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  1. M

    New Results of DV 2012 be discussed here with poll

    I don't know man this is a tough one. Getting accepted by the prestigious University doesn't grant you permanent residency in Canada does it? In other words, once you have completed your studies, you're back to square one. A lot of people will not win today and you have won and now you're...
  2. M

    New Results of DV 2012 be discussed here with poll

    Checked the status on my in-laws (4 applications) and my brother's application and they were all NOT selected. I don't feel that bad for my brother because he's in Canada but my in-laws won't like this at all. But then again, they were NOT selected in the May one so they won't feel as bad this...
  3. M

    Result of the court hearing 12th July 2010

    Seriously? How the he** would that have prevented the discrepancy the first time around?
  4. M

    DV 2012 Applicants and Lucky Winners

    I totally agree with you JohnKent. This lawsuit will probably do more harm than good in the long run (if there is a long run).
  5. M

    DV 2012 Applicants and Lucky Winners

    Come where? The US? I'm a US citizen who has been here for the last 14 years (won DV 97). Coming here was one of the best things that has ever happened to me thank God. Sure things have changed since back in the late 90s but life is far better here than it is (or ever was) back home. So why...
  6. M

    Dv lottery cancelled, who cares?

    Why? Is there an illegal immigration coming from the US that I haven't heard of? Your post doesn't even make sense. You're starting to sound like the rejected boyfriend/girlfriend :)
  7. M

    DV 2012 Applicants and Lucky Winners

    hahaha. wow. someone is bitter.