks for the answer. Sorry to ask my questions piecemeal but things occur to me as I go. My DL has my previous address, which is the apt we were living in before buying our house. It's only a few miles away from our current house so same state, county, etc. I hope this will not be an issue. I apologize in advance but I might have more as the day goes by. I never thought I would be nervous over N400. I remember lurking in these forums at the time of marriage-based GC and thought everyone else had it easy and shouldn't worry. Now here I am worrying. Oh well. Anyway, thanks in advance!
I have not paid much attention to this issue, but the driver's license may be a more significant matter. So much so, that I tempted to advise you to go and correct the address at your DMV today. True, you will get a temporary D/L, without your photo on it. But, that replacement D/L does act as an official document, and the USCIS depends on the photo on your permanent resident card for your identity.

I recommend that you search this Forum (and outside the Forum) for this issue. There have been discussions on this in the past, I know.
Not to underrate your concerns in anyway. But from what I have seen on the forums, looks like the IOs at the interview are accommodating. They do not try to be nit picky.

I'm sure you will come out happy. All the very best!
I remember at least one thread on the topic and if I recall correctly, I'd have to surrender my current DL for the one with no pic. i dont mean to reject advice that I asked for, but I think I am more comfortable with DL with pic and former address. I may be wrong though. Java do you recall some of the reasons debated as to why it's preferable to get temporary DL. And also, the reason why I never changed it is that I am too busy (I know, I know, aren't we all? :) Anyway, I promise to keep you posted as soon as possible tomorrow be it only for your kind availability to answer my questions. Thanks!
Thanks so much Java for the link. It calmed me a bit. It turns out that just last night, my husband ordered me a copy of my MD driving record online and we could print it out at home. There were only 2 things on it: the date I got the DL and surrendered my out of state one and an address change dating two years ago around the time we bought this house and moved. Even I know that I may have wasted $9 by buying that record, but now with this DL issue, it may serve a new purpose if the situation presents itself that I am given a hard time about it. Also, with N400 package, I had provided house deed, utility bills, etc to prove still ongoing marriage but those too may come in handy. So I feel a little better now. I think I have exhausted my questions and feel as ready as I can feel. thanks for everyone and I will be back tomorrow God willing to share my experience.
Just had status changed from initial review to testing and interview. Also received email update. Hope interview letter comes in soon. :)
Hi Java and Eternal.

You probably won't see this until you come back from your own interviews tomorrow, hopefully as US Citizens, as is the case for me today. I am exhausted right now and will elaborate on my experience tomorrow (after my appt to apply for passport :)). But the short version of the story is nothing was asked except for passport, DL, and GC. The sea of documents I had painstakingly assembled went un-asked for. Also in terms of questions, only the civics test, English test, N400 form questions including yes/no questions were asked. Nothing else. Then we chitchated because her computer froze while she was giving me oath letter and stuff for this afternoon at 3pm.

Good luck and as I said, more tomorrow, at which point we will probably be able to compare naturalization notes.

thanks again for your help the past couple of days.
Hi Java and Eternal.

You probably won't see this until you come back from your own interviews tomorrow, hopefully as US Citizens, as is the case for me today. I am exhausted right now and will elaborate on my experience tomorrow (after my appt to apply for passport :)). But the short version of the story is nothing was asked except for passport, DL, and GC. The sea of documents I had painstakingly assembled went un-asked for. Also in terms of questions, only the civics test, English test, N400 form questions including yes/no questions were asked. Nothing else. Then we chitchated because her computer froze while she was giving me oath letter and stuff for this afternoon at 3pm.

Good luck and as I said, more tomorrow, at which point we will probably be able to compare naturalization notes.

thanks again for your help the past couple of days.

Congratulations to you!

I am headed to my interview bright and early tomorrow. Catch you later.
Thanks liker, but it has seem that my case has been rather slow compared to others here, got stuck in FP process.
Hi Java and Eternal.

You probably won't see this until you come back from your own interviews tomorrow, hopefully as US Citizens, as is the case for me today. I am exhausted right now and will elaborate on my experience tomorrow (after my appt to apply for passport :)). But the short version of the story is nothing was asked except for passport, DL, and GC. The sea of documents I had painstakingly assembled went un-asked for. Also in terms of questions, only the civics test, English test, N400 form questions including yes/no questions were asked. Nothing else. Then we chitchated because her computer froze while she was giving me oath letter and stuff for this afternoon at 3pm.

Good luck and as I said, more tomorrow, at which point we will probably be able to compare naturalization notes.

thanks again for your help the past couple of days.

Congratulations, regskins!

I have a long way to go for the interview.
Case Transfered to Local Office

Received an email and text saying my case has been transfered to Local Office which is Boston. This is my timeline:

N-400 Dallas Lockbox - 2/23/2011
Check Cashed - 2/28/2011
FP Notice by Mail - 3/14/2011
FP App - 3/23/2011
Email (Case Transfer to Local Office) - 4/27/2011