• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

2011 DV Lottery Winners from Australia Report Here!

Kidame, good to hear that u are now reading recent messages. I have called kcc and they told me to call after two weeks. How is ur police clearance issue going in Addis? Lemeskel hager bet memtat alchalkim neber?
Hi Labora 2,
That is good! WISH YOU ALL THE BEST!
regarding police issue, still my freind is telling me that he is trying and is optimistic. but no conclusive result yet!
yaa, it was too difficult to go to addis for meskel/any other time...cos of schooling....i do hv a very tough professor as my advisor...

bzw: r u at addis now?

Case number 2011AF000017***
First NL received - 21 April 2010
Forms sent to kcc - 20 june 2010
Forms received by kcc - 25 june 2010
Second NL - waiting
Hello everyone,

I'm preparing my documents for the interview. I don't have a copy of my year 12 certificate, but I do have my Bachelor's Degree certificate.

At the interview is a Bachelor's degree enough evidence, or do they still want a high school certificate?

At the interview is a Bachelor's degree enough evidence, or do they still want a high school certificate?

The DV instructions say this :
To enter the lottery, you must meet either the education or work experience requirement of the DV program: You must have either a high school education or its equivalent, defined as successful completion of a 12-year course of elementary and secondary education; OR two years of work experience within the past five years in an occupation requiring at least two years of training or experience to perform.

Looks like you may need to email the consulate to ask whether they will accept your degree certificate as proof of the 12 year school requirement. i think their email is sydneyiv@state.gov
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2nd NL arrived in the mail today. Big White envelope with KCC written on it. Not that much in it though, only 2 pages.

First page says: This is the official notice for you to pursue your application for DV-2011 visa. .... etc. etc.

Please follow instructions provided in step 4 at www.dvselectee.state.gov

at the bottom is the interview appointment date.

Second page doesn't say much at all, just the case number and details.

At least it has arrived!

Awesome news about your second NL PartyInTheUSA.

It gives the rest of us some hope that the KCC hasn't forgotten about all of us down here! :D
Hey guys,

Just sharing my experience from my interview on Wednesday 6th October - US embassy in London, UK

Although I don't have my Visa just yet, it went pretty well.

For those who are having their interview in London: get to the embassy early as there was a line there at 7:30AM when I got there for my 8:00AM appointment. Don't bring a phone or any electronics as they won't allow them in.

I was allocated an interview number on arrival and told to wait in a large room with what looked like bank tellers where they conduct all the interviews. There were heaps of people in there for non-immigration documents etc as well.

The first guy I met was English and asked me to make a payment at counter 12 before he started checking my documents. Documents checked:
2 x passport photos
Birth Certificate (make a copy as he requested a copy with the original)
Education documents
UK police certificate
Australian police certificate (I didn't have this but it wouldn't have mattered anyway as I must have misread the documents or something as you need to get the one with the fingerprint check)
Affidavit of support (this was a surprise. I don't know what an acceptable amount is but make sure you bring a bank statement or something. I told him that I had £8000 in my bank account at the moment and he seemed to be OK with that but still needed a bank statement)

I told him that I was planning on moving over at the start of August 2011 which he seemed concerned with.

I was told to wait a while longer and then called up to another counter where there was an American lady doing the rest of the interview.

She swore me in (had to raise my right hand and everything!) and asked a few questions about my financial situation, what I planned to do over in the States and where I intended to stay.

After that she handed me the SSS forms and asked me to sign (not an option) and then handed me a document outlining the additional documentation I needed and a number for a courier service that they use for me to send my documents in when I get them.

So it still seems promising for me.
That looks great. Get your additional documents in time and go for your visa. Good luck.
No, there's nothing about proof of funds.

just to follow instructions given in step 4 at www.dvselectee.state.gov ;)

Thanks PartyInTheUSA, let me know what happens about proof of funds at the interview. Do you have a sponsor?

The reason this part worries me is because I'm 24 so the friends I do have over there are mostly still in college and as such are below the poverty line themselves and unable to help out with an affidavit of support.

I have a A$24,000 share portfolio along with about A$16,000 cash that I plan to show as evidence that I can support myself. I'm also single, which from what I hear should help my case. Plus I have IT Technician experience on my application, which is an industry it's easy to get the appropriate business licenses and freelance until I get a job offer from an employer. As an absolute backup plan I am also planning to supply a certified copy of my father's ATO Notice of Assessment (A$120k taxable income last year) and a statutory declaration from him to the effect that he is willing and able to supply transport back to Australia should the need arise to avoid me becoming a public charge. Surely this would be enough? It just worries me I'm going to get an CO who's having a bad day and insists on an affidavit of support.
Victoria police have a backlog of police cert applications, so they say it takes up to 10 working days but in reality its more like 20 (we submitted applications over easter long weekend.)... and they lost our applications and cheques so we had to reapply!
They did process them in 1 day though when I reapplied..
but i would submit the application at least 1 month before interview.
And it took about 1 hour to do the fingerprints at the local police station.

Hi there. I am curious as to why you got VicPol to do fingerprints? I cannot see in any documentation there being a requirement to supply these yourself. Mine are already recorded due to my employment as well as with the US consulate in Melb, would I need to do them again should I EVER get to this stage?

Here's praying and hoping the 2nl comes today!
Hi Beech, this week I am hopeful that we will at least hear about our interview date (via e mail, phone) even if we may not get the actual 2nd NL. Our 2nd NLs will be in our hands in the coming 1-2 weeks with God's wish.