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2011 DV Lottery Winners from Australia Report Here!

+1 on the best wishes for your interview on Tuesday! I really hope all goes well.
Look forward to hearing about your success!
Attended the interview yesterday and my application was approved!!
I will post the exact sequence of events at the consulate later today
Interestingly, my appointment letter does not mention anything about AOS or proof of funds. I am going to take proof of funds in case they ask for it. I also have a copy of an appointment letter of a South African DV applicant, and it that letter either an AOS or proof of funds is listed on the required documentation. Seems like different consulates have different requirements. What is important to note is that Sydney seemingly does not require anything along those lines.
At the interview the consulate did not even ask for proof of funds or an AOS. Since I had bank statements with me I asked the officer whether they want to see proof of funds and she said NO. Her reason was : "This is a visa that allows you to work in the US and as such they assume you will be working and will be able to support yourself. As a result they do not require an AOS or proof of funds".
I found her answer quite strange but that is what she said. As I stated before, my interview letter did not list an AOS or proof of funds as a requirement either.
I thought I would mention this as a few forumites were concerned about this requirement and it turns out to have been a complete non-issue in the end.
Attended the interview yesterday and my application was approved!!
I will post the exact sequence of events at the consulate later today

Congratulations Superkruz! I bet it's the best feeling in the world to finally know that it's all confirmed.
First off - Big Congratulations to Superkruz!! I will look forward to reading your post re: your interview.

I just wanted to respond re; medicals. I am in Sydney. I called the surgery and the have said the same things - cost and time it takes. You can save yourself some $ by going to your local GP and having an immunity blood test. they are checking for Chicken Pox & MMI. If you bring that to your medical you could save yourself some time and cash.

i am unaware of prior surgery - I have not been told anything about that.

I hope that helps.
Congrats Superkruz!

Beech - I received a response to my email indicating that they have not began scheduling interviews and that I will be notified of my interview date in due time.
This is how the interview went:
1. Arrive at the US consulate (it is on Martin Place, in the MLC building) at 9h45 as my interview was scheduled for 10h00.
2. Take elevator to level 10 where one has to go through the security screening.
3. You have to present your appointment letter & passport upon arrival.
4. After that you go through a metal detector like they have at the airport. I had a lighter with me, which I had to hand in. Any electronic stuff like mobiles, bags, etc also has to be handed in at the security screening.
5. Then you are escorted to level 59 where the processing happens.
6. Take a number and wait.
7. Waited about 20 minutes till they called my number. Went to the counter where they take all your documents and check whether all the required docs are there. Fortunately I had all the ones on the 2NL so that was easy. Other people who were there became engaged in long-winded debates about why they could not have the required documents... blah blah blah. I handed mine over, the officer checked it and she told me to take a seat and wait some more. (BTW, they did not require proof of funds or an AOS).
8. After about another 15 minutes I was called again and told that I now have to go pay the fee of US$840 (turned out to be about A$980). They gave me a card that I took to the cashier (they dont accept EFTPOS but do accept Credit Card payments). I paid and went back to the first counter to hand over the receipt. They then handed my original documents (birth certificate etc.) back to me and told me to take a seat and wait untill i am called for "the interview". Up to this point was where they basically ensured that all the documents were okay.
9. After another wait of about 20 minutes they called me to the counter again (for the interview). The officer asked a bunch of basic questions like "are you married", "how many kids do you have", "how old are you", "where were you born" etc. All the questions were pretty simple and I had the feeling they were just checking to see how your answers compared to what has been written on your application forms. This lasted approx. 2 - 3 minutes.
10. The officer then simply looked at me and said : "your application has been approved today" and handed me the approval letter. That was it.
11. The whole process took about 2 hours of which most of the time was spent waiting.

I seriously recommend ensuring that you have all the documents at hand, exactly as they ask for in the 2NL. It makes the whole process stress-free and really simple. As I said before, some people were clearly not well prepared and were still argueing/discussing/pleading their case by the time I left the consulate despite the fact that they were called to the counter 30 minutes before me.
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Superkruz -- Congrats my friend. I hope all of our interviews are just as easy! Again, CONGRATS to you! Now you can feel a lot of relief, heheh!!
So just to confirm, they did not require any proof of funds? As I believe this to be a judgment call by the interviewing official, what are your circumstances? Single? Bachelors degree or simply high school diploma?
So just to confirm, they did not require any proof of funds? As I believe this to be a judgment call by the interviewing official, what are your circumstances? Single? Bachelors degree or simply high school diploma?
Coen, I also thought that it is a judgement call by the officer. The fact is that it was not even a requirement on the interview letter. I specifically read the letter a few times and could not find anything to suggest that it was in any way required for the interview. I took bank statements with me anyway, just in case they asked but they did not ask at all, as the interview letter suggested.
I am divorced and applied for myself and my son. I have a high school diploma and Bachelors degree. I dont know whether my degree was factored into their decision (I seriously doubt it) but all I can suggest is that you read your interview letter carefully to see whether AOS or proof of funds is mentioned as a requirement but from what I experienced yesterday it seemed like they dont even bother with it.
Attended the interview yesterday and my application was approved!!
I will post the exact sequence of events at the consulate later today

Superkruz, that is fantastic so excited for you!

I have been stalking the forum waiting to see how you went.

That's really strange about the proof of funds and AOS.
Maybe i should have done my interview in AUS!, as i am pretty sure London will want something :(.

So where are you heading in the US?
Hi LibertyMan, you mean they have not started scheduling for the month of November? When did u send your forms back to kcc? From your case number I was considering an October interview for you, unless ofcourse u sent the forms very late.
Congrats Superkruz!

Do they take your passport off you at the interview at all? Just trying to organise some holidays around the same time as my interview.
Congrats Superkruz!
Do they take your passport off you at the interview at all? Just trying to organise some holidays around the same time as my interview.
They hang on to your passport upon completion of the interview. The letter I received stated that it will take them 1-3 days to do their admin and mail it back to you with the visa. I guess you would have it back within 1 week.
Hi labora

I sent my forms back quite late.

The email I received wasn't very detailed, perhaps there is a delay in processing applicants as previously suggested in this thread.
I'll let you all know when I receive my NL2.
Hey guys,

I've got a new concern. I'm currently living in London and was just in Amsterdam last weekend. My medical is coming up and if they do the bloodwork they will most likely find some traces of marijuana and these mushroom things that I tried.

I'm not a drug abuser and have not tried it other than in Amsterdam (when in Rome right?) but will this cause any issue during my medical?
That's really strange about the proof of funds and AOS.
Maybe i should have done my interview in AUS!, as i am pretty sure London will want something
Does your interview letter list this as one of the documents that you have to present at your interview?
They hang on to your passport upon completion of the interview. The letter I received stated that it will take them 1-3 days to do their admin and mail it back to you with the visa. I guess you would have it back within 1 week.
Received passport (with visa) this morning - 3 days since the interview.