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  1. C

    I140 self petition for EB1-EA, should I mention salary?

    Leave this category out This is meant for sportsmen and entertainers who rake in the millions. I make a pretty high salary compared to my peer group ( far less than a million though ), yet my lawyer asked me to leave this category out in my EB-1 EA petition. Focus on the truly extraordinary areas.
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    Monsoon Greens

    Attempts at providing answers Ramrak: Sorry, I guess I am too late in replying ( just arrived home here in NYC ). But I will answer your questions for the benefit of others. 1. They did ask me for the medical reports - I simply forgot to mention it in my write-up. 2. Not sure about the...
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    Monsoon Greens

    Monsoon Greens - part II Looks like the first posting was curtailed. Here\'s the rest. CP appointment: My appointment was at 9:30 am. We were there at 8:15, the queue manager asked us to come back at 9:00. Due to heavy rains, we waited under a nearby bus stop. To get in, you have to show the...
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    Monsoon Greens

    I completed the CP interview process yesterday ( June 21st ) and thought that I\'d jot down a few issues based on my experience. PCC: This was a massive headache because of the conflicting pieces of information from all over. We took along a) the PCC from the Indian consulate in NY, b)...
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    EB1 EA documents for CP ?

    I am scheduled for my CP interview in Mumbai later this month. I was wondering if I need to take along all the documents in my EB1 EA petition, such as letters of recommendation, publications etc. -Ashwin
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    Parents\' names in birth certificate

    My birth certificate has only the first names of my parents. Have there been cases where they\'ve demanded that parents\' full names be there on the birth certificate ? If so, whan can one do to remedy the situation quickly ? I only have two weeks remaining before my interview. Thanks. -Ashwin
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    Is US consulate to be closed down too ?

    Britain and Aussie consulates closed. I spoke with the US consulate in Mumbai last night and was told that it is still operational. This morning, I read in the New York times that a stronger evacuation order will be sent...
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    yahoogroup for mumbai-june interviews\' confusion resolution

    If you are scheduled for mumbai june cp, you can join our yahoogroup by sending an e-mail to:
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    Local PCC very omportant Please Read

    yahoogroup for mumbai-june interviews\' confusion resolution If you are scheduled for mumabi june cp, please send an e-mail to: