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  1. R

    Citizenship Interview: Decision Can not be made. IO asked why did I leave sponsoring citizen wife.

    Got the Oath Ceremony and finally became naturalized citizen. Yes, finally I got invitation for oath ceremony and attend the ceremony and became a naturalized citizen. On the ceremonial day, while every 1 was celebrating the happy occasion, I was still could not of brush off my fear. Anyway...
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    Citizenship Interview: Decision Can not be made. IO asked why did I leave sponsoring citizen wife.

    @Last Battle,.... Too tired fighting this life since I was a kid. Walkin through the dark tunnel, just saw a beam of light, don't know wheather its end of the tunnel or a train is coming from opposite direction ! @sanjose, ... good points. will b helpful indeed.
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    Citizenship Interview: Decision Can not be made. IO asked why did I leave sponsoring citizen wife.

    To All of you guys, Thnx so much 4 sharing your insight & wisdom . Agree, worried 2 much. Not panicking, but fearful first time n my life. Numerous occasions, it seemed the world was collapsing in front of me since I was 8th grader . I never been in panic. 2 give you perspective, I walked...
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    Citizenship Interview: Decision Can not be made. IO asked why did I leave sponsoring citizen wife.

    How can I find experienced attorney with success story, reviews from real customer or peer reviewd listing. Google, yahoo, and did not show good options for my state or city (phx/az) ? Can you suggest any paid site where I can pay to read review ? Can a out of state...
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    Citizenship Interview: Decision Can not be made. IO asked why did I leave sponsoring citizen wife.

    @getting a good experienced immigration attorney ! I learned harder way in my divorce battle that you must rather do not have any attorney then getting a cheap shot. I finally agreed with the dialogue in the famous movie Shawashank Redemption: when an inmate was asked why he is in jail and he...
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    Citizenship Interview: Decision Can not be made. IO asked why did I leave sponsoring citizen wife.

    @Jackolantern Thanks Jackolantern and others for your time. I will look for any and every insight on this matter since its absolutely critical for my survival at this time of my life. Getting Birth Certificate: I dont know my son's social but I do know his name, date of birth, mother's...
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    Citizenship Interview: Decision Can not be made. IO asked why did I leave sponsoring citizen wife.

    @Baikal3 Thnks @Baikal3 for providing such a in depth insight. IO repeatedly mentioned, "You only lived few months together". He did not ask much questions. Yes, I do pay child support regularly since July 2010 when I got full time job. I have arrears child support for the period 2009 to 2010...
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    Citizenship Interview: Decision Can not be made. IO asked why did I leave sponsoring citizen wife.

    @ Jackolantern: For your information, I have few documents to show if they are asked: 1. Ex-wife was my NOK(next of Kein), i;e; beneficiary for my government pension. 2. Ex-wife's name is written in " Retirement Book" which describes my all training, service record, retirement benefits, though...
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    Citizenship Interview: Decision Can not be made. IO asked why did I leave sponsoring citizen wife.

    @ Jackolantern: 1. From 2002-2006: Wife lived in u.s. & I was in my home country. 2. Wife visited me in 2002, 2003, 2004 and I never visited u.s. (I wanted to visit, but ex-wife suggested that any visit might jeopardize the immigration application). 3. Her each visit was 3-4 wks ( not more...
  10. R

    Citizenship Interview: Decision Can not be made. IO asked why did I leave sponsoring citizen wife.

    @Baikal3 1. I got 10 yrs green card. I did not see any condition. 2. I did not know what is I-751, never filed.
  11. R

    Citizenship Interview /A decision cannot be made at this time.

    Decision Can Not Be Made: Question about being devorced Same situation here, if somebody can answer: Interview Questions: Can you please help me what might happen: 1. Are they going to approve my application or is there any chances of approval. 2. What can I do if denied. 3. Do I loose...
  12. R

    Citizenship Interview: Decision Can not be made. IO asked why did I leave sponsoring citizen wife.

    Really appreciate if somebody can shade some light on this issue. This journey was too painful 4 me. Left a job what I had for 15 yrs, left pension, came here, worked like a dog 3+ job , school, graduation and unemployed, student loan, attorny expense ( 2 attorney, had to fire first one who was...
  13. R

    Citizenship Interview: Decision Can not be made. IO asked why did I leave sponsoring citizen wife.

    I had citizenship interview, result: Decision can not be made. Sorry 4 posting here. Don't know how to blog or post in appropriate place. First timer,... Can you please help me what might happen: 1. Are they going to approve my application or is there any chances of approval. 2. What can I...
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    I had citizenship interview, result: Decision can not be made. Sorry 4 posting here. Don't know how to blog or post in appropriate place. First timer,... Can you please help me what might happen: 1. Are they going to approve my application or is there any chances of approval. 2. What can I do...
  15. R

    Citizenship Interview: Decision Can not be made. IO asked why did I leave sponsoring citizen wife.

    I had citizenship interview, result: Decision can not be made. Sorry 4 posting here. Don't know how to blog or post in appropriate place. First timer,... Can you please help me what might happen: 1. Are they going to approve my application or is there any chances of approval. 2. What can I do...