2010 September N-400 tracker

Both my wife and I passed interview on 12/07/2010.

We were scheduled for interview at 3PM. We arrived USCIS office by around 2:30PM. After initial formality, I was called for interview. After swearing me to tell the truth, IO asked me to take a seat and went through all my responses on N-400 application. She asked about any arrest or citation. I had checked that box (Part 10, D16) as yes (had minor traffic citation). I mentioned about speeding citation and gave her certified copy of fine payment. She took it. After that she asked me six questions. I answered all of them correctly. She asked me to read and write a sentence. At the end she told me that I passed my interview and gave a paper that had officer’s name and check mark that I passed my test and was recommended for approval.
She said that I will receive Oath letter in mail in next few weeks as USCIS Louisville, KY office was backed up. She said Oath ceremony will take place sometime in Jan/Feb 2011. My wife had similar experience with another IO. Interview process was over for both of us in 10min. We were out by 3:15PM.

USCIS officers were very courteous and respectful. I am impressed with their professionalism.

The entire process from application to interview has been quite smooth and straight forward. I am very grateful to the wonderful and knowledgeable members of this forum who have helped solve many mysteries and made this process a breeze.

Below are updated timelines

District Office: Louisville, KY
09/21/2010 : N-400 Sent
09/23/2010: N-400 Rec by USCIS
09/28/2010 : Checks Cashed
09/30/2010 : NOA Rec.
10/4/2010 : Rec. FP letter;
10/21/2010 : FP Scheduled
10/21/2010 : FP done
11/01/2010 : Case sent to local off.
11/03/2010 : Rcvd. Interview Letter
12/07/2010 : Interview Day (passed)
Oath letter will come in mail.
Just received interview letter.

DO Hartfiord, CT
GC 06/01/2005
08/31/2010 : N-400 Sent
09/07/2010: N-400 Received by USCIS
09/07/2010 : Priority Date
09/10/2010 : Checks Cashed
09/13/2010 : NOA Recd. Priority date and receipt number recd.
09/17/2010 : Rec. FP letter
09/30//2010 : FP Scheduled and done.
12/07/2010 : Transfered to Local office
12/10/2010: Interview Letter Received
01/13/2011: Interview Scheduled
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Actually, I did send the court disposition with my application, but he said he was missing pages. I just received a mail from him asking for my criminal appeal, a statement from my wife, our current lease, and a letter from probation. Here is there story, i posted it previously when I filed my i751. My wife had a our second child on March 10, 2009 and was suffering from postpartum depression. A month later April 16th, we were arguying and I left the house, she got mad and called the cops saying that I punched and chocked her. Next thing you know, i got arrested, went to trial, the prosecutor offered a plea deal, if i plead no contest, she would reduce the charges to disorderly conduct. I was more interested in getting the truth so i refused. Instead i got convicted of misdeamenor class C domestic violence. Eventho there were conviction, i was able renew my green card i751. After talking to several attorneys, i hired one to file my N400. I was able to get my wife hospital records showing that she was diagnosed with PP depression and really had an honest talk with the immigration officer. My case is currently under appeal with Ohio supreme court, who just accepted it as it's really a good case per my attorney. The IO just wanted more info. He did tell me that they don't approve people who are on probation, which i was sentenced to (8 months), but technicallly my sentence was frozen and I have a statement from probation saying that. During the interview, IO seemed to be sympathizing with my case, but who knows. Based on my own experience, citizenship or not, if you ever get into trouble hire an attorney to defend you rights, because the justice isn't always fair to all. Hope no one finds out the hard way like I did.

Hi bengals

what is the criminal issue . you are being member of this forum and you know to take the courst dispostion/ certified records . good luck
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Hi Bengals
Sorry to hear the domestic abuse issue of yours. Who is pressing the charges?. If your wife filed the complaint then she can withdraw complaint any time right?.
Sorry if i am ignorant on this.
Thank you everyone for your support. However, we've moved on passed it. I hold no grudge at all. She was seriously suffering from depression after the baby.
Actually, my wife tried to drop the case but it's easier said than done, especially when small children are involved. I just hope to win my appeal.
Good luck on your interviews, hope every one gets approve.

Sorry to hear that bengals . Now i got it . dont worry we all will get it .

I have interview 7:50 am tommrrow .
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1) you passed the tests of English and U.S history and goverment
2) USCIS will send you a written Decision about your application
3) A Decision cannot yet be made about your application.

4) Notify UScis if u change your Address
5)come to any scheduled Interview .
6) submit all requested Document
7) send any Question about this application to the officer name above .include your full name , alien Registration Number (A#) and copy of this paper.
8) Go to Any Oath Ceremony that you are Scheduled to attend .
9) Notify USCIS as soon As possible in writing if you cannot come to any Scheduledf interview or Oath Ceremony . Include a Copy of this paper and a copy of the Scheduling Notice......

( n now this is me :( ...)
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Passed the Interview and Same Day Oath today

All ,

12 year old immigration Journey coming to end today with approval of our N-400 for myself and wife . it was very pleasent experiance and IO was very professional .

will post my experiance today .

Good luck to all
Congrats! I Wish I was as lucky as you guys.. almost 70 days after FP done, and still no transfer to local office :( NYC sucks
Thank you for sharing your experience afaafa. Congrats again.

Two quick questions:
1. Did you declare your traffic tickets on the n-400 application?
2. Did the IO ask about them, or did you bring it up during the interview?


Hi bentobox, you're welcome and thank you!

Yes, I had those two traffic tickets declared on my N-400. Because of that, I got the yellow letter which goes like "You have indicated that you were arrested, so bring certified court dispositions, blah, blah ...". I was like "Where the heck did I indicate that I was arrested?" That question states "Have you ever been arrested, cited, detained ...". I answered "Yes" to that question because they were citations (no arrests/DUI). They need to split that question into at least two separate questions (one for arrests and one for the rest) to avoid any confusion. And I got this yellow letter 4 days AFTER I got my interview letter and I did not have a lot of time to get the documentation for those tickets. I did go through a lot of pains to get the documentation just in time for my interview.

Anyway, here is the funny thing (or is it?)! I took a lot of documentation to my interview (IRS tax transcripts, utility bills for proof of address, copies of approval notices for H1, I-140, I-485, birth certificates of kids and a lot more) including the yellow letter and court certified copies of those traffic tickets. But during the interview, I completely forgot about the yellow letter; I don't know how. Strange but true! I have even asked the IO to update the date of one of the traffic tickets (I have used the approximate date when filling in the form). Even then it didn't occur to me:( The IO just updated the date on the form but did not ask for the documentation. I did not realize forgetting about the yellow letter until much later, when I was back in the waiting room after the interview and checking my documents.
At that point, I did not worry about it because I already got the oath letter at the end of my interview (I would not have received oath letter if there were any issues, moreover, these are simple traffic tickets and the IO did not ask for documentation).

Just FYI, make sure your naturalization certificate shows your full legal name (as shown in your current passport). My GC just had my middle initial and I asked the IO to use my full middle name by updating the N-400 form (current legal name section). This is very important, especially if you are from India. I have seen a few posts about people having difficulties during OCI processing when the name on US passport does not exactly match the name on Indian passport.
Same day interview and oath

I am happy to share with y'all the news that I am now a US citizen. I had my interview yesterday and also did the oath the same afternoon. I also happened to meet Senthil and the charming Mrs Senthil at the USCIS office, who were there for their own interview.

I had to wait for about an hour to get called in for the interview. My interview was very brief. The officer was very professional and courteous. We chatted a bit about the weather. The only document that I was asked to show was the GC. The officer then asked me few questions from my application - DOB, address, profession etc. Then I was given the test. The questions that I was asked were: "Who is the second in succession of President", "What was the threat during cold war", "What is one right from first amendment" "Name one amendment to constitution regarding voting" "Why does the flag have 50 stars". After the oral and written test, I was approved. The officer then asked me if I could make it to the oath ceremony later that afternoon. I said yes, and then thanked him and left the office.

The actual oath ceremony lasted about 20-25 mins, and was done by 3 pm. Senthil was also kind enough to take my pictures after the ceremony. :) The entire process took a little less than 3 months.

Thank you to all for the help. For those that are waiting for their citizenship, I wish them good luck and hope they get it soon.
Hi afaafa, thanks for providing the detailed information. Thank you too for adding the note on the legal name; I am sure it will help some people in that situation.

Hi bentobox, you're welcome and thank you!

Yes, I had ...

...Just FYI, make sure your naturalization certificate shows your full legal name (as shown in your current passport). My GC just had my middle initial and I asked the IO to use my full middle name by updating the N-400 form (current legal name section). This is very important, especially if you are from India. I have seen a few posts about people having difficulties during OCI processing when the name on US passport does not exactly match the name on Indian passport.
Here is my interview experience. My interview time was 10.45 am, self reached office around 10.15 AM. I was in at the waiting area by 10.30 AM after handing over interview letter to security person. Around 11 AM an DHS officer called me by name and took me inside his room. He asked to swear to say the truth and then sit down. He was verifying my application and asked me for passport,gc.I lost my latest passport and handed him my old passport.He gone thro N400 app questions with me and confirmed my answers.Then he asked me civic questions
Name one branch or part of the government?
What did the Declaration of Independence do?
We elect a U.S. Senator for how many years?
If both the President and the Vice President can no longer serve, who becomes President?
What does the President’s Cabinet do?
How many justices are on the Supreme Court?

read/write when is columbus day?

At the end he said i passed the test and handed over test pass and oath letter.Oath will be on Jan 21 2011 at local federal court.
I think may be because of holiday season.

exactly the same civic questions and read/write sentence. i think the form they use is pre printed. passed my interview today and oath taking will be on Jan 10, 2011.
congrats on gettíng to ur final step I have the exact Same Timeline. Except for the fact that I'm at the santa ana office I also. Passed on the 9th but I didn't ask when or where my oath ceremony will be please let me know when u get the oath letter...hopefully I'm on the same day as u...didd you ask your IO about the oath or did she just tell u??