14 to 19 January 2002 AOs(485) approvals

Arthur Anderson made a lot of money - however they have a bad history

three big blunders i heard
2 approvals here.

my mom\'s and mine.
SD: 05/20/01
ND: 08/09/01
FD: 11/08/01(as scheduled; i did fp without notice)
AD: 01/15/02
two FP?

Hi inssuperwaiter, why you have two FPs? Does your first FP not clear enough. I want to know in which case we have to do it again. Thanks.
No Title

one question..
can we apply for mom as dependent in EB category? i thought we can apply apply for spouse.
(is ur case family or EB category?)
zypwxl - 09:17pm Jan 16, 2002 EST - 16 down 14 to go

Oh... RFE case approved!!!

    zypwxl - 09:17pm Jan 16, 2002 EST

    My Detail:
    EB3 China
    Case No : WAC-01-153-XXXXX
    Location: San Jose
    PD: 09/1998
    RD: 04/2001
    FD: 10/2001
    Medical RFE for spouse on 11/30/2001
    RFE response on 12/17/2001
    RFE AVM Update: 12/28/2001
    Approve date : 01/15/2002 as AVM for both cases.

    Thanks CIBA and this wonderful website, and good luck to everyone!
No Title

one more ..
I-485 Approved

  Raju Datla - 12:56am Jan 17, 2002 EST

  Details :

  RD : 3/8/01
  ND : 3/30/01

  FP : 10/13/01 at SFO ASC.
  No RFE.

  Approval : 1/15/02 (AVM message changed tonight to case approved. Yet to receive approval

  My handle on Ciba\'s list is dvrraju. Many thanks to Ciba for maintaining I-485 database.

Vishnu, I really, really get the feeling that you...

don\'t want to change your name to Mohammed Christ. Fair enough. But, just as you mentioned very emphatically several days ago, we should not be counting folks who just come in from the woods and claim approval. Shouldn\'t we just stick to folks who are being tracked in our lists? So, out go the approvals for friends\' friends and folks who are not even sure whether they are Family or EB applicants. Also, isn\'t the purpose of this thread to track and count cases that were approved THIS week and not cases that folks reported this week but were approved in the past? BTW, I don\'t think we will see 30 approvals this week either way. Time to get used to a new moniker!:)

As always, I desperately hope that my pessimism is misplaced.
Vishnu "REMINDER" As per your message pls count only April and MAY RD

Vishnu\'s quote
"Guys, if we don\'t see 30 odd approvals in this week for APRIL and MAY
,I may change my screen Name to Mohammed Christ and try again. "
We will recount on the final day before....

...anouncing the final talley.
Right now,I just want to feel beeter and make others feel better.
If not with my own approval or some of my friend\'s aproval then with friend\'s friend approval
I certainly know the validity of such votes and promise that president will not win election on such votes.

Thi si just like pre election poll -> Republican 52% Democrats 48% nobody knows the real scene till the day of election.

I am just and fair and the count will be honorable and trustworthy.

guys, why I get feeling that we will cross 30 fair approvals by a fair margin. ....let\'s wait and watch as this Immigrant\'s Shashank Redemption unfolds with new turns every week.

14 - 19 is 6 days only
a week is 7 days
so either we say 13 - 19
or we say 14 -20
I prefer 14-20 because it gives us one more day in the future
Vishnu i am trying my best to prove u correct and give u a little more breathing space and a little more time to hold on to ur
old name

Just Kidding - I definitely do not want u to change ur name
I thought INS does not work on Sundays

I know that they work on Saturdays, but technically, there can not be any approval on sunday.

    But you are right Ring Zing Rjngh2000, why waste an opportunity.
    Who knows what\'s really going on there.
    A lucky guy like Jony Lever may get an approval on sunday.
    Hence Sunday is counted too.
    Next thread will include Sunday, I promise. ;-)
I could have sworn this message was posted by Quick2001. Are you and Quick2001 one and the same?

Anybody else notice this?
makemani - 07:39pm Jan 17, 2002 EST ---> one more down

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahoooooooooooo, another RFE case approved

    makemani - 07:39pm Jan 17, 2002 EST

    rd: 03/28
    rfe: 12/04
    replied: 12/18
    avm updated: 01/04
    AD: 01/16
18 down and counting.........Man is this start of flood or what?

Considering that we have 110 + 80 + 60 = 250 people waiting for April, May, June Quarter,
Total aapprovals so far are 66 or 33% but there is a large jump in rates of approval poping. so all said and done
the monsson has begun and may be we will have good crop this season.
yuan_jack - 08:40pm Jan 17, 2002 EST --> 19th of this week.

REF Approved, heard from AVM

    yuan_jack - 08:40pm Jan 17, 2002 EST

    ND 3/27/01
    FP 9/4/02

    REF 11/6
    reply on 11/14

    updated 12/11
    AD 1/16/02

    thanks from everybody here for very useful informations
Are we going to see Mohammed Christ ????

Today it seems to be a dry day......

Vishnu.... any help do u need from us....may be few dummy approval from your sympathizers .....