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  1. D

    Changing citizenship after receiving GC

    I changed citizenship before I received my stamp but they would only stamp the Indian passport because that is what they had on file. I still haven't received the physical card so I still use the Indian when coming into the US.
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    Changing citizenship after receiving GC

    I applied for my GC and received it while an Indian citizen. Since then I have received my Canadian citizenship. Is it ok to travel with my GC and my Canadian passport or do I need to inform the INS of my change in nationality? Thanks :confused:
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    New York City Transfers

    Time to get physical greencard Does anybody know how long it takes to receive the physical card after receiving the approval (and getting the passport stamped) at the interview? Am still waiting for mine. thanks deguchi
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    New York City Transfers

    I completely agree. My son was born here and his life is so much easier because of it. Immigration views naturalized citizens differently from those born here. I know how many times I wished my parents had delivered me in the US. The only reason not to have your child in the us is for tax...
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    New York City Transfers

    You really have to push them to give you the approval at the interview. At my interview they really did not want to approve it but after begging and pleading they approved it and stamped my passport.
  6. D

    New York City Transfers

    Congratulations That is incredible. Although the details of our ordeals vary, the common theme is that all the suffering eventually comes to an end. Another one done and a few more to go. -deguchi
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    New York City Transfers

    The person who interviewed me was a caucasian male. I didn't take a lawyer with me either. It does sound like a really long time not to hear back from them. Have you tried writing and going in person to get an update? Hope you hear back soon. -deguchi
  8. D

    New York City Transfers

    Can't believe I am done Just got done with the interview and got my passport stamped. Really wanted to share this with all of you have helped me maintain my sanity through the process. I was collecting all my papers yesterday and realized that I started the process on May 15, 1999; five years...
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    New York City Transfers

    Firstly congratulations Shreya!! That is great. My interview is on monday. am going to try to take everything I can think of. Will definitely let you know how it goes (post will be a couple of days later as I am traveling directly after it). Hope for the best.
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    New York City Transfers

    Arigatou gazaimasu Thanks Hana. Happy to see you are still checking in on your old friends. -deguchi
  11. D

    New York City Transfers

    Wrong address The reason I got my letter two days before the finger printing appointment is that they sent it to my old address (from over a year ago). I have tried many times to make sure they have the new address but apparently it is impossible for them to make sure all their computers are...
  12. D

    New York City Transfers

    Moving forward Just got my interview notice for 5/17 in Garden City and my 2nd FP notice for tomorrow (received the letter yesterday). Have not received anything for my wife. My RD was 9/01 and TD 11/02. -deguchi
  13. D

    New York City Transfers

    Don't worry about your case being processed in Missouri. You will still be interviewed in NYC. You should read through some of the older correspondence as they address this issue. On a different note, there was an article in the NYT about processing times entitled "wait for U.S. Residency...
  14. D

    New York City Transfers

    NYC transfers Hi, My case was transferred to NYC. My RD is 09/01 and my transfer date is 11/02. I have heard nothing about when my interview might be scheduled and have gone to federal plaza, written letters, contacted senator, etc. to no avail. The one thing they did tell me at federal plaza...
  15. D

    New York City Transfers

    My case was transferred on Nov 02 and I haven' heard back yet. I have written numerous letters and gone in and submitted status inquiry forms but have never received a response. I tried the senator route as well to no avail. It seems like until the update the online processing time to be after...
  16. D

    New York City Transfers

    update Hana, I was looking at an old post and I thought your greencard interview was scheduled for March. Was that interview for something else? I still haven't had my interview scheduled and since our time lines are very similar I was hoping that mine would follow soon. Thanks, deguchi...
  17. D

    Question about Status Inquiry...

    Re: No difference Waitingforaos, What is your RD and TD? Thanks deguchi
  18. D

    Question about Status Inquiry...

    replies Although I am now losing track, i think my lawyer has hand delivered around nine status inquiries (we now submit one every four weeks), and I have gone there in person three times and submitted the status inquiry sheets. Needless to say I have never heard anything back. My guess is that...
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    New York City Transfers

    My online message is the same as Tata's and has not changed since it was transferred in Nov 02. Given that it has already been 15 months and I haven't heard back they may be running a little behind :)
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    New York City Transfers

    Re: Too Bad... I actually think that you will hear back within a couple of months as recent transfers to NYC are being processed in Missouri and they seem to be processing interview dates in a couple of months (don't worry your interview will be in NYC) with the interview date in a couple...