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2011 DV Lottery Winners from Australia Report Here!

I have an email (which is a legal document) from a senior person at the Education Department in my state and a letter from the education minister saying that my education is beyond year 12 standard, and if I wanted to apply for University I would receive a XY ranking for admission.

I am still unsure of which box to tick?

Hi Beech1814,
If you have completed a Year 12 education and received a Diploma for such you would most definitely check the "High School Diploma" box.
"High School - No degree" insinuates you have attended high school but not completed and graduated the full 12 years (in which case, if you checked this box, you would then have take the route of proving your work history and the application would not be reliant on your academic background).
Even if you have a legal document stating your education is beyond year 12 standard I would no go about checking any boxes higher than "High School Diploma". The requirement is that you state your highest level of education achieved, which by the sounds of what you are saying is "High School Diploma".

Don't forget, Australia's education standards are ranked very highly by the US. In order to be eligible for the Visa based on academic background only you must have "completed the US equivalent of 12 years of education." If you have legal supporting documents from the Australian education department that the education you have achieved is the "equivalent of 12 years of education" or higher then you should not have any problems. Just make sure you have all the required documentation with you and that it is backed by the education department and/or curriculum council. You should not need to go about getting a US equivalence evaluation.

I hope this helps :)
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Woah, nice case number.

I posted my forms off today.

I ended up using ePassportPhoto.com for my US passport photos which I had printed at Camera House for 29c.

I mailed it by International Registered Post with Delivery Confirmation, Aus Post said it would take 4 - 6 work days. It's a public holiday on Monday over there so it should by delivered by Monday week at the latest. All up it cost about $15.

Is an Affidavit of Support ever requested from DV applicants? I thought if it was they would have some leeway for first world countries and only require it from say third world countries?
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Hi Beech1814,
If you have completed a Year 12 education and received a Diploma for such you would most definitely check the "High School Diploma" box.
"High School - No degree" insinuates you have attended high school but not completed and graduated the full 12 years (in which case, if you checked this box, you would then have take the route of proving your work history and the application would not be reliant on your academic background).
Even if you have a legal document stating your education is beyond year 12 standard I would no go about checking any boxes higher than "High School Diploma". The requirement is that you state your highest level of education achieved, which by the sounds of what you are saying is "High School Diploma".

Don't forget, Australia's education standards are ranked very highly by the US. In order to be eligible for the Visa based on academic background only you must have "completed the US equivalent of 12 years of education." If you have legal supporting documents from the Australian education department that the education you have achieved is the "equivalent of 12 years of education" or higher then you should not have any problems. Just make sure you have all the required documentation with you and that it is backed by the education department and/or curriculum council. You should not need to go about getting a US equivalence evaluation.

I hope this helps :)

leahsmg..... thank you so much.... I feel a little more at ease already.... I am running this past an attorney in the US also.... I really just want to make sure I have covered all basis. I have wanted this for so many years (more than just the 4 that I have applied to the DV) and it would be devastating to get so far - then be let down. Do you know of anyone else in my position?
I got new pics taken today at Australia post - they normally take pics - at 4.5x 5 apparently --- but somehow she said she adjusted it for me to the required size of 5cmx5cm.. :) BTW - does anyone know the cut off date that we have to have our first documents back by?
I got new pics taken today at Australia post - they normally take pics - at 4.5x 5 apparently --- but somehow she said she adjusted it for me to the required size of 5cmx5cm.. :) BTW - does anyone know the cut off date that we have to have our first documents back by?

Hi Beech1814! Glad to hear you got your photographs organised today!
In answer to your question, there is no formal cut off date to get your first documents returned, however I would aim for as soon as possible. Even if it takes you a few weeks that is still not a problem. Some winners may not even receive their first NL until July so you have plenty of time.
Hi Beech1814! Glad to hear you got your photographs organised today!
In answer to your question, there is no formal cut off date to get your first documents returned, however I would aim for as soon as possible. Even if it takes you a few weeks that is still not a problem. Some winners may not even receive their first NL until July so you have plenty of time.

Thanks Leahsmg.... anything yet?
Got my 2011 NL - 2011OC00002XX too bad I already have a visa from 2010 its a nice low CN.. ohwell.. funny how KCC now doesnt send you any documents, just a 1 page letter advising that you've been selected and your barcode.. and it says you have to go online and follow the instructions.. i guess it cost them too much to send out all the documents.. makes sense though, I guess they should lower the visa fees because of it?

On a side note to all Aussies who have been selected for 2011- when it comes time for your interview - I chose to pay in cash and on the day, the exchange rate was .92US. however, the amount we had to pay was equivalent to .83US. so its probably better to pay with credit card and get a better rate .. that is if your bank doesnt charge you fees to pay in a different currency.

Also if you have any questions about the interview im happy to answer... heads up, you may want to double check when you're in the interview that they have taken your fingerprints correctly. I got a call 1 week after the interview saying I had to come back to Sydney to have them done again.. big hassle and not cheap :)
Hi guys! I am new in this forum but have been an ardent follower of some of your threads especially on satellites and I have learn alot fropm them. Yes we recieved a mail from KCC with case num. 2011xxxxxxxx, i dont know if this is low or not, but I have started processing. However I need assistanc in filing this form as there are lots of questions though simple needs to be filled correctly so i've heard people say. so I guess this forum would assit me. Without wasting so much of your time, #10 and 11 asked of permanent addresses in the Us where we intend to stay which we don ot have, do I write N/A or fill a friends address who lives there? what are the impplicatiions of N/A in this column. secondly those to follow you to the US in (Number 31a) do I write the number or the names? pls help NEED TO SND THESE FORMS IN A HURRY THANKS.
Hi guys! I am new in this forum but have been an ardent follower of some of your threads especially on satellites and I have learn alot fropm them. Yes we recieved a mail from KCC with case num. 2011xxxxxxxx, i dont know if this is low or not, but I have started processing. However I need assistanc in filing this form as there are lots of questions though simple needs to be filled correctly so i've heard people say. so I guess this forum would assit me. Without wasting so much of your time, #10 and 11 asked of permanent addresses in the Us where we intend to stay which we don ot have, do I write N/A or fill a friends address who lives there? what are the impplicatiions of N/A in this column. secondly those to follow you to the US in (Number 31a) do I write the number or the names? pls help NEED TO SND THESE FORMS IN A HURRY THANKS.

Hi Satbiz, you can write N/A for Q10 and 11 and provide an address/ phone number when you go to your interview, or you can give a friends address as long as you trust them to receive your mail! I did not give a phone number at all even at my interview, but you do have to have an address by your interview date. There is no consequence to writing N/A at this stage. I organised a post office box in the US as I am still currently in Australia and dont have a US address.

for 31a write the names of people to follow you to US.

Congratulations and good luck :)
ancatdubh, I'm curious as to what further info you had to provide (your sig).

Was it because of your marriage or something like income/assets?
ancatdubh, I'm curious as to what further info you had to provide (your sig).

Was it because of your marriage or something like income/assets?

Our police certificates weren't ready by the time of the interview so we had to send them in once ready.
They also asked for proof of our relationship as we are married less than 2 years. We provided things like car insurance in both our names, rental agreements, tax returns showing same employer and address etc.. etc...

We didnt have to show any proof of funds.
How long did it take for your police certificate? I'm thinking about doing my police certificate and medical/vaccinations at the start of September, being a 66* I'm guessing my interview will be in December which is 3 months.
Victoria police have a backlog of police cert applications, so they say it takes up to 10 working days but in reality its more like 20 (we submitted applications over easter long weekend.)... and they lost our applications and cheques so we had to reapply!
They did process them in 1 day though when I reapplied..
but i would submit the application at least 1 month before interview.
And it took about 1 hour to do the fingerprints at the local police station.
Hi ancatdubh --- thanks so much for being willing to help us out with the interview process. Can you kind of walk us thru the procedure from when they called you to the counter for all your papers?! Also, I am in the 200's of the selection process for OC... do you think my interview will be possibly around Oct?
Hey Beech, yeah you will definitely have an early interview :)
Well, when you arrive at MLC building in Sydney, go to level 10 where the consulate reception is. There is a security check there, have to put everything through xray and walk through metal detector. You cant take phone in, but can leave it on level 10 in your bag. must be switched off. can only take documents, wallet and a clear plastic bag/document wallet up to consulate level (level 59 great view of sydney!)
so go up, another security check before you go in- just show your appointment letter to the guards then walk into the room. there are 11 or 12 windows broken into 3 sections. take a number.. then you get called to window 1-5 to give your documents. then they send you to the cashier at window 9 with a card that they tick when you've paid. if you dont have the right cash.. they will let you out to go to an ATM then come back in. once you pay go back to initial window. the staff at the first windows are very friendly.
They will check all your docs are in order, ask when you intend to go to the US and which city/state, then we had our fingerprints taken, and then were sent to the 2nd section of the room to wait for the interviewing officer.

Called to interviewing officers window, i guess the questions they ask depend on your circumstances. My husband has a few uni degrees and extensive work experience and wasnt asked anything at all about that, but someone at the next window was asked all about their qualifications. We were then asked about our relationship, we just answered everything honestly but because we didnt have any documents to support our relationship the officer gave us a sheet asking us to provide further info. I found it a bit strange, you have to talk into a microphone so the officer behind the glass window can hear.. but everyone else waiting to be interviewed can also hear what you're saying. The interviewing officers seemed nice too but were serious about the questions they were asking.

SO that was about it, we were scheduled for 11am but got there about 10.35, were allowed to go up straight away, and were out by about 11.15.

Then 1 week later they called me to say my fingerprints weren't done properly and id have to come back. They said my husbands were fine. So I arranged a time and date, went straight up through security, had my prints taken again (took all of 30 seconds) then they said ok everything is fine, come back at 3pm to collect your visas!

Hey Beech, yeah you will definitely have an early interview :)
Well, when you arrive at MLC building in Sydney, go to level 10 where the consulate reception is. There is a security check there, have to put everything through xray and walk through metal detector. You cant take phone in, but can leave it on level 10 in your bag. must be switched off. can only take documents, wallet and a clear plastic bag/document wallet up to consulate level (level 59 great view of sydney!)
so go up, another security check before you go in- just show your appointment letter to the guards then walk into the room. there are 11 or 12 windows broken into 3 sections. take a number.. then you get called to window 1-5 to give your documents. then they send you to the cashier at window 9 with a card that they tick when you've paid. if you dont have the right cash.. they will let you out to go to an ATM then come back in. once you pay go back to initial window. the staff at the first windows are very friendly.
They will check all your docs are in order, ask when you intend to go to the US and which city/state, then we had our fingerprints taken, and then were sent to the 2nd section of the room to wait for the interviewing officer.

Called to interviewing officers window, i guess the questions they ask depend on your circumstances. My husband has a few uni degrees and extensive work experience and wasnt asked anything at all about that, but someone at the next window was asked all about their qualifications. We were then asked about our relationship, we just answered everything honestly but because we didnt have any documents to support our relationship the officer gave us a sheet asking us to provide further info. I found it a bit strange, you have to talk into a microphone so the officer behind the glass window can hear.. but everyone else waiting to be interviewed can also hear what you're saying. The interviewing officers seemed nice too but were serious about the questions they were asking.

SO that was about it, we were scheduled for 11am but got there about 10.35, were allowed to go up straight away, and were out by about 11.15.

Then 1 week later they called me to say my fingerprints weren't done properly and id have to come back. They said my husbands were fine. So I arranged a time and date, went straight up through security, had my prints taken again (took all of 30 seconds) then they said ok everything is fine, come back at 3pm to collect your visas!


ancatdubh - thank you SO very much. I am somewhat familiar with the first process as I have had to fly to sydney before because I have a business visa... and yes - LOTS of security (but - It's understandable). I am ticking the "high school diploma" box on my initial dsp-122 form. I don't have a year 12 certificate but I have an email from a senior staff officer at the education department assuring me that my qualifications are considered 'beyond' year 12 and I was allocated a ranking if I wanted to apply for Uni. I also have a document from another government education body giving me rankings for university admission. Obviously I will take these along to Sydney to prove my educational equivalence. I don't foresee any problems here as they are official government documents for the education Department.

With your police certificate - do i just go to a Police station and request one or? I had my finger prints taken when I first got the B Visa --- I wonder if I will need them taken again?

Overall - my experience was that the staff seem pretty friendly and easy going... obviously you found this too :)

Congrats on your WIN - AND you made it ALL the way thu!